Newly-empowered Democrat state lawmakers in Virginia are reportedly threatening action in the Commonwealth’s 78 counties that have so far declared themselves “Second Amendment Sanctuaries” if police and sheriffs do not enforce gun control laws passed in Richmond in 2020, according to the Washington Examiner.

The news agency reported, “Virginia Democratic officials…say local law enforcement supporting these resolutions will face consequences if they do not carry out any law the state Legislature passes.”
Gun rights activists are wondering openly on social media if civil war is about to erupt in The Old Dominion now that anti-gun Democrats can safely push any gun control package they want in Richmond. The story quoted Democrat State Rep. Gerry Connolly stating, “I would hope they either resign in good conscience, because they cannot uphold the law which they are sworn to uphold, or they’re prosecuted for failure to fulfill their oath.”
Another Democrat, Rep. Donald McEachin, reportedly suggested withholding funds from counties that don’t comply with Richmond-adopted gun control laws. Isn’t that the kind of quid-pro-quo Democrats have accused President Donald Trump of committing?
Virginia Democrats, led by anti-gun Gov. Ralph Northam, are planning a full menu of gun control including a ban on so-called “assault weapons” and original capacity magazines, “universal” background checks on all firearm transactions, reviving the state’s failed one-gun-a-month law and instituting a “red flag” law.
Democrats took full control of the legislature with last month’s election, thanks in part to the infusion of $2.5 million from Michael Bloomberg’s Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund.
McEachin also suggested that anti-gun Gov. Ralph Northam “could call the National Guard if necessary.” He said the governor could call up the National Guard “to enforce the law.”
According to U.S. News, “the sanctuary movement is indicative of a growing backlash against Virginia’s leftward lean in recent years, coinciding with a campaign season that saw Democrats in November gain control of both chambers of the legislature for the first time in more than two decades.”
WTKR reported that Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring said any new gun control laws will be enforced. Herring asserted that “the gun lobby” is behind these Sanctuary efforts. Virginia is home to the National Rifle Association, which was vastly outspent in this year’s state legislative races. Only about 40 percent of the registered voters actually turned out to vote, and now alarmed gun owners are flooding county commission meetings seeking some action against an anticipated gun control juggernaut.
Gun Control or the Second Amendment: Which side will win? Will sanctions be imposed against Second Amendment sanctuaries in the state? Share your answers in the comment section.
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“The story quoted Democrat State Rep. Gerry Connolly stating, “I would hope they either resign in good conscience, because they cannot uphold the law which they are sworn to uphold, or they’re prosecuted for failure to fulfill their oath.””
And so Rep Connolly should also resign as he won’t uphold the Constitution of the United States of America?
In the military, the Manual for Courts Martial states, “It is a defense to any offense that the accused was acting pursuant to orders unless the accused knew the orders to be unlawful or a person of ordinary sense and understanding would have known the orders to be unlawful.” I would hope that would also apply to any civilian policing authority when given such an order as to violate the Constitution. Just because the Governor of Virginia is the meat-puppet of Bloomberg, that doesn’t give him the right to trample on the rights of The Old Dominion’s citizens.
The Democratic Party is now the people’s new socialist party. I’m surprised that anyJewish man like Bloomberg is for gun control. A german leader with a bad mustache disarmed the populace before herding them into trains to gas them at auschwitz . I suppose like so many in Germany back then they thought it could never happen there. The next civil war is Coming!
You can be born a Jew and break all 10 commandments every day of your life.
Bloomberg is as much of a Jew as Ilhan Omar is.
I agree with commenter, Ken.
All Jews, like all other minorities, should arm themselves for self defense.
Some police officers won’t follow unconstitutional orders. Others might, to feed their families and save their pensions. Same with the Nat’l. Guard.
So there could be two groups opposing each other, both sides heavily armed.
This is not counting civilians.
I hope this is simply my paranoid nightmare.
the national guard swore to aleggience to constitution not to governor
If only 40% of the people voted in the election, then the gun owner’s have to accept part of the blame for this problem
if the democrats love sanctuary cities where the city govt officials refuse to enforce the legal laws passed by the US govt then they should have no problem with the counties doing the same thing for the 2A, it’s the old if it’s good for the goose it’s good for the gander
The liberals will eventually force their agenda on the rest of us,like it or not. All the bluster and bull about revolution and non compliance is garbage. No one will stand and fight,no one. It is the same loud mouths who always proclaim their willingness to fight etc, that never do anything when the shtf.
Speak for yourself, William. I’ve given 10% of my life (if I live to be 85) in military service to my country and to “support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic”. At my age and the life I’ve lived, I’ve accepted mortality and have come to terms with it.
I just wonder HOW it will green light, I’m not wondering “IF”. We’ve taken TOO much crap for WAAAY too long. These damn dems & libs HAVE to…and I MEAN HAVE TO BE put in their ‘rightful’ place. This CANNOT stand. I’ve always felt, at least as long as I was convinced THEY were serious about doing serious irreparable harm to the 2A, that IT WAS MY DUTY TO FIGHT BACK with everything physically possible. Not legally mind you. Those days are gone. People like these idiot politicians just run for office to change the laws to suit their agenda(s). I’m SO pissed off..