Shooting on the Move
There are obviously a lot of situations where shooting from a static position is preferred, but this can be limiting if you require something a little more dynamic. Learning to effectively shoot while on the move is essential for some, and a good skill to have in threatening situations. [Read more…] about Shooting on the Move
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An Alleged Coup Within Russia and its After-Effects
Late last winter, I embarked on a trip to meet a woman who turned out to be the love of my life. While there, I noticed Ukraine flags on random porches throughout her neighborhood.
Worth mentioning, Iris lives in a predominantly liberal suburb of a Midwestern metropolis. The kind of place where university degrees are common, Subarus are parked in driveways, and pro-choice lawn signs stand erect for the world to see. Virtue signalling at its finest, if you ask me.
At the time, the drumbeats of war by the legacy media were feverishly beating. The likes of CNN and FoxNews warned of a pending Russian invasion based on US Military intelligence. [Read more…] about An Alleged Coup Within Russia and its After-Effects
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Gun Safety 101
Whether it’s fishing at the lake or shooting hoops at the local YMCA, certain truths exist in every activity. It is one of the beauties of being a reflective organism. The more we do something, the better we tend to be at it.
Think of any activity you indulged in for the first time. It can be anything. Now, track your evolution along the way. Did you get better? I’m willing to bet green money that if you approached things seriously, you definitely did. [Read more…] about Gun Safety 101
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Sleepy Joe, Canadian WildFires, and PRIDE.
Washington, D.C. – With the Presidential Election some 500 days away, President Joe Biden and his Vice announced a new initiative centered on gun control. This is the same Commander in Chief who more than halfway through his term has failed repeatedly to enact stricter gun laws in America.
Why has the Big Guy failed? Primarily, because no sitting President has the right or ability to discard The Second Amendment. [Read more…] about Sleepy Joe, Canadian WildFires, and PRIDE.
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The Anti-Gun Movement’s Kryptonite = Video
With advancements in technology, we’re seeing crazy stuff being caught on camera more than ever before. One unexpected loser due to the video revolution; the anti-gun lobby. [Read more…] about The Anti-Gun Movement’s Kryptonite = Video
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Long Distance Shooting – Technique Tips
It’s no surprise that shooting at longer distances is an art that requires both precision and patience. Whether you’re a competitive shooter or an avid hunter, mastering this skill requires a deep understanding of the fundamentals of shooting, including proper technique, equipment, and the environment. [Read more…] about Long Distance Shooting – Technique Tips
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Gov. Ron DeSantis Takes Aim at the White House
Earlier this week, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis officially announced he’s running for President in 2024. The news itself isn’t shocking. Political pundits have long been saying that the Republican nomination will likely come down to DeSantis and former President Donald Trump.
Nonetheless, his announcement makes things official and certainly paves the way for must-watch television moving forward. [Read more…] about Gov. Ron DeSantis Takes Aim at the White House
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First-Time Buying a Gun?
Las Vegas, NV – You’ve decided it’s time to make the plunge and purchase a gun. First of all, bravo. It takes a certain type of person to acknowledge the tumultuous state of the world post-pandemic. Individuals are on edge. The propensity for physical confrontation is at an all-time high; even a simple outing to the grocery store is a crapshoot.
Assuming your commitment to owning a firearm is based on self-defense, here are some things to consider. [Read more…] about First-Time Buying a Gun?
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Good Guy With Gun to the Rescue
Allen, Texas – Unless you’re living under a rock or off-grid, a gunman stalked an outlet mall in a Texas suburb earlier this week. When the dust settled, eight innocent lives were cut down for no reason.
The assailant, who died on the scene, will remain unnamed in this article. What is of note is that the location where the tragedy occurred was a “gun-free zone”.
