Chicago is a hotbed for pro gun control politicians. Crime and handgun violence rates are off the charts. Instead of blaming those responsible for the crime (as demonstrated in this video), politicians take the easy route and blame the lawful gun owners. The following is a story (and video) of an event that happened in January 2019. It shows a carload of young men in Chicago who, fortunately, were brazen enough to live stream their threats to kill a police officer if he dared to attempt a traffic stop. The entire video is disgusting, but one that should be forwarded to every politician and anti-gunner with a message stating that it is the violent and irresponsible criminals and their conduct that should be the subject of any additional regulations and laws—NOT guns and law abiding gun owners—there is a difference and nothing makes it more clear than this video.

Chicago, IL – An ‘aspiring’ rapper has been arrested for threatening to murder a uniformed Chicago police officer in a viral Facebook Live video. Tavon Baylock, 20, streamed the live video on the social media platform on Jan. 23, the Chicago Sun-Times reported.
“We’re gonna kill him,” Baylock laughs in the video, as he and two other vehicle occupants pulled up alongside a marked Chicago Police Department (CPD) patrol vehicle. “You better mind your mother–kin’ business, b–ch,” he said in the video. “I’m gonna kill you.” He panned the camera between the two semiautomatic handguns in his lap and the unsuspecting officer driving the police SUV.
Another individual armed with a handgun equipped with a 50-round drum magazine and a laser sight sat in the backseat of the suspect’s car, Cook County prosecutors said.
“My gun’s on my lap. He’s gonna get his a– hurt!” Baylock said in the video.
The patrol vehicle momentarily fell behind them at a traffic light, at which point Baylock raised the camera above him to show the officer pulling up next to them yet again.
“Keep comin.’ I got some s–t that hurts,” he said.
The marked patrol vehicle then proceeded past them, and drove off ahead.
“He runnin’! Chase that n—-r, he runnin’!” Baylock declared. “Kill him! Catch him!”
“Hey look! We got guns and s–t,” he said later in the video, pointing the weapons at the camera. “Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop!”
The suspect vehicle trailed after the marked police unit for several more blocks before the video ended.
“F–k the police,” Baylock said. “Imma shoot this b—h in public. F–k… Y’all seen the police runnin’ from us. Y’all know who really runnin’ Chicago.”
According to prosecutors, much of the video was recorded in the 9500 block of South Halsted Street. The officer seen in the video identified himself after he was shown the footage, and Baylock was ultimately arrested on a felony count of threatening a public official. But Baylock’s attorney, Michael Saken, denied that his client ever threatened the uniformed officer.
“Besides the fact that there is language used that most would consider to be bad, there were no threats,” Saken argued in court. The defense attorney also noted that police had not recovered any weapons in connection with the incident. Judge David Navarro denied Saken’s request to release Baylock on his own recognizance, and set his bail at $10,000.
According to prosecutors, the aspiring rapper was previously charged with unlawful use of a weapon on two occasions in 2015. He was a juvenile at the time.
You can watch cell phone footage of the incident in the video below. Warning: There is a fair amount of vulgar and offensive language.
How can events or videos such as these be used to further the case against onerous gun control laws that target the honest citizens? Share your suggestions in the comment section.
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Reader Interactions
[…] So what about Pizzo’s concerns? Surely we can find examples of young people posting on social media where they are being dangerous and threatening with guns. Case in point: Check this moron out. […]
[…] So what about Pizzo’s concerns? Surely we can find examples of young people posting on social media where they are being dangerous and threatening with guns. Case in point: Check this moron out. […]
[…] So what about Pizzo’s concerns? Surely we can find examples of young people posting on social media where they are being dangerous and threatening with guns. Case in point: Check this moron out. […]
[…] So what about Pizzo’s concerns? Surely we can find examples of young people posting on social media where they are being dangerous and threatening with guns. Case in point: Check this moron out. […]
[…] So what about Pizzo’s concerns? Surely we can find examples of young people posting on social media where they are being dangerous and threatening with guns. Case in point: Check this moron out. […]
Stupid thugs like that fail to realize that the officer is a lot more experienced at shooting than they are , plus he has Motorola and can summon help quickly..
Those trash will end up in the cemetery to prove they are not as invincible as they think they…
Shitcago, Land of Shitbama.
Is that English? I can only understand about 25% of their ignorant rambling.
First, this has nothing to do with Obama. This is a case of a stupid… stupid young black men (a nigga) thinking killing cops or anyone else is cool and I’m a black man and these kids should be locked up for a long…long time (hard f-ing labor).
They hate you. They will go from bully to victim and back again in the blink of an eye, but they will never stop hating you.
You can really tell how uneducated these morons are, just listen to them talk. Little punk ass bitches hide behind the’re tinted windows and talk all that crap. BOYS like that can’t hit anything when they shoot anyhow. They hold the’re heads down and just blast away cause the’re scared to death. Only thing they hit is buildings and bystanders. That’s why they prefer the drive by, because they are cowards, same as terrorist. Now does everybody understand why cops are trigger happy? If your sick and tired of innocent people getting killed than arm yourselves!!! Carry where ever you go. NO ONE can protect you except yourself. Fight back and do away with punks like these or just keep on being sheep and die and whine about it!
Sounds like a confession to me.
Lack of accountability, it’s a systemic problem throughout this country. We’ve developed a culture of violence and disrespect. We need our firearms to protect us more than ever before.
These brain-dmamged thugs are a threat to us all and are definately not law abiding gun owners.. How do I protect mysel;f and family if one of these morons descides to carjack, rob, and kill us?
Crime, and clowns like this have absolutely nothing to do with why lefties want our guns. A disarmed populace are dependent serfs, working for the oligarchs….them.
Send it to all authorities.
See what they think about.
Ask if it’s OK to pass legislation that makes criminals out of good American citizens, who decide to use firearms to defend against murderers like these.
It sure looks easy for a criminal to get armed, why would you make it so hard for law abiding citizens?
What needs to happen is every Chicagoan should play out their own version of Death Wish.
A couple thousand Charles Bronsons could make that city sparkle in no time.
You People have the inalienable right to protect yourself in whatever way you see fit, no matter what second amendment infringing law, the nescient criminal politicians concoct.
Koko the gorilla had better diction…
They can be arrested for Conspiracy to commit a felony. By following the officer they took steps to follow out on the conspiracy and should be found guilty. The felony does not have to occur.
I can’t understand ebonics, but I do understand their threats. They won’t live to be 25.
Pass another gun law, Chicago..most violent city in America..Obamaland…Crap City…better stay in Chitown where your gun laws let you thrive. Not in real America…good thing you got put in jail….
Ooh, aah, aah…?
I’m just saying…
And that by no means includes all Black people.
There are good Black and good Whites just like there are stupid Wanna be Gangsters and there are Crackers…!