Gun control advocates are a scary lot to begin with, but The View’s co-host is taking it to a new level. After the backlash created by Beto O’Rourke’s exclamation of “Hell yes we are gonna take away your AR-15s and AK-47s!”—a statement that was echoed or championed by every other Democrat running for president—antigunners are advocating to “keep your plans secret until you are elected and ready to confiscate guns!” Fortunately, advocates for the Second Amendment are pushing back.

Former Tulsa police officer Dianna Muller pushed back on “The View” host Joy Behar for encouraging politicians to keep their plans to confiscate guns a secret until they hold office.
“It’s reinforcing the fact that conservatives feel like the liberals are prepared to lie, cheat, and steal in order to win,” Muller told “Fox & Friends” on Wednesday.
Behar was discussing former 2020 presidential hopeful Beto O’Rourke, a Democrat from Texas, and said it was foolish of him to announce his plans for gun confiscation before he was elected. She advised all politicians to go after the country’s guns after they’ve assumed office.
“They should not tell everything they’re going to do. If you’re going to take people’s guns away, wait until you get elected—then take the guns away,” she said. “Don’t tell them ahead of time.”
Co-host Meghan McCain also weighed in on the issue and said O’Rourke – who has since ended his presidential bid – has poisoned the well and scared off independent voters from the Democratic Party.
“How disgusting is it that a woman with such reach and such influence on millions of viewers on a major network can propose for a candidate to lie in order to get their way and then impose a different will on the people,” Muller said.
O’Rourke, a former congressman, dropped out of the 2020 race on Friday, telling supporters, “It is clear to me now that this campaign does not have the means to move forward successfully.”
Muller made headlines recently for her fiery defense of the Second Amendment at a House hearing on taking away assault weapons, and shortly afterward was a guest on’s podcast.
Have you watched Dianna Muller’s podcast on K-Var or other appearances in the media? What message would like to see her championing in the media? Are you concerned about the possibility of gun confiscation in the future? Share your answers in the comment section.
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Well, Ms. Behar, as a Liberal Progressive Socialist idiot, you can be forgiven for being stupid. I just want you to know that what you advocate might be a mistake. To try and negate part of the US Constitution, especially by nefarious means, such as lying, is not conducive to happy constituates. Of course, I know that means nothing to you Liberal Loonies, but, I think that the fastest way for you Liberal Progressive Socialist Democrats to commit suicide would be to send your alphabet agency pseudo cops around, kicking open doors in American homes, just so you can feel better about your joyless, asinine selves! All I have to say is, “Send them quickly, oh, and make sure their Survivor Benefits are paid up current…” Oh, and, rest assured that if you Dems do manage to steal the upcoming election, well, you should know that eventually, we will get around to YOUR home, and, when we do, well, let’s just say you might not like it when YOUR door is kicked open…
I was with you up until the threat. We should all take Ms Bahar’s advice and keep that to ourselves. I have no doubt that millions of people will not take kindly to gun confiscation, but no good reason to right it down in the public domain.
Write, not right
Thanks for the input, but, you are quite mistaken that I am making a “threat”, Dale2. I don’t make threats. I make, and keep, promises. Big difference! But, in all honesty, it doesn’t matter one way or another, if you agree with what I write. What matters is that you are one the right side when, not “if”, this thing of ours goes South…
Just shows you how stupid this idiot is, one of her first jobs was as a teacher in the Lindenhurst school district on Long Island,NY , she got fired for her stupidity. No one gets fired from being a teacher but she did . Just shows you ABC is as stupid as she is for hiring idiots