Living a few hours south of Chicago, the anti-gun policies from Illinois’ blue dot, known as Cook County, in an otherwise red state are a real threat. Recently, a small town with a rather affluent population passed a ridiculous ban which prohibits the possession of popular sporting rifles such as the AR-15 and standard capacity magazines. However, just because you have money does not mean you can pass regulations that infringe on the citizen’s rights, and the NRA-ILA has joined the fight.

Deerfield’s firearms ban levies fines for violators of up to $1,000 per day. According to legal scholars who have reviewed the case, the regulation violates several protections. Fortunately, the National Rifle Association’s Institute for Legislative Action (NRA-ILA) and Guns Save Life are fighting back. Here is the full release from the NRA-ILA.
With support from the NRA-ILA, Guns Save Life has officially filed its lawsuit today challenging the recent attempt by Deerfield Village, IL to criminalize so-called “assault weapons” and “high capacity magazines” within village limits.
“Deerfield’s ban prohibits possession of the most popular sporting rifles in the United States,” said Chris W. Cox, executive director of NRA-ILA. “These firearms are used every day by law-abiding citizens for self-defense, target shooting, hunting, and other lawful purposes.”
The lawsuit contends that Deerfield’s bans are preempted by both the Illinois Firearm Owners Identification Card Act, the Illinois Firearm Concealed Carry Act, and the Illinois Wildlife Act. The bans also violate the Illinois Constitution’s guarantee that private property shall not be taken or damaged without just compensation.
“The firearms and magazines that Deerfield’s ordinance labels as ‘assault weapons’ and ‘large capacity’ magazines are widely owned by law-abiding gunowners throughout Illinois,” said Guns Save Life executive director John Bosh. “The General Assembly has already determined that Illinois gunowners should not be subjected to a confusing patchwork of inconsistent local regulations, and the Deerfield ordinance flies in the face of that important principle of Illinois law. We thank the NRA for their assistance in this fight.”
The lawsuit was filed April 19, 2018 with the Circuit Court of Lake County.
Will the NRA-ILA and Guns Save Life be successful? What gun control outrages are local to you? Share your answers in the comment section.
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I want to see this communist city sued into bankruptcy!!!
Still waiting for the “New York Safe Act” to be appealed…
What’s are the latest actions being taken by the NRA?