Billionaire presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg is in trouble, and it might be surprising with who. He’s running as a Democrat, yet he’s got many Democrats furious and on top of that, his $11 million anti-gun-rights Super Bowl advertisement is being seriously challenged for accuracy.
The Democratic National Committee is also taking heat for changing the rules to qualify for the Feb. 19 debate in Nevada, opening the door for Bloomberg to participate. It is beginning to appear the DNC is so worried about Democrat/Socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders taking the nomination they’re scrambling to make it possible for Bloomberg to become a serious mainstream alternative.

Former Vice President Joe Biden has been slipping in the polls as Sanders climbs. Even filmmaker Michael Moore has gotten his dander up, according to The Nation, intimating the DNC rules kept Sen. Cory Booker and Julian Castro off the debate stage “but they are going to allow Mike Bloomberg on the stage? Because he has a billion f—ing dollars!”
And now comes this Super Bowl advertisement, discussed in this space a few days ago, featuring the mother of a shooting victim killed in an altercation back in 2013. According to Newsweek, the advertisement’s assertion that “2,900 children die from gun violence every year” is taking heat from fact checkers for being “misleading or outright false.”
The Washington Examiner published an opinion piece alleging Bloomberg’s advertisement was “fake news.” The story said Bloomberg got the number from “an anti-gun group’s misleading study that counted 18- and 19-year-olds as ‘children.’” Eliminate those older teens from the survey and the number of homicides involving “children” shrinks by half. That was the assessment by Stephen Gutowski with the Washington Free Beacon in a series of tweets about the advertisement.
The number comes from a study done by Bloomberg’s Everytown for Gun Safety, which tallied up the number of deaths among “children and teens.” But the Bloomberg ad only refers to children, the reporter observed.
Newsweek noted that teens aged 18 or 19 would be considered adults in most places.
Bloomberg has already spent an estimated $200 million on his presidential campaign, and Everytown’s Action Fund will reportedly be spending at least $60 million to support pro-gun-control candidates in 2020. His entry into the presidential race has stirred many in the firearms community to become more interested in the campaign. If he were to become president, there is little doubt among gun owners that the Second Amendment would be in trouble.
According to CNN, “In order to qualify for the February 19 debate, a candidate either needs: 10% in four qualifying national, Nevada or South Carolina polls; or 12% in two qualifying polls from Nevada or South Carolina.”
People supporting Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s campaign also don’t care for Bloomberg, considering him a Wall Street billionaire. Many believe he got into the race because Warren, at the time, was gathering momentum and her attacks on Wall Street needed a response.
Now Warren has slipped in the polls, but politics is a crazy business and the six months remaining until the Democrat National Convention amount to an eternity. Poll numbers have a habit of changing overnight, and a lot of nights remain between now and the convention.
Exposing Bloomberg’s Super Bowl ad is just scratching the surface of the lengths he, and his anti-gun group Every Town for Gun Safety, are willing to stoop to. How much further will they go to strip our Second Amendment rights if he is elected? Share your analysis in the comment section.
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Exposing the lies afterwards is going up have zero effect on the people he intended to target. People knew what was in the ad before it aired. That’s when it should’ve been brought out and made public. Damage is done now.
I suppose that 18 or 19 year olds dying in military service might be considered a victims of “gun violence”, there is no lie too outrageous that Bloomberg won’t tell it when it comes to getting what he wants. Likewise there are many Dimocrats who praise Bloomberg for making billions while excoriating President Trump for the same thing. Hypocrisy thy name is Dimocrat. And the National Felons League (NFL) has rejected ads that are pro-gun and pro-veteran but accepted this prevaricated propaganda for a late blooming Presidential candidate who’s buying his way in.
Those statistics are not counting the military. They are adding in the 18-19 year old gang banger thugs.
I was suggesting that it would not be out of bounds for BloomingIdiot to blame war deaths on “gun violence”. For a research project look up the “stay at home” mom, Shannon Watts who “started” Moms Demand Action (a paid for by Nanny Bloomberg farce). She was Shannon Troughton who served as president and owner of VoxPop Public Relations, a boutique liberal PR firm. She also served as director of Public and Corporate Affairs for Monsanto Company in St. Louis and it didn’t seem to bother her about representing Monsanto. She travels with an armed retinue and those guns, protecting her, seem to be OK in her eyes.
No one should expect anything different from oligarch Bolshevik Bloomberg. Bloomberg is no different than any other liberal commie democrat running to be chief Commissar. Bloomberg is trying to buy the W/H. Bloomberg wants a Police State . He doesn’t trust the average citizen to own a firearm. What makes Bloomberg think that the average citizen would trust a Commissar. The liberal commie democrats are out to destroy this nation . They want to remake this Nation of an America patented after Communist China. In order to accomplish this feat, Bloomberg has to take the guns. that’s what communists do. Bloomberg owns Every town for Gun Safety, which is a ruse. Gun Control= Gun Confiscation. There isn’t a liberal commie Democrat, whether on the local, state or national level that doesn’t want to confiscate all guns. Vote no on any Democrat, your liberties and freedoms depend on it.