Some stories are just too good to be true. Not that anyone should take any enjoyment out of a man and his wife going through the traumatic experience of being held up at gunpoint, but the irony… Only a few weeks after claiming his new post would be akin to his time in the “Big Easy,” he gets mugged, at gunpoint, in a city the anti-gunners hold up as a shining example of why we need more gun control laws! Read the full story from the New York Post.

You’re not in Louisiana anymore.
A new deputy police commissioner in Baltimore got a firsthand lesson in the city’s crime problems — getting robbed at gunpoint while out with his wife, according to reports.
Deputy Commissioner Daniel Murphy had only started with the force in April after being brought in from New Orleans to help lead sweeping reforms, according to the Baltimore Sun.
He was robbed at 9 p.m. Friday by four men in a white SUV near Patterson Park, according to the Sun.
Two of the men, said to be about 18, jumped out and approached Murphy and his wife, showing a gun during the holdup, police said in a release.
They fled with multiple cellphones, the officer’s wallet and his wife’s purse as well as some cash, the reports state. No one was injured, police say.
Murphy was one of the first top deputies hired earlier this year by new Commissioner Michael Harrison after they worked together in New Orleans, according to the Sun.
He was sure that Baltimore would be like the Big Easy, he told the paper after starting his new gig in April.
“Obviously, every community, every police department is unique, but the success we had in New Orleans is directly transferable to here and we will modify it as necessary,” he said.
The robbery came just a month after the department launched a new “crime reduction strategy” that it said would “reduce the victimization and fear of victimization of violent crime in Baltimore City.”
There have been 185 homicides in the city so far this year, with 166 from shootings, according to the Sun, with only St. Louis having more murders per 100,000 people, according to a Pew Research Center study based on 2017 figures.
Gun control only results in the wrong people having guns. How many more times will events such as this have to play out before the anti-gunners and politicians get it? Will they have to be the ones robbed at gunpoint? Share your thoughts in the comment section.
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I’m not so sure that having been in ‘nawlins’ does anything to enhance this gentleman’s resume. Maybe it is a case of going from bad to worse (or something).
Is the Deputy Police Commissioner have a Law Enforcement background or is he just a politician. He looks like he belongs in the anti-gun crowd. He better get some firearms training. Next time he might no be so lucky.
Ummm, Aren’t most Deputies still armed, even when off duty ?
( ESPECIALLY in Baltimore !! ) What’s wrong with this idiot ? Where’s his O/C ? At the very least be sure to carry that !! Ohhh Boy, although I’m NOT surprised. MANY in the son to speak ‘Command Structure’ tend be more like politicians than actual line personnel. Oh well, live & learn.
I feel sorry for him. I love New Orleans. Leaving NO for Baltimore? He must not love his wife and children—- what a hell of a move. Sad for anyone to think they had to do that.