Follow-Through for Shooting
One of the most important aspects of shooting effectively happens after you pull the trigger and the gun goes BANG! Follow-through is the final step in the firing process and the one that helps to integrate the other fundamentals in the taking a great shot. [Read more…] about Follow-Through for Shooting
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Cloudy With A Chance Of…
Weather and other environmental conditions can play havoc with your accuracy when shooting at longer distances, and knowing how to effectively compensate is a must. [Read more…] about Cloudy With A Chance Of…
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Cold Weather Shooting
When that tingling you feel is not just the excitement of the hunt, but more like the onset of frostbite, it may be time to start thinking about your cold weather shooting routine. [Read more…] about Cold Weather Shooting
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Hunting Safety
Whether you’re searching for the ultimate trophy or just looking to fill your freezer, hunting excursions should always be as safe as you can make them. [Read more…] about Hunting Safety
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Rifle Hunting Accuracy
Ever been on a hunt and have a situation where you think you’ve got your target perfectly lined up through the trees and then missed that one perfect shot? Well, you’re not alone. [Read more…] about Rifle Hunting Accuracy
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Proper Stock Fit For Better Performance
Inconsistent accuracy? Sore shoulder? If so, you may want to take a look at how your weapon actually fits. [Read more…] about Proper Stock Fit For Better Performance
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The Myth of Iron Sights
Ever hear an old-timer talk about how you’re not a ‘real’ shooter unless you can hit a target without your newfangled optics? I have, and while there may be a hint of truth there, the sentiment isn’t entirely accurate. [Read more…] about The Myth of Iron Sights
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Breaking-In Your New Gun
Ever fire a used gun and notice that the action and the trigger feel super smooth with every shot? That’s almost always because it’s been well worn-in through continued use. [Read more…] about Breaking-In Your New Gun
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Hot Weather Shooting
Temperatures are rising and it’s time to be aware of what that heat can do to your weapons and your ammo. Aside from the basic safety practices that help to keep you and those around you safe – what and how you shoot will dictate how much attention you need to pay to the warmer weather. [Read more…] about Hot Weather Shooting
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Avoiding Scope Bite
Getting ‘scoped’ when shooting a rifle is always a risk, but it’s one that can be minimized if you take a few precautions. This injury goes by a few different names like Scope Bite or Scope Eye and it’s always a highly unpleasant experience for shooters at any level. [Read more…] about Avoiding Scope Bite
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Know Your Muzzle Attachments
A lot of new gun owners often don’t fully understand the attachment at the end of their barrel and what it can and can’t do. Aside from a sound suppressor (which most everyone can recognize), a lot of these devices look pretty similar and can be hard to tell apart. [Read more…] about Know Your Muzzle Attachments
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Size Matters!
Shooting a gun that really fits well can make all the difference in the world. As a general rule though, off-the-shelf firearm models are manufactured for the ‘average’ shooter (for good reason), and you may end up with a less-than-ideal experience if you get a bad match. [Read more…] about Size Matters!
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Kids & Guns – Communication and Common Sense
When is the right time to introduce your kids to the world of firearms?
For the most part, it really depends on the child (we’ll get back to that in a moment) and your willingness to fully communicate the do’s-&-don’ts of gun handling and the potential risks if they are misused. Whether you simply own a handgun for personal protection or are a ‘shooting’ family that hunts or participates in sport shooting, a child’s understanding of guns will be of benefit.
[Read more…] about Kids & Guns – Communication and Common Sense
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The FM-AR: A Molot VEPR for 2020
In the gun world, Russia is best known for the classic AK-47 rifle, but one of the best rifles ever built comes from the Molot factory in Vyatskiye Polyany, and those rifles are called the VEPR.
[Read more…] about The FM-AR: A Molot VEPR for 2020
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Ruger SR-762: Ruger’s Badass 7.62×51 .308 Win.
A few years ago, Sturm, Ruger & Company leaped into the crowded AR15 rifle market with a piston driven AR15 variant. The SR-556 isn’t inexpensive. However, as a result, it is a very good rifle. Later, Ruger offered what I regarded as a sensational rifle, the SR-762, a 7.62×51 NATO variant. I suppose this might qualify as an AR10, but in most ways, it is a modern design. This isn’t a gas-impingement operation but rather a piston-operated rifle with a four-position gas valve or regulator. [Read more…] about Ruger SR-762: Ruger’s Badass 7.62×51 .308 Win.
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Chose the Handgun Over a Rifle or Shotgun for Defense!
On the morning of September 11, 2001, I was driving on Interstate 95 in Massachusetts, listening as the attacks unfolded on the radio, heading toward Boston to teach a three-hour seminar. When I got to the office where the class was being held, it was only the sobbing receptionist that broke the deafening silence to greeted me. We decided to press on with the training program. During the class breaks, we watched the towers burn on television. To describe it as surreal would be an understatement. When I got home early that afternoon—already wearing my handgun, as normal—I took a rifle, and shotgun out of the quick-action safe and put one on each side of the house. [Read more…] about Chose the Handgun Over a Rifle or Shotgun for Defense!
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A Case for the AK47 Rifle
When we read about certain firearms, particularly in the biased media or even in the popular gun press, we read terms such as ‘deadly’ efficiency. As a professional, I know that any projectile or firearm, beginning with a .177 Pellet at 450 fps, have killed human beings. It is the operator that is the real weapon. Just the same there are some firearms that have earned a well-deserved reputation for reliability and effect. Enter the AK47. [Read more…] about A Case for the AK47 Rifle
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Savage 110 Scout Rifle: A Modern Interpretation of Cooper’s Scout Rifle
Col. Jeff Cooper defined a general purpose rifle or Scout Rifle as “a conveniently-portable, individually-operated firearm, capable of striking a single decisive blow on a live target of up to about 440 pounds in weight, at any distance at which the operator can shoot with the precision necessary to place a shot in a vital area of the target.” Cooper provided more detail by stating a maximum weight for the rifle to be 6.6 pounds including sling and optic, and an overall length of 39 inches. Does the Savage 110 Scout measure up? [Read more…] about Savage 110 Scout Rifle: A Modern Interpretation of Cooper’s Scout Rifle
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Gun Test: Rossi Frontier .45 Colt Rifle
For most of my life, I have kept a lever action rifle handy for all around use. I have taken more game with the lever action than any other type. During my time as a peace officer, I kept a Winchester Model 94 .30-30 WCF lever action rifle in the trunk on more than one occasion. Such a rifle can solve most of the problems encountered. Today, however, I will be reviewing a Rossi Frontier that I recently acquired. [Read more…] about Gun Test: Rossi Frontier .45 Colt Rifle
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