Second Amendment groups, including the National Rifle Association (NRA), Second Amendment Foundation (SAF), National Association for Gun Rights (NAGR), and hundreds of grassroots organizations, have preserved our right to self-defense and the Second Amendment. This has been done by making our voice heard to lawmakers at all levels of government. We have won some battles and lost others, but for the most part, our continuing efforts to keep lawmakers honest (regarding firearms legislation) have been successful. However, we now face a new threat that could easily derail the Second Amendment without a lawmaker filing a single vote.

There are five major banks in the United States – Citigroup, J.P. Morgan Chase, Wells Fargo, Bank of America, and Goldman Sachs. Two of these banks, Citigroup and Bank of America, have already announced policies that they will not do business with any company or business that manufacturers or sells “assault-style” firearms or “high capacity magazines.” Additionally, the banks are setting other arbitrary conditions, such as the businesses must all adopt policies that they will not sell any firearm or ammunition to any person under the age of 21.
So, that is two of five banks, or 40%, but Wells Fargo is also under attack. The American Federation of Teachers (AFT) has called for a meeting with the bank, already leveling an ultimatum that Wells Fargo can only do business with the AFT or the firearms industry, but not both. If Wells Fargo falls, that would leave Chase and Goldman Sachs.
Before we all decry how we are going to simply not do business with any bank that declares an anti-gun policy, answer these questions: “Do you have a local Goldman Sachs ATM near you? How about a branch office?” This could leave us with one real choice, and the anti-gunners with one target, J.P. Morgan Chase.
Wake Up!
Do you realize how dangerous this is? Essentially, a handful of CEOs or board members can take a vote, after meetings that were held in secret, with no transparency, no chance for the people to express their opinions, and no votes to de facto strip citizens of their rights under the Constitution. Even if you were the most ardent opponent of the Second Amendment, you should be terrified by this action and the potential future ramifications.
After all, what’s to stop the banks or similar businesses from controlling free speech through the power of its purse? What if the banks decided to run an algorithm that determined your politics and based the outcome determined whether it would give you a home loan (conservative or liberal)?

Off the grid? Who cares? The banks could just as easily say you have not been vocal enough in publicly supporting the opinions, candidates, or issues the bank mandates in order to qualify you for the loan. This is a danger that we cannot simply put our heads under a rock and hope it blows over.
Wells Fargo Gets Ultimatum
The American Federation of Teachers (AFT) President Randi Weingarten is in negotiations to meet with Wells Fargo CEO Tim Sloan. The AFT’s purpose is to deliver an ultimatum regarding the bank’s ongoing financial support for the gun lobby and gun manufacturers. The AFT has publically taken the position that if Sloan continues Wells Fargo’s support of firearms businesses, the AFT will discontinue its popular Wells Fargo mortgage program offered to members.
Last week, the AFT released correspondence between Weingarten and Sloan. The release outlined the union’s concerns about Wells Fargo’s connections with the NRA—and threatened to stop offering Wells Fargo mortgages—if Wells Fargo continues being the NRA banker. The Wells Fargo mortgage program is part of the Union Privilege program and approximately 1,600 AFT members opt for these mortgages annually.
More than 20,000 AFT members currently hold mortgages through the program. If Wells Fargo fails to budge, the AFT will urge other Union Privilege members to follow suit. The AFL-CIO was copied on the correspondence.
AFT President Randi Weingarten said: “The lives of students and educators must be valued more than guns. This is America—Wells Fargo has the right to be the NRA banker, but we have rights too. That’s why if Tim doesn’t ditch his guns business, we’ll ditch Wells Fargo. We are glad Tim wants to meet; but no words will dissuade us from our view that our society must value people over profits. We have a responsibility on behalf of our members and their students who face potential gun violence every day.
“We’re issuing Wells Fargo an ultimatum—they can have a mortgage market that includes America’s teachers, or they can continue to do business with the NRA and gun manufacturers. They can’t do both.”

I wonder how the members of the ATF feel about the move. I mean, did the membership vote for this? How many gun owners are, by the default of their position, members of the union but do not support this ultimatum, which is poorly representing their views based on the beliefs or politics of a few top leaders?
A few weeks ago, Alan Elias, a spokesman for Wells Fargo, said in a statement, “Any solutions on how to address this epidemic will be complicated.
“This is why our company believes the best way to make progress on these issues is through the political and legislative process. We are engaging our customers that legally manufacture firearms and other stakeholders on what we can do together to promote better gun safety for our communities.”
Time will tell if Wells Fargo proves to be an honest broker or falls inline with other banks bent on pushing the ideals of a few leaders upon the masses through its lending power.
Bank of America
During a Bloomberg Television interview on April 12, Anne Finucane, a vice chairman at Bank of America, said, “It’s our intention not to finance these military-style firearms for civilian use.” The firm has had “intense conversations over the last few months” with those kinds of gun manufacturers to tell them B of A won’t finance their operations in the future, she said. Finucane said Bank of America also wouldn’t underwrite securities issued by manufacturers of military-style guns used by civilians. Note: Bank of America helped finance Vista Outdoors and Remington in the past.

