If there is one thing the Democrats are good at, and consistent about, it is lecturing the American people about thing while doing the exact opposite. Elizabeth Warren was recently interviewed by WMRU’s Adam Sexton. During the interview, Warren claimed that a huge tax on ammo would be “good for communities of color.” Wouldn’t a tax on the Second Amendment do exactly the opposite?

“You mentioned the gun issue and we got to talk about it on the debate stage Friday night,” Sexton said. “You proposed a pretty significant tax increase on ammunition. So many of your plans are about lifting up people of lower incomes and disadvantaged communities, but that tax is probably going to fall disproportionately on their shoulders. Why target them with something like that that’s going to make it harder for them to access Second Amendment rights, and, perhaps, alienate some of the voters you need to win back from President Trump to win in 2020?”
Predictably, Warren drug out the same old tired arguments to dodge actually answering the question by claiming “America has a gun violence problem.”
“That means it’s about mass shootings. It’s also about shootings that occur on sidewalks and playgrounds. It disproportionately hits communities of color, but never raises a headline,” she explained. “It’s about suicides and lethality of suicides and, it about domestic violence and the much-increased odds that a woman will be killed if she’s in a place with an abuser and there’s also a gun in the home. So, I approach this as a public health issue.”
How does that old saying go? If you can’t dazzle them with brains, baffle the bullsh#t! And that’s exactly what her dodge was intended to do. I mean, really? No one is talking about the gun violence in communities of color??? Has she not seen the weekly headlines coming out of Chicago, Baltimore, and others? I suppose she has already forgotten the stories of Freddie Gray, Trayvon Martin, and Michael Brown that the liberal press covered for months or years and still hearkens back to whenever they can use it leverage.
Elizabeth Warren seems to think raising ammo prices will curb "gun violence," especially in minority communities. pic.twitter.com/b7s6UjgNbR
— Townhall.com (@townhallcom) February 9, 2020
Has Warren looked at the suicide rate and its effect on the gun deaths numbers? According to Pew Research report published in August of 2019, 6 of 10 gun deaths in the U.S. are attributable to suicide. She could simply look at the number of deaths due to drug overdoses if she really wanted to address a tragedy in all communities, including communities of color. Why doesn’t she? The answer is simple. The drug manufacturers will contribute to her campaign. There is no money to be raised by rallying against a true crisis, taxing ammo to punish law-abiding gun owners fills her person campaign piggy bank as well as the tax coffers.
Speaking of the law abiding. Common sense, it is a rare commodity among politicians, but even a modicum of common sense would tell you criminals are not going to be dissuaded by a few cents or few dollars tax. Someone bent on committing suicide cares little for a tax that takes a few more dollars out of their pocket.
What Does an Ammo Tax Accomplish?
It punishes law-abiding gun owners. It makes practice prohibitive, especially for Olympic hopefuls. It unfairly discriminates against the poor. Not that even the poor could not afford a few dollars more for ammunition. I don’t believe that when they are walking around with iPhones. While I would not begrudge anyone the benefits of modern communication, additional “sin” taxes, levied as false solutions, for political games, hurts us all. Period.
Where do you fall on new ammo taxes? Do you think it will help curb violence? Share your answers in the comment section.
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You’d think a “Native American” would understand what happens to a group that gets their firearms taken away, but maybe she identifies as a WASP this week.
Commissar Warren is not the only one. Warren and the rest of the Bolsheviks, will also put heavy taxes on the purchase of firearms. There isn’t a liberal commie Democrat politician in this here U.S. whether it be on the local, state, or national level that doesn’t want to confiscate all firearms.
vote no on any democrat. Firearms and ammo isn’t the only thing that will be taxed. Expect every tax you can think of and new ones added to pay for all this free stuff that the socialists want to give out, off the backs of hard working Americans.