Review: Taurus G3 9mm Pistol
The majority of new introductions in the handgun world—and on the shelf in gun shops—are polymer frame 9mms. When it comes to service and personal defense, the polymer frame is by far the most popular. All are not inexpensive, but most are affordable. The polymer frame is not only inexpensive to manufacture the material is tough, long lasting, and easy to shape into a useable firearm. Among the newest introductions that has enthusiasts’ attention is the Taurus G3. [Read more…] about Review: Taurus G3 9mm Pistol
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Chose the Handgun Over a Rifle or Shotgun for Defense!
On the morning of September 11, 2001, I was driving on Interstate 95 in Massachusetts, listening as the attacks unfolded on the radio, heading toward Boston to teach a three-hour seminar. When I got to the office where the class was being held, it was only the sobbing receptionist that broke the deafening silence to greeted me. We decided to press on with the training program. During the class breaks, we watched the towers burn on television. To describe it as surreal would be an understatement. When I got home early that afternoon—already wearing my handgun, as normal—I took a rifle, and shotgun out of the quick-action safe and put one on each side of the house. [Read more…] about Chose the Handgun Over a Rifle or Shotgun for Defense!
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The 10mm — When It’s Time to Go to Plan B
I have long been a fan of large calibers. This is based on my research and personal experience. Depending on the need, I favor the 1911 in .45 ACP or 10mm, or magnum caliber revolvers. I have been concerned with animal defense for years. Among the many things I wish I had not seen was a photo that my Sgt., later Chief, showed me of a pretty youngster (perhaps four) with most of her scalp and face gone above the nose. She had been killed by a large dog. [Read more…] about The 10mm — When It’s Time to Go to Plan B
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Review: Beretta APX Carry 9mm
Today’s market may be crowded, but an advantage to the consumer is a wide choice of arms from prominent makers. The Beretta APX Carry is Beretta’s offering in the lucrative single-column magazine, 9mm compact market. Pistols like the Glock 43 and Smith and Wesson Shield are the most popular concealed carry choices. They offer a good balance of power and weight and are controllable and accurate enough to give the concealed carry handgun user real confidence. [Read more…] about Review: Beretta APX Carry 9mm
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A Look at an Old Bullseye Gun
When we reflect, ruminates, reminisce, and muse on the past, we generally use images from the past in our thoughts. Few of us think completely in the abstract. When I think of my younger years and getting into shooting, I recall my fascination for the 1911 .45 at an early age. That was a long 50 years ago, and my interest has never waned.
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Gun Test: Dan Wesson Guardian 1911 Commander
For some time, I have regarded the Commander-size 1911 handgun as the perfect carry gun for my needs. A Commander is simply a Government Model 1911 with a slide that is ¾-inch shorter and an aluminum frame in place of the larger handguns steel frame. This makes for a packable handgun with plenty of power. Among the handguns leading this category is the Dan Wesson Guardian. [Read more…] about Gun Test: Dan Wesson Guardian 1911 Commander
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Learning to Custom Fit a 1911 — You Got This!
It will come as no surprise to the readers that America has a love affair with the 1911. I can’t think of any other firearm that has lasted 100 years, with all its fundamental design principles intact. For that matter, I can’t think of any product design that has lasted 100 years without major change. However, there is a big difference between an off-the-shelf 1911 and a custom fit 1911. [Read more…] about Learning to Custom Fit a 1911 — You Got This!
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Colt Single Action Army
Some handguns give you a 1,200-psi adrenaline flow just handling them. Others are as exciting as a dance on broken ground. The Colt Single Action Army is among the former. The Colt is an icon in the truest sense, and iconic handguns, and the use they have been put to in times of war and trouble, are immensely interesting. [Read more…] about Colt Single Action Army
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A Case for the AK47 Rifle
When we read about certain firearms, particularly in the biased media or even in the popular gun press, we read terms such as ‘deadly’ efficiency. As a professional, I know that any projectile or firearm, beginning with a .177 Pellet at 450 fps, have killed human beings. It is the operator that is the real weapon. Just the same there are some firearms that have earned a well-deserved reputation for reliability and effect. Enter the AK47. [Read more…] about A Case for the AK47 Rifle
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Arsenal SAM7K-44: The Ultimate Defensive Pistol
When the AR and AK pistols were first introduced, many of us thought “Well hey, they are rifles, so how can they be pistols?” My friend Darrel points out that many of my generation are used to the Shockwave-type shotguns being illegal, and the same goes for the SBR. However, the AR and AK pistol are different breeds, particularly when you consider the Arsenal SAM7K-44. [Read more…] about Arsenal SAM7K-44: The Ultimate Defensive Pistol
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Gun Test: North American Arms Pug
I do not wish to damn this little gun with faint praise. The North American Arms Pug is a tiny revolver that is well made of good material and reliable. I have never seen anyone have trouble with the revolver as regards reliability, and it has been in service for decades. The problem is the same as its appeal—its size. [Read more…] about Gun Test: North American Arms Pug
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Lead Bullets In the Glock? You Bet!
