Savage 110 Scout Rifle: A Modern Interpretation of Cooper’s Scout Rifle
Col. Jeff Cooper defined a general purpose rifle or Scout Rifle as “a conveniently-portable, individually-operated firearm, capable of striking a single decisive blow on a live target of up to about 440 pounds in weight, at any distance at which the operator can shoot with the precision necessary to place a shot in a vital area of the target.” Cooper provided more detail by stating a maximum weight for the rifle to be 6.6 pounds including sling and optic, and an overall length of 39 inches. Does the Savage 110 Scout measure up? [Read more…] about Savage 110 Scout Rifle: A Modern Interpretation of Cooper’s Scout Rifle
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Gun Test: Rossi Frontier .45 Colt Rifle
For most of my life, I have kept a lever action rifle handy for all around use. I have taken more game with the lever action than any other type. During my time as a peace officer, I kept a Winchester Model 94 .30-30 WCF lever action rifle in the trunk on more than one occasion. Such a rifle can solve most of the problems encountered. Today, however, I will be reviewing a Rossi Frontier that I recently acquired. [Read more…] about Gun Test: Rossi Frontier .45 Colt Rifle
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Gun Test: Kel-Tec Model RDB17
The Kel-Tec RDB17 could be considered the working man’s bullpup. Nothing fancy, but it sure performs. The RDB17 is a no-frills bullpup that is very functional with a simplistic approach. It is constructed of two polymer halves that sandwich around a steel action and barrel. The gas piston system has a gas regulator, so a user can regulate the weapon to run on all sorts of ammunition and a suppressor. The gas regulator can be adjusted with the open mouth from an empty 5.56 NATO case. It’s click-adjustable and Kel-Tec recommends firing a round after adjusting the regulator to test reliability. It comes from the factory ready to run on standard M193-type ammo. [Read more…] about Gun Test: Kel-Tec Model RDB17
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K-Var’s Black Friday/Cyber Monday Sales Feature Popular Products at Insane Savings!
Black Friday and Cyber Monday are sure to break new sales records across the nation and K-Var.com is ready to do its part. In addition to over 100 of our most sought after and popular products being heavily discounted, K-Var will be featuring Golden Ticket items. Golden Ticket items will feature some of our most requested products and offer savings well below our cost in most cases. However, you’ll have to be quick, as each Golden Ticket item will have a limited quantity. Arsenal AKs and concealed carry pistols, magazines and optics at prices like these is unheard of! [Read more…] about K-Var’s Black Friday/Cyber Monday Sales Feature Popular Products at Insane Savings!
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Dissident Arms Review: Red Oktober 2019
Red Oktober is an AK47 shooting competition hosted by Rifle Dynamics in Las Vegas, NV. This year, it was held at Pro Gun Club just outside Las Vegas where I had the pleasure of running into Mike Whitesides and Lan Nguyen of Dissident Arms. Before going into the details of our encounter, I should explain that I am a sales rep at MSR Distribution in Las Vegas and Dissident Arms (DA) is one of the top dealers that I supply firearms to. So, I already had a relationship with Mike and Lan before meeting up with them out at Red Oktober. However, this was an impromptu meeting that happened on the last day of the shooting competition. [Read more…] about Dissident Arms Review: Red Oktober 2019
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Range Report: Rossi RS22 Rifle
Like many of you I fired my first shots with a .22 rifle. It was some time before my grandfather allowed me to graduate from a single shot .22 to a self-loading rifle. The .22 self-loader is a great, all-around plinking, small game hunting, and training rifle. In many rural areas the .22 rifle is the first line of defense against predators both bipedal and quadraped. [Read more…] about Range Report: Rossi RS22 Rifle
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The New, Less Expensive Ruger 10/22
Hard on the heels of the Ruger Wrangler revolver, Ruger has introduced a more affordable version of the 10/22 self-loading rifle. The new rifle, SKU 31139, is intended to retail for less than $200. This is the same reliable 18.5-barrel 4.5-pound rifle as before, but without sights and a rather plain vanilla plastic stock. A sight rail is included. [Read more…] about The New, Less Expensive Ruger 10/22
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Colt AR-15: Trail-Dirty Deeds and Off-Road Shooting
K-Var Armory offers several variations on the Colt AR-15 rifle. While I have my favorites, any of the Colts will give long service in the harshest environments. It is like the old question, Do you know the difference between an elephant and an ant? An ant can ride an elephant. Many companies have done the AR-15, and some have done it well, but the Colt is still the one that all others are judged by. In fact, in my humble opinion, the Colt kicks most competitors in the teeth! [Read more…] about Colt AR-15: Trail-Dirty Deeds and Off-Road Shooting
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AR15 Components: A Little More Means a Lot Better
There is a huge array of AR15 components available at K-Var! Shopping options usually involve two criteria. First, is the part suitable for what I envision for the completed gun? Second, is the AR15 part at the lowest price I can get? [Read more…] about AR15 Components: A Little More Means a Lot Better
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Review: Galil ACE GAR1651.308 7.61×51 Rifle
Major Pandemic was fortunate to be one of the first writers to get his hands on the newly introduced Galil ACE GAR1651 .308/7.62×51 NATO, and I have had a chance to wring it out pretty well. What I will say is, this is my favorite among the .308 semi-auto rifles I own. It is not the lightest, the prettiest, or even the most accurate, however it can take a ton of abuse and still deliver bullets where they need to go. I not only like this 8.7-pound rifle, I love it. [Read more…] about Review: Galil ACE GAR1651.308 7.61×51 Rifle
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I’ll Take a M1 Carbine
The M1 Carbine was one of the most widely produced of all U.S. Military rifles and served during World War II, the Korean War, and Vietnam War. Millions were produced and at one time surplus models were not only commonly found, they were inexpensive. Today, things are different. A well-used, vintage M1 Carbine is expensive, and the cost will vary dramatically depending on which manufacturer produced the M1 Carbine and the model. I collect, but I shoot what I collect, and that’s why the M1 Carbines from Inland Mfg. and Auto-Ordnance are important to me—and other shooters who favor the M1 Carbine. [Read more…] about I’ll Take a M1 Carbine
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SHOT Show — New Products 2019
The SHOT Show (Shooting Hunting Outdoor Trade) in January of each year not only signals the beginning of a new year, but a whole round of product launches to fill our dreams, wish lists, and for a lucky few, gear closets and gun safes. Firearm sales have been rather lackluster as of late, so it is not much of a surprise that manufacturers focused more on expanding existing lines to include new colors and calibers more than completely new introductions. However, that is not to say the industry did not put out some new must-have models! On the other hand, the optics and accessories categories are teeming with new offerings to give your old gear a new look.
