Democratic presidential candidate and former Vice President Joe Biden has announced he would tap avowed gun grabber Robert “Beto” O’Rourke—who wants to forcibly seize legally owned firearms—as his Gun Control Czar. The disastrous result would be a roll back of our Second Amendment rights and a potential uprising from those targeted by the unconstitutional act.

Joe Biden made the announcement at a recent rally in Dallas Texas.
I want to make something clear, I’m gonna guarantee you, this is not the last you’ve seen of this guy [Beto O’Rourke]. You’re gonna take care of the gun problem with me. You’re gonna be the one who leads this effort. I’m counting on you. I’m counting on you. We need you badly.
If anyone had any doubt whether our Second Amendment rights would be jeopardy in Biden were elected, you now have a clear answer. Of course, Biden’s promise of a position in his administration came at a critical time. In fact, the speech was made in conjunction with Beto “Hell Yes, I’ll take away your AR15s and AK47s” giving Biden his endorsement one day before the voting on Super Tuesday. Can you say, “Quid Pro Quo Joe?”
After the endorsement and promise of a position in a President Biden’s administration, Beto wasted no time taking to Twitter to encourage voters to cast their ballots for Biden, claiming that Biden was the best candidate to oust President Trump from the Oval Office.
Beto O’Rourke wrote:
I’m voting for Joe Biden because he can beat Donald Trump because having him at the top of the ticket will help our down-ballot candidates, especially in Texas; & because he can bring people together to reach the ambitious goals we have for our country.
At this time, no one knows for sure who will become the nominee for the Democrats. What we do know is simple, everyone running to become the Democrat nominee has clearly stated that will target the Second Amendment and weaken or strip away our rights through draconian laws, regulations, executive orders or outright gun confiscation.
How important are gun rights in your decision making before casting your vote? Share your answer in the comment section.
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No one has anything to say? Will we sit back and let democrats destroy what’s left of our rights as americans? I surely hope not, but eventually, there will be another Obama win office. That’s about the most depressing thing I can imagine.
I think a lot of us are tired of responding to gun-grabber drivel. Unfortunately for both sides, if they attempt it, they’ll discover a lot more of “Their Huckleberry” than they expected.
No one is taking your guns, Cletus, and it doesn’t matter who is in office. Everything isnt red v blue. Grow up and wise up. There are many democrats who support gun rights and hold the Constitution just as dear as others. Joe Biden has no intention of taking your guns, or mine, and that would never fly anyway.
Not only are gun rights important in my decision about which way to vote, the entire Dimocratic agenda is the antithesis of what I believe in. My service to my country was to ensure that freedom, not socialism/communism, would continue not only in America but hopefully remain or spread throughout the world.
My dad used to have a bumper sticker on a truck he had . The bumper sticker said you can have my gun when you pry it from my cold dead hand! Never actually thought I might see the day where this was possible. I for one won’t ever peacefully surrender my rights, nor my AR-15 to Beto O’Rourke or anyone else. If you want them come an take them. Moan Abe
I should hope so. It’s about time America was thrust into a 2nd American Revolution. Don’t think for one moment that Biden is a moderate. No liberal commie Democrat believes in the Constitution. America doesn’t need some old fart brain dead politician with one foot in the grave who can’t even remember what he had for lunch running and Ruining America. and as for that Commissar (POS) O’Rourke, COME AND TAKE IT.
When they come for your guns…. Give them the bullets first….
My gun ownership is a pivotal and paramount issue – period.
I think we’ve all expected this eventuality. The Democrats have been flirting with it for years.
My guess is, as is common and typical of ALL presidential campaigns, the candidate(s) will move toward the middle in order to appear as an “everyone’s candidate”. During that time Biden will likely tone down his rhetoric on seizing guns so as not to alarm his none-constituency. The very real danger is that political moderates and independents may well “fall” for it, which could lead to Biden’s victory.
Can you imagine a more important time in the determination of this country’s future than what may well be the precursor to a revolt by the people?
Old saying but still valid “When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns!”
This is a complete, total lie. A fabrication. An ignorant, fearful misrepresentation of REALITY. Joe Biden does NOT support or intend to “take away/confiscate y our guns” OR MY GUNS.
In reality, Joe Biden has never once voted for any bill whatsoever that ACTUALLY threatens our 2nd amendment rights. The 2nd amendment gives us the right to own guns. It does not say anything else. Joe Biden IS A GUN OWNER. What Biden actually says, and what his record actually shows, if you were capable of researching it in a scientific or serious manner, is that he wants people to have to register assault weapons, and you know what? Law abiding citizens ALREADY HAVE TO register their weapons in many states. States impose stricter mandates than the Federal government ever has. Not to mention, no matter what ANY PRESIDENT DOES or wants, our 2nd amendment rights will not be violated. The courts will not allow it, and Congress will not allow it. So trying to spew this nonsense is a waste of time anyway. It isnt true, and even if it were, the President cant take our guns. Presidents can write up any executive orders they please, but many are knocked down by the courts or Congress.
Senator Joe Biden drafted the Senate version of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994, commonly referred to as the Biden Crime Law. This included the Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Use Protection Act (commonly known as the Federal Assault Weapons Ban or the Semi-Automatic Firearms Ban). You say “In reality, Joe Biden has never once voted for any bill whatsoever that ACTUALLY threatens our 2nd amendment rights,” not only has he voted for such a bill, he has coauthored one. And the term “Assault Weapon” is a made-up, nonsensical, catch-all type term that could include pea shooters and slingshots. I’d suggest that you do the research to discover the truth. Do you deny that, “Moments after former Democratic presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke — who promised in a September debate to take away legally purchased assault rifles if elected — endorsed Joe Biden’s White House run, the former vice president promised to name the Texan as his point man on gun control…” Just askin’