It seems like it was only a few years ago that the Glock pistol was introduced to America. There were changes coming, and the Glock was a big step up from .38 caliber revolvers. However, police agencies transitioning to the Glock didn’t always go well, through no fault of the pistol. While lead bullets were not a concern at that time, reloaders quickly realized the potential downfall due to leading issues. [Read more…] about Lead Bullets In the Glock? You Bet!
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Colt Python — The World’s Finest Revolver
One thing I have learned is that as things get older, they get meaner—and sometimes age brings respect. The Colt Python and I were each born in the 1950s. I am too young to remember the 1950s, but I find it interesting that such an advanced revolver was introduced over 60 years ago in 1955. [Read more…] about Colt Python — The World’s Finest Revolver
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Surplus Beretta 92S: A Retired 9mm With a Lot of Fight
Surplus has different meanings depending where you are in the world. Surplus firearms in the U.S. means extra, on hand, or dated equipment. In other countries, it could mean scrap metal. I try to avoid the latter, but I am always on the lookout for a diamond in the rough and thought I’d look at the Beretta 92S. I have seen these advertised by a variety of online gun sellers. This 9mm is an early generation of 92FS, so it is more of a European gun than the 92FS that definitely has U.S. influence. This is what I found with this old pistol. [Read more…] about Surplus Beretta 92S: A Retired 9mm With a Lot of Fight
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Legend Reborn: Colt Resurrects Classic Python Revolver
On New Year’s Day, American handgunners were treated to news for which they had been waiting more than 15 years: the Colt Python has been resurrected! The legendary Python revolver is one of the most recognizable handgun models ever produced, thanks to appearances in films and on television. [Read more…] about Legend Reborn: Colt Resurrects Classic Python Revolver
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Savage 110 Scout Rifle: A Modern Interpretation of Cooper’s Scout Rifle
Col. Jeff Cooper defined a general purpose rifle or Scout Rifle as “a conveniently-portable, individually-operated firearm, capable of striking a single decisive blow on a live target of up to about 440 pounds in weight, at any distance at which the operator can shoot with the precision necessary to place a shot in a vital area of the target.” Cooper provided more detail by stating a maximum weight for the rifle to be 6.6 pounds including sling and optic, and an overall length of 39 inches. Does the Savage 110 Scout measure up? [Read more…] about Savage 110 Scout Rifle: A Modern Interpretation of Cooper’s Scout Rifle
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Gun Test: Rossi Frontier .45 Colt Rifle
For most of my life, I have kept a lever action rifle handy for all around use. I have taken more game with the lever action than any other type. During my time as a peace officer, I kept a Winchester Model 94 .30-30 WCF lever action rifle in the trunk on more than one occasion. Such a rifle can solve most of the problems encountered. Today, however, I will be reviewing a Rossi Frontier that I recently acquired. [Read more…] about Gun Test: Rossi Frontier .45 Colt Rifle
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Gun Test: Charter Arms Professional .32 H&R Magnum
The Charter Arms Professional is a small-frame revolver with a three-inch barrel, hand-filling grips, double-action/single-action mechanism, good sights, seven-shot cylinder, and a nice finish. Open the cylinder by pushing the cylinder release forward, and you will see a seven-shot cylinder chambered in .32 H&R Magnum. The pistol uses the classic Charter Arms steel frame, but the finish is a modern black nitride. I cannot see any problem with the durability of this finish. [Read more…] about Gun Test: Charter Arms Professional .32 H&R Magnum
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Slings and Things for AR-15s
Tactical slings are primarily used to help carry a duty or combat rifle, allowing the operator to keep both hands free for other tasks. While its function may seem simplistic, choosing the right tactical sling and proper attachments requires navigating a myriad of options depending on your weapon choice, purpose, and types of mounting points available. [Read more…] about Slings and Things for AR-15s
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Gun Test: Taurus 692 Multi-Caliber Revolver
The newest Taurus revolver is among the most interesting and innovative the company has manufactured. The Taurus 692 is a double action revolver with a swing out cylinder. There is a single-action option, useful in a field and trail revolver. This handgun features a seven-shot cylinder, giving the relatively compact Taurus .357 Magnum an advantage over traditional six-shot revolvers. [Read more…] about Gun Test: Taurus 692 Multi-Caliber Revolver
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