Tuesday morning’s school shooting incident in Maryland that left the teen gunman dead after being confronted by an armed school resources officer (SRO) dramatically undermines the argument from anti-gunners that No Guns in School is a good idea.

The shooter, identified as a 17-year-old student, was reportedly chased down by St. Mary’s County Sheriff’s Deputy Blaine Gaskill. Each reportedly fired one shot in their confrontation at Great Mills High School. According to USA Today, the teen gunman was armed with a Glock semi-auto pistol. The origin of the pistol was not immediately known.
Maryland has some of the strictest gun laws in the United States. It is extremely difficult, and often impossible, for most adults to get a carry license. The teen gunman violated several existing laws by bringing a gun onto a school campus, carrying it illegally, and opening fire.
The incident unfolded just four days before a nationwide “March for Your Lives” event is scheduled this coming Saturday in the aftermath of last month’s mass fatal shooting at a Florida High School. But in this case, the SRO quickly confronted the shooter and stopped the rampage. Broward County, Florida lawmen have taken lots of criticism since the Valentine’s Day shooting because they waited outside the school building.
St. Mary’s County Sheriff Tim Cameron told reporters, “This is what we prepare for; this is what we pray we will never have to do.”
The investigation, still in its early stages, has not revealed where the teen got the handgun.
In the weeks since the mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, there have been mass demonstrations of high school students across the country, calling for an end to so-called “gun violence” and for more restrictive gun control laws. To many in the firearms community, it appears that this student movement has been expropriated by the gun prohibition lobby to push its anti-gun political agenda.
There have been reports that some students who support the Second Amendment have been harassed or otherwise intimidated. To that end, the Second Amendment Foundation on Tuesday announced a new project to support those students.
In a strongly-worded statement, SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan M. Gottlieb noted, “While we encourage young Americans to speak their minds and engage in productive debate and dialogue about this issue, we cannot condone any behavior designed to silence or intimidate others with different viewpoints. That is why we are announcing this project to help students who support their constitutional rights.
“We recognize that in times of high emotion and short tempers, there is inevitably the potential for disagreement to get out of hand,” he continued. “It is often too easy to go beyond the bounds of rational discourse and enter the realm of vindictiveness.
“If we are to find the common ground everyone seems to seek,” he said, “we’ve got to find it together. If students are penalized for exercising their First Amendment rights to defend the Second Amendment, we want to know about it.”
This Saturday’s march activities are scheduled in several cities, further suggesting that these students are getting considerable help in organizing the event.
The Armory wishes to recognize the actions of all our courageous men and women who run to danger to protect or render aid to the innocent.
What lessons do you think the anti gunners need to take away from the actions of the armed school resource officer or no guns in school policies? Share your answers in the comment section.
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Dave Workman is a regular contributor to the Liberty Park Press.
And the liberal said: “This bastard ruined everything for us. We were on the verge of a weapons ban and he had to step in!”
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I live not far from Parkland and have to say this is the first I have heard of most of what is included in this article. I am going to forward this link to my friends. The author of this should forward such important information to The NRA and more specifically Marion Hammer. I will do the same.
This “Gun Control Law” was railroaded in and signed into law by Gov. Scott (whom I will not vote for when he runs against Bill Nelson because of what he has done) within a matter of about 2 weeks after the incident. Never in my life living in Florida have I seen such a quick reaction get forced upon us into law without even gathering the facts such as what has been described here in this article. Instead the Second Amendment Haters just used the shooting to push their agenda. They disenfranchised thousands of “Adults” between the ages of 18-21 with a stroke of a pen and one more assault on one of the most important parts of our Constitution that “Shall Not BE Infringed Upon” yet they do it anyway. Where is the ACLU on this one and what the heck does bump stocks have to do with any of this?
Americans need to wake up and realize if we allow any part of the Constitution to be trashed then a time will come when some part of it that is important to them will have the same thing done but it will be too late. If Americans would only research the past and why America was created in the first place, then they may understand the ones that made us what we are, did it to break away from the “Control” of the British. They wanted FREEDOM and setout to create a land where The People are the ones in charge NOT The Government. Our Rights are NOT given to us from the Government but from GOD. It is the Constitution which Protects those RIGHTS.
My roots run DEEP in this country. I had relatives who fought in the American Revolution and others who came here in the 1600’s before we even were America. Because of this I truly value what we are and am Proud of America. I just wish everyone here would feel the same way about this great land we are so blessed to live in. Try going to other countries and see how much freedom they have or the conditions they live in (not talking about the cushy resorts either). Anyway most of what I have commented on here will probably fall on deaf ears.
A few more confrontations with the insane gunmen getting killed at school and even these insane people will get the message.
Common sense gun control. It will be good for you. Who gets to determine iwhat is ,common sense”? Will making the whole country a “gun safe zone” stop people treating other people poorly? A parallel analogy would be like taking cars away from law abiding drivers to quell the incidents of drunk driving.