All life is valuable. It seems, however, that every mass murderer targets those less capable of fighting back and therefore chooses gun-free zones and areas where they will likely find the least resistance due to the nature of the venue. Because Churches, like schools, are considered soft targets, they are more likely to endure criminal activity.

Pastor and Author Andrew Surace, examines the history of attacks on churches and explains various reasons for violence in them in his book “Securing the Sacred.” Some of these reasons include greater visibility in the media as mega-churches gain more notoriety, giving a counter-culture message which may invite ire and retribution, domestic violence situations that come to the sanctity of the church congregation, and opportunity by thieves who seek to plunder sound equipment, automobiles, parishioner property, and cash.
Within the last decade, churches have experienced an up-tick in church crime and violence without much publicity or exposure. Securing the Sacred tries to alert Pastors across the country and teaches some of the best practices currently utilized by organizations such as the United States Secret Service.
“The greatest need in the church today is a change of mindset. The great illusion that the church is a safe place is sadly just not the case as it was in times past,” says Dr. Surace, “The idea of church protection should be built on a foundation of wisdom and not fear.”
Do you think the media needs to focus more on church shootings and less on the schools? Do you believe the media glorifies mass shootings rather than simply covering the news? What do you think churches need to do to become less of a soft target? Share your answers in the comment section.
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