Las Vegas, NV – You’ve decided it’s time to make the plunge and purchase a gun. First of all, bravo. It takes a certain type of person to acknowledge the tumultuous state of the world post-pandemic. Individuals are on edge. The propensity for physical confrontation is at an all-time high; even a simple outing to the grocery store is a crapshoot.
Assuming your commitment to owning a firearm is based on self-defense, here are some things to consider.
There is no shame in being new to something. At some point, we were all novices in disciplines we eventually become experienced in. One thing to keep in mind is that purchasing a gun is the most important product a consumer can buy. We’re not talking about what cleanser to select at the drugstore as part of your skincare regimen.
Hence, quality is definitely a central tenet of making the right gun purchase. Would you opt for a budget-friendly vehicle with suspect quality as a parent? Of course not.
The same principle applies to firearms. Stick to trusted names in the gun world and you’ll end up on solid ground more times than not. Buy something with a proven track record that won’t fail you in a high-stakes scenario.
Furthermore, dealing with an experienced, reputable gun dealer makes for a fluid first-time buying gun experience that will instill confidence.
Step one is being honest with yourself. What goals do you hope to meet by owning a gun?
What sort of budget are you working with? The more transparent you are with yourself, the higher probability you end up with a gun that’s perfect for you.
Every individual is just that; an individual, unique and singular like a snowflake [a literal snowflake, not the urban dictionary definition].
Consequently, one’s uniqueness must be taken into consideration when choosing a firearm. Are you short? Tall? Do you have hands that can palm a basketball? Is it arduous to clutch a yo-yo?
The gun you select should be an extension of you. The name of the game is Comfort. Comfort paves the way to confidence, and confidence leads to success. The same rule applies to almost anything in life.
Using the car analogy once more, the better one looks after their equipment, the more optimal the product will perform. How well do you think the vehicle in your driveway would function without regular inspection and maintenance?
This same rule applies when dealing with guns.
Meat and potatoes – buying a modern handgun is the key. It’s all a matter of personal preference. Find something for you, go to a range, hold the gun, and try it out. The more personal your relationship with your weapon of choice, the better you will perform. In the end, only you will know if the gun you select is the one for you.
Do you have the money to feed your base weapon of choice? Again, don’t undervalue the importance of self-awareness. Only you know what your financial situation is. There are supplemental costs to owning a gun that beginners tend to overlook.
Additional equipment like a gun belt, holster, ammunition, and a safe for storing your weapon[s] all come with buying a gun. The last thing you want is an unforeseen tragedy to occur because you were forced to cut corners on necessary accessories due to buying a firearm well out of your budget.
Owning a gun is about mitigating tragedy, not causing it. Be transparent, plan accordingly, and don’t cut corners. Again, these are weapons you are dealing with; diligence is vital.
Shooting a gun is an art form, no different than attempting to master any given sport. The more you repeat the behavior, the better you will be. Do you think tennis player Novak Djokovic reached the heights of his sport without putting in serious hours polishing his craft?
You may be thinking “What does tennis have to do with guns?”
Philosophically, the two aren’t far off. As in tennis, there are levels of gun ownership. The higher up one ascends, the likelier it is that more time was devoted to mastering the activity.
Assuming your inclination to buy your first gun is for self-defense, it behooves you to approach the endeavour seriously. Many first-time gun buyers purchase their weapon, put in some hours early on, then store the weapon somewhere and let it accumulate dust.
You don’t have to be a marine about it, but, why not make the most of the gun-owning experience if you’re willing to invest your hard-earned capital?
At no time throughout human history have things moved as fast as they do today. We spend countless hours in front of screens bombarded by messages seeping with fear and scarcity.
“You’re missing this. You need this. You’re lacking, lacking, lacking.”
This inescapable reality can pave the way for stress and burnout. As a result, many employ negative coping mechanisms just to make it through another day [substance abuse as an example].
One way to combat 21st-century stressors is by visiting your local gun range. When one devotes time to improving at something and sees positive outcomes, their self-confidence improves. With self-confidence comes a myriad of other positives that seem to appear out of thin air.
Experts have found that high self-esteem will positively affect your interpersonal relationships. When we feel good about ourselves, we tend to feel good about the world.
Not groundbreaking stuff if you really think about it.
Human beings are a lot like sharks. We need to keep moving, stay active, and feed, in order to maximize our true potential. Compound that with our predisposition to being social, and it makes sense to head to your local gun range. You’ll be amazed at how fun and liberating the experience can be.
One final thing to consider before making that investment; research. Since you’re entering waters you’ve previously not explored, don’t underestimate the importance of knowing what you’re up against.
Find out about the gun laws in your state and municipality. The information age means you can read up on a bevy of things with the simple click of a mouse. Use this to your advantage and saturate your brain with as much data as you can. It’s been said that in today’s world, information is the most valuable commodity there is.
Embracing this axiom will make you a more learned consumer. Devoting hours to research before purchasing your first gun will prove invaluable and increase the likelihood of ending up with the optimal weapon of choice for your needs.
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Also a good advice – don’t chase after accessories you don’t specifically need to train at first. Getting a red dot/extended mag can and should come later, first you really want to get good with basics.
Where were you in the early 2010s when I first started? Sound advice.