In late March 2018, Citigroup set restrictions on the sale of firearms by its business customers, making it the first Wall Street bank to take such an anti-firearm stance. Citigroup’s policy, prohibits the sale of firearms to customers who have not passed a background check or who are younger than 21. It also bars the sale of bump stocks and high-capacity magazines. The policy applies to clients who offer credit cards backed by Citigroup or borrow money, use banking services, or raise capital through the company.
The rules, which Citigroup described as “common-sense measures,” echo similar restrictions enacted by major retailers such as Walmart. These restrictions also represent the boldest such move to interject the financial sector into politics and matters previously, and appropriately) handled through duly appointed and elected officials in the legal system.
According to Citigroup’s Chief Executive Michael L. Corbat, this gun policy has ‘been a while coming.’ Corbat, who claims to be “an avid outdoorsman and responsible gun owner,” stated, “Some will find our policy too strict, while others will find it too lenient.”
“We don’t pretend that these answers are perfect, but as we looked at the things we thought we could influence, we felt that, working with our clients, we could make a difference,” he said. “Banks serve a societal purpose—we believe our investors want us to do this and be responsible corporate citizens.”
Citigroup said it did not have the technology or legal ability to monitor gun purchases at the payment-processing level, but noted ‘the industry was discussing the possibility.’

Smaller Banks and Other Assaults to the Second Amendment
Last month, the First National Bank of Omaha, which said it would not renew a contract with the National Rifle Association to issue an N.R.A.-branded Visa card, led a quick succession of companies to cut ties with the trade group.
Diane Zappas, a spokeswoman for PNC Financial Services Group, said that the company, which is “continuing to consider these issues,” had discouraged new loans to gun manufacturers since 2013 and had “very limited exposure” to manufacturers of AR-15-style rifles.
The rights and freedoms of gun owners are certainly under attack from a new front. What the anti-gunners could not do through the legal system, they are attempting to do through the financial sector. While businesses do have a right to choose with whom they do business, these are the same banks that taxpayer money has been used to bail out of the financial crisis in recent years; the same institutions that get government loans funded with taxpayer dollars.
Remember “Too big to fail?” (The “too big to fail” theory asserts that certain corporations, particularly financial institutions, are so large and so interconnected that their failure would be disastrous to the greater economic system, and that they therefore must be supported by government when they face potential failure.) So, our tax dollars went to saving the financial institutions, but these same financial institutions are somehow allowed to dictate what classifications of product a company can manufacture or offer for sale, who they can sell it to, mandate the age of a borrower’s customer to purchase products—above and beyond the what the law ascribes, and more… all without the oversight of the government, courts, or public, while claiming they are somehow occupying the “moral high ground.”
How do we fight this threat to our Constitutional Rights? Share your answers in the comment section.
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Time to with draw our cash. And why are u using facebook, google and twitter who have renounced guns, dah!
Wow! Its always a battle isn’t it?! There’s no doubt that stomping all over our second amendment rights is wrong but i can’t help but wonder when will people start to acknowledge how many people rely on the gun industry to make a living? Gun manufacturers, ammunition manufacturers, all the different makers of accessories its a huge industry that provides jobs for a huge number of people! And there’s more, lets not forget our family owned local gun shop and our gunsmiths. Also the roll our hunters play as far as conservation is concerned!
Everyone just wants to be heard…too bad they don’t know what they are talking about. It’s really bad when people don’t take in the whole picture.
The first thing that comes to mind, is class action lawsuits. Overwhelm these big banks with legal attacks from all sides to give them second thought about what they are doing.
Use the Stock Market to depress their stocks. Vote out the leaders on stock market shares meetings.
Discrimination works both ways, Boycott the businesses (provide a list -example Dick Sporting goods) through the NRA newsletters to their supporters that we should never patronize again. At least this is one of many steps…
There are credit unions that are local and run by shareholders. All the little local banks that have been swallowed up By the big banks through the decades could be resurrected locally. We need to go after the anti-gun organizations like the AFT. We keep hearing that teachers are way underpaid so where did the AFT get the clout to pull this off? All teachers are anti-gay and anti-gay Second Amendment? Let’s pack our school boards so that we, the people, can regain control of the education system that WE pay for!
It is supposed to say anti-gun, not anti-gay!
“Too big to fail”. It appears that gun owners are going to have to flex the muscle with the politicians. They are still holding the purse strings to all of the listed banks. Gun owners also have clout. If the politicians want to keep their gravy train, they had better pay attention to the voters, because they can easily be wondering what happen on election day. The voter/gun owners have got to stop their partisan bickering and stand together because what the banks/unions get banks to refuse to male loans for today, could very easily systematically include other types of firearms. All of the pro-gun organization need to determine the best way to aggressively notify ALL gun owners, as most do not have any idea what is happening with the banks. They need to come together to determine the most convincing method to convince each gun owner to contact their representatives and make it very, very clear that they work for them and not the banks/unions. Convincing congress to get hard nosed with the banks, letting them know they can be required to pay all loans back with a heavy interest.
Open a bank or credit union with people who support the gun industry as share holders of the financial institution. This organization would primarily support the pro 2nd amendment businesses.
I have already canceled my Bank of America banking accounts and Citibank credit card. I will take my business elsewhere. When I asked USAA what there stance was on the second amendment, the reply I got was “As written and un-infringed!” I now bank there!
If we are forced to bake the cake, these banks can not discriminate against Legal American Companies manufacturing a legal to own product protected by our Constitution that is the law of the land. This issue needs to be settled by the Congress and the Courts as it is most certainly illegal.
Time to put it in the mattress & invest in metals. The banks don’t pay enough to just let my money sit in it anyway. Along with that they only find ways to steal it with penalties anyway!