Victimized at Home: Welcome to 2024
Rochester Hills, Michigan – Every now and then, a crime touches the pulse of Americans and gains the national spotlight. One such occurrence happened in Michigan last week when two men posing as utility workers gained entrance to an upscale home. [Read more…] about Victimized at Home: Welcome to 2024
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Subsistence Lifestyle: Why So Many are Adopting It
It’s becoming increasingly obvious that the days of abundance are a thing of the past. Money is tight, basic necessities are grossly overpriced, and rent throughout America is untenable.
Put simply, millions of Americans are having a difficult time surviving leading many to turn to a subsistence lifestyle. [Read more…] about Subsistence Lifestyle: Why So Many are Adopting It
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The 2020s: A Decade of Volatility
The gun issue in America is nothing new. For the better part of a century, there’s been a divide pitting two ideologies against one another: those for gun control vs those for gun rights. [Read more…] about The 2020s: A Decade of Volatility
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Biden Out, Harris In
For months, anyone with an inkling as to the state of Biden’s Presidency could see the writing on the wall. Yet, when news broke late last weekend about Biden’s formal declaration that he wouldn’t be seeking a second term, there was still some shock in the air. [Read more…] about Biden Out, Harris In
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Lock Up Your Own Ballistic Helmet
There are a bevy of items to stock up on for home defense. These include rifles, handguns, ammunition, water, and food in case of a full-scale power grid failure. Consequently, one item most individuals overlook that could mean life or death is a ballistic helmet. [Read more…] about Lock Up Your Own Ballistic Helmet
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2024: The Time to Prepare and Own a Gun is Now
2024 is the perfect time to prepare yourself for what could be some very trying times ahead. If you do not own a gun, this is your wake-up call to join the club before it’s too late. [Read more…] about 2024: The Time to Prepare and Own a Gun is Now
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How Does A Trump Presidency Affect Gun Owners?
The 2024 Election looks like a one-horse race with Donald J. Trump easily taking the New Hampshire primary earlier this week. Should Trump get a second term as President, it begs the question: what does it mean to the average gun owner? [Read more…] about How Does A Trump Presidency Affect Gun Owners?
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Paris When It Sizzles
With stunning videos surfacing on numerous social media platforms, France is on the cusp of civil war. It begs the question, what caused this sudden violence?
In short, the fatal police shooting of a teenager during a traffic stop in a Parisian suburb.
The slain seventeen-year-old victim has yet to be identified with only his first name released as ‘Nahel M’. Based on available information, the teen was a racial minority and his identity may have played a role in why he was gunned down by police. [Read more…] about Paris When It Sizzles
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Gun Safety 101
Whether it’s fishing at the lake or shooting hoops at the local YMCA, certain truths exist in every activity. It is one of the beauties of being a reflective organism. The more we do something, the better we tend to be at it.
Think of any activity you indulged in for the first time. It can be anything. Now, track your evolution along the way. Did you get better? I’m willing to bet green money that if you approached things seriously, you definitely did. [Read more…] about Gun Safety 101
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The Anti-Gun Movement’s Kryptonite = Video
With advancements in technology, we’re seeing crazy stuff being caught on camera more than ever before. One unexpected loser due to the video revolution; the anti-gun lobby. [Read more…] about The Anti-Gun Movement’s Kryptonite = Video
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First-Time Buying a Gun?
Las Vegas, NV – You’ve decided it’s time to make the plunge and purchase a gun. First of all, bravo. It takes a certain type of person to acknowledge the tumultuous state of the world post-pandemic. Individuals are on edge. The propensity for physical confrontation is at an all-time high; even a simple outing to the grocery store is a crapshoot.
Assuming your commitment to owning a firearm is based on self-defense, here are some things to consider. [Read more…] about First-Time Buying a Gun?
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Good Guy With Gun to the Rescue
Allen, Texas – Unless you’re living under a rock or off-grid, a gunman stalked an outlet mall in a Texas suburb earlier this week. When the dust settled, eight innocent lives were cut down for no reason.
The assailant, who died on the scene, will remain unnamed in this article. What is of note is that the location where the tragedy occurred was a “gun-free zone”.
What is a gun-free zone? [Read more…] about Good Guy With Gun to the Rescue
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RFK Jr. Announces He’s Running, Kremlin Drone Attack, Self-Defense is Offense
In America, a battle wages between two sides of a very different coin. Whether you like it or not, this country’s Constitution is what sets it apart from all other democracies throughout the world. More than two hundred years later, the fundamentals drafted by our forefathers remain pertinent. [Read more…] about RFK Jr. Announces He’s Running, Kremlin Drone Attack, Self-Defense is Offense
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Tucker Carlson Out at Fox News
Early Monday morning, news broke that the polarizing television personality Tucker Carlson was out at Fox. The announcement was abrupt and shocking to many. When the highest-rated television personality is sent packing, the world takes notice.
Tucker Carlson, whether you like him or not, had ratings that any broadcast station would salivate over. Reruns of his show drew higher viewership than any other rival show competing in the same space. To relate his stature to sports, Tucker leaving Fox is a lot like when Michael Jordan left the Chicago Bulls in the mid-1990s. [Read more…] about Tucker Carlson Out at Fox News
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Conservatives Keep Winning
There was a time one could differentiate between varying legacy media news channels. As recent as the 2000s, FOX News and CNN would paint starkly different pictures of the same news event somewhere in the world. Fast forward to our iteration of the roaring twenties and the line between ideological news channels grows harder to differentiate. Translation; the media is noticeably anti-gun. [Read more…] about Conservatives Keep Winning
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The Not So Great Reset and How We Got Here
BUILD BACK BETTER. Google it. Peruse the internet, accumulate as much information concerning the topic, then make an informed decision as to what it means.
Of late, more websites are sharing videos about the ‘Build Back Better’ initiative that pounded the airwaves in the wake of the novel Coronavirus. When these videos drop, the messaging from countless world leaders like President Joe Biden to Turkey’s Erdogan seem eerily similar. It’s almost like they were reading from the same script [which, I assure you, they were]. [Read more…] about The Not So Great Reset and How We Got Here
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