News stories of civilian self-defense seldom receive adequate media coverage. After all, armed good guys stopping violent felons does not make headlines like the lives of innocents being taken. Bias and agendas play their part, but the media does not cover an event that did not happen, such as a case where a good guy stopped a violent event before it it resulted in the loss of innocent life. However, these are exactly the type of stories we need to highlight to educate non gun owners before they head to the voting booth.
Good Samaritan Without a Gun Thrown Off Bridge
A Florida man was caught on camera throwing another man face first over a bridge 30 feet above water.

Derrick Goodin, 21, was arrested Sunday after striking Stephanie Ellis, 34, and then throwing Anthony Mascaro, 33, off a Daytona Beach bridge when Mascaro tried to defend her.
Daytona Beach Police Officer Christopher Maher was driving on the bridge when he saw the altercation.
As he got out of his car, the officer witnessed Goodin throw Mascaro over the bridge and into shallow waters, all of which was captured by the officer’s body camera.
Mascaro luckily survived the 30-foot fall with minor injuries – one that officials say could have ended far worse.
‘He only had a gash over his eye, which is very fortunate for that kind of incident,’ Lyda Longa from the Daytona Beach police department said of Mascaro’s injuries.
Goodin was charged with aggravated battery causing bodily harm, battery and disorderly conduct, according to an arrest report.
According to a police report, Mascaro and Ellis were walking across the Main Street Bridge around 4.45pm Sunday.
Ellis was walking her bike because she had a flat tire. That’s when Goodin allegedly walked up and began arguing with Ellis over money and struck her.
Mom Shoots Pedophile in Daughter’s Room
Some crimes are so disgusting that we should all be able to get together on the fact that they’re evil. Child rapists fall into that category. Even the vilest criminal in prison has no use for this kind of scum, and they take delight in making prison a “special” experience for these individuals.

However, that won’t be necessary for one pedophile who had a close encounter with a shotgun after his victim’s mother caught him in the act.
A notorious pedophile has been found dead by police after he was shot dead during the attempted rape of a 12-year old girl at a property in Morgantown, West Virginia.
The 42-year-old mother of the girl told investigators that she woke in the early hours of the morning after hearing a commotion in her daughters room. She grabbed a shotgun from her closet and rushed to her daughter’s room, where she was confronted by the sight of an unidentified man attempting struggling with her daughter.
Startled, the man turned around to face the mother, at which point she fired directly into his face, blowing off most of his head. The rapist—a 53-year-old sex offender known to police for a series of crimes on young victims—died instantly.
The mother then took her child and headed for the nearby police station, where she made her statement to police. When sheriff’s deputies arrived, they found the man dead, inside the home.
They have opted not to release any names at this time, which is fine. We don’t need to know the names.
What is important, however, is that West Virginia is a Castle Doctrine state, so the mother shouldn’t have to worry about legal troubles. Laws like that are intended to protect people who defend hearth and home, and that’s all this mother was doing.
Well, that and putting a little chlorine in the gene pool.
Honestly, though, I feel awful for both the mother and the child. Taking a human life can have lifelong repercussions, even if the legal system is on your side. It’s something that not everyone deals with well. Then couple in the trauma that the child experienced before the shooting, and any trauma as the result of having watched said shooting, and I suspect we’re going to see folks who could use a little help.
There’s nothing wrong with that, either.
At least there’s one little girl who will never have to feel unsafe with mom around. Rudyard Kipling once wrote, “For the female of the species is more deadly than the male,” and he wasn’t wrong. While men have traditionally been the warriors, a woman protecting her child is a special kind of fierce. This runs across all species.
In this case, Mama did what she had to do and ended a threat to her little girl.
But also, in this case, Mama made the world a little safer for all the other little girls out there.
Do you have a story of armed good guys turning the tide on a criminal? Share it in the comment section.
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Way to go, Mom! The perfect ending to this scumbag’s worthless life!
Phil in TX
I believe this story has been-mis reported and is fake news.
The story reported in local news was the house had been burglarized twice recently.
Mother and daughter came home and found the pedophile hiding in a closet. He attacked the mother, who fought him off and when the attack continued, shot him with a shotgun.
Mother and daughter barricaded themselves in a room while pedophile stumbled outside to expire.
Pedophiles’ car was found outside of nearby motel.
Still a great story!
“died instantly.”…to bad he should has suffered some!