What is a gun-free zone? [Read more…] about Good Guy With Gun to the Rescue
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The Importance of Firearms Training
Do you know anyone who is a gun owner and who has absolutely no idea what they’re doing? I know I do. Although some form of training is often undertaken upon the purchase of a firearm, it’s the sharpening and maintaining of your skills over time that can be lacking. [Read more…] about The Importance of Firearms Training
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RFK Jr. Announces He’s Running, Kremlin Drone Attack, Self-Defense is Offense
In America, a battle wages between two sides of a very different coin. Whether you like it or not, this country’s Constitution is what sets it apart from all other democracies throughout the world. More than two hundred years later, the fundamentals drafted by our forefathers remain pertinent. [Read more…] about RFK Jr. Announces He’s Running, Kremlin Drone Attack, Self-Defense is Offense
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Keep Your Eyes Open
At any level, shooting is an activity that requires a great deal of focus and concentration – and one of the most basic decisions you’ll have to make is whether you shoot with one or both eyes open. Either method has their advantages and disadvantages, and it will ultimately come down to personal preference and how your vision is balanced. [Read more…] about Keep Your Eyes Open
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Tucker Carlson Out at Fox News
Early Monday morning, news broke that the polarizing television personality Tucker Carlson was out at Fox. The announcement was abrupt and shocking to many. When the highest-rated television personality is sent packing, the world takes notice.
Tucker Carlson, whether you like him or not, had ratings that any broadcast station would salivate over. Reruns of his show drew higher viewership than any other rival show competing in the same space. To relate his stature to sports, Tucker leaving Fox is a lot like when Michael Jordan left the Chicago Bulls in the mid-1990s. [Read more…] about Tucker Carlson Out at Fox News
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Conservatives Keep Winning
There was a time one could differentiate between varying legacy media news channels. As recent as the 2000s, FOX News and CNN would paint starkly different pictures of the same news event somewhere in the world. Fast forward to our iteration of the roaring twenties and the line between ideological news channels grows harder to differentiate. Translation; the media is noticeably anti-gun. [Read more…] about Conservatives Keep Winning
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Tree Stand Hunting 2 (Location, Location, Location)
As we know, tree stands are an essential tool for hunters to create an advantage in their pursuit of game, and knowing where to set up is a key component in optimizing your chances of success out in the field. [Read more…] about Tree Stand Hunting 2 (Location, Location, Location)
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Week 14: Trans Legislation, Finland to NATO, Trump Arrested!
Our neighbors to the North continue to do their part to emulate the People’s Republic of China. Recently, Canada’s controversial Internet Censorship Bill C-11 passed thanks in large part to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.
What does the bill mean? It means the Trudeau Government gets the right to manipulate an individual’s social media algorithms. It means they control what one can see on varying social platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok, name it, they call the shots.
Sound Orwellian and from a dystopian film? Unfortunately, it’s not. [Read more…] about Week 14: Trans Legislation, Finland to NATO, Trump Arrested!
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Week 13: Trump Indictment
Not three months into the new year and there’s so much happening both domestically and around the world.
Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve probably heard by now that former President Donald J. Trump could be indicted any day. What for? Where to begin.
In fact, Trump faces four investigations that come with potential charges. The list is extensive with the most serious being his alleged attempts to interfere with the transfer of power and his role in the January 6th events at The Capitol. [Read more…] about Week 13: Trump Indictment
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Surviving a Home Invasion
Break-ins and home invasions are obviously terrifying and are not things that we can control. What we can do however, is pro-actively take steps to secure our residences and react accordingly in the event of a breach. [Read more…] about Surviving a Home Invasion
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Common Firearms Malfunctions (and what to do about them)
As technologically advanced as modern guns are, you’d be hard-pressed to find any shooter who hasn’t had an issue here and there with equipment failure to some degree. It’s inevitable if you shoot long enough, but the key is to be able to quickly identify problems as they occur and safely remedy the situation. [Read more…] about Common Firearms Malfunctions (and what to do about them)
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Banking Crisis to Central Bank Digital Currency
Officials and legislators continue to push for stricter gun control measures in response to a number of high-profile mass shootings and a steady increase in gun crimes since President Biden took office.
Just last year, California, Delaware, and New York introduced new legislation designed to regulate ghost weapons and strengthen background checks. With gun control still one of the more divisive issues in America, this narrative is being written in real-time for Americans to witness. [Read more…] about Banking Crisis to Central Bank Digital Currency
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