We scoured the SHOT Show floor for some of the best new offerings and will bring you a new list each day, so stay tuned. [Read more…] about SHOT Show — New Products 2019
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Choosing a Trunk or Truck Gun
Lots of people in the gun community have a trunk or truck gun. For most people, it is some type of beater rifle or shotgun. The theory is, “Why beat up a good gun by bouncing it around in the trunk?” Just throw a beater in there and forget about it. I am not a fan of that technique. [Read more…] about Choosing a Trunk or Truck Gun
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The Pistol Caliber Carbine (PCC)
The concept of the pistol caliber carbine, or PCC, is nothing new. In fact, early muzzleloading pistols often used the same caliber as their longer smoke-pole counterparts. The lever-action rifles used on the range by cowboys often chambered the same cartridge as their sixguns. Being able to share ammunition between the guns simply made logistical sense, and at the time, the power factor between the pistol and long gun was negligible. [Read more…] about The Pistol Caliber Carbine (PCC)
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Savage Arms: What’s Old is New Again
Since its introduction in 1958, the Savage Model 110 has served hunters and shooters well as an economical, hard-hitting, accurate rifle. Now it’s even better with the new Model 110 Big Game and Specialty series. These revamped rifles have received a fresh look and a full complement of new and improved features. Customized performance is the hallmark of the redesign, and these new rifles solve the three main issues shooters usually pay a gunsmith to address: fit, trigger pull, and bedding. [Read more…] about Savage Arms: What’s Old is New Again
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The .243 Winchester Addiction
You would think, being an avid hunter and given the number kids as I’ve introduced to hunting and shooting, I would have discovered the .243 Winchester a lot sooner than I did. My path was rather long and circuitous. I was close a couple of times, but never realized what I was missing until a change in the hunting regulations forced me to shoot the .243. [Read more…] about The .243 Winchester Addiction
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Arsenal SBR’s and One Model that is but is NOT…
If you shoot AK’s you know Arsenal by name and reputation and you know the quality of their products the second you pick one up. Arsenal Bulgaria celebrated 140 years of business and Arsenal Inc. celebrated 20 years of importing and manufacturing Arsenal products in the US. With so much history and a product that has overwhelmingly earned the respect of the AK community, it should be no surprise that as I started looking for a new short barrel AK rifle my first stop was Arsenal. As I checked out their SBR selection, there is no question I was impressed with their lineup. Three of the SBR models quickly became my focus: the SLR-104UR SBR, SLR-107UR SBR and SAM7SFK SBR. [Read more…] about Arsenal SBR’s and One Model that is but is NOT…
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Hits Count — Stabilize Your Rifle
When it comes to rifle shooting, fast hits are what counts in hunting and personal defense scenarios. When sighting in the rifle from the benchrest, we have all of the time in the world. Recently, I sighted my personal M1A1 with Leatherwood scope in from the rest and enjoyed 1 MOA groups with Federal MSR Fusion ammunition. However, I cannot expect a fraction of this accuracy when firing off hand at the 100-yard line, because you do not have the same opportunity to stabilize your rifle—or do you? [Read more…] about Hits Count — Stabilize Your Rifle
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Mossberg ATR: .270 Winchester — The Rifleman’s Cartridge
I am finally getting around to projects I have been anticipating for several years. One of these is putting together a credible all-around hunting rifle. The goal is something with more stretch than the .308 Winchester and perhaps a bit of finesse. Among the rifles I have chosen is the Mossberg All Terrain Rifle in .270 Winchester. I have enjoyed such good luck, for so long, with the ATR rifle in .308 Winchester, I did not wish to rock the boat and stayed with a proven product. [Read more…] about Mossberg ATR: .270 Winchester — The Rifleman’s Cartridge
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Tricking Out Your AR-15
While it is unlikely that your AR-15 will ever see combat, that does not mean it shouldn’t be considered something worthy of betting your life on. Firearm prices are currently down, so now is the time to buy the AR you have had your eye on, or stock up with a few bargain deals and build them with your favorite accessories. Here are a few ideas to start your upgrade list. [Read more…] about Tricking Out Your AR-15
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