Springfield Hellcat: The CCW Game Changer
The issue in the past was if you wanted high capacity in a striker-fired handgun, you had to accept a bulkier gun. This compromise made it more difficult to accept a high-capacity pistol as an everyday CCW. SIG Sauer started the trend of the micro-compact, high-capacity CCW pistol a few years ago with its P365. I had an opportunity to shoot several magazines through the P365 back in 2018. I must admit, I was very impressed. It seemed almost beyond physics that a gun that small could hold 10 rounds of 9mm. I could tell that gun would change everything when it came to concealed carry—until I came across the Springfield Hellcat… [Read more…] about Springfield Hellcat: The CCW Game Changer
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The 10mm — Powerful Pistols and Revolvers
The past few months have been good to the 10mm cartridge and 10mm pistol fans. While sales and popularity of the .40 Smith and Wesson seem to be slipping, the 10mm is enjoying a comeback. New pistols including the Kimber Custom II, the now well-established Ruger SR1911, and even a double-action revolver have been met with enthusiasm. [Read more…] about The 10mm — Powerful Pistols and Revolvers
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Review: The RIA 10mm — The Commander With No Name
Some time ago, the 10mm cartridge hit the ground running and enjoyed a flash of popularity. Soon after, the 10mm was eclipsed by the .40 Smith and Wesson cartridge. The 10mm was kept going by a small, but loyal base. However, the 10mm is enjoying a credible comeback. Recently, the RIA crossed my desk, and I could not wait to get to the rage for a test run. [Read more…] about Review: The RIA 10mm — The Commander With No Name
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Top 5 “Small” Carry Choices for Arthritic Hands
As we all know, none of us are getting any younger. My birthday is rapidly approaching, and I will barely remain under 50 years of age. I like to think that I am still close to my prime; but I can certainly see how my parents are no longer near their peak. This is very evident with my mother’s arthritic hands. [Read more…] about Top 5 “Small” Carry Choices for Arthritic Hands
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7 Reasons the 9mm Is Right for You
The 9mm Luger cartridge is the single most popular centerfire handgun cartridge ever manufactured. The popularity of the 9mm cannot be without merit. It is a powerful number with excellent velocity and penetration and in the right handgun very accurate. There are also undeniable demerits clinging to the cartridge. The 9mm has proven to be a poor stopper exhibiting limited wound potential with full-metal-jacket ammunition. Today we have modern loadings that make the most of the 9mm and offer a good balance of expansion and penetration. [Read more…] about 7 Reasons the 9mm Is Right for You
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Review: Hornady Critical Duty/Critical Defense
There are few subjects as prone to create an argument as personal defense handguns and calibers. Some have a “devil may care” attitude and deploy anything, stating most are the same, while others go into great, even minute detail, in their testing and choices. I think that everyone should master the personal defense handgun of their choice. [Read more…] about Review: Hornady Critical Duty/Critical Defense
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SHOT Show — New Products 2019
The SHOT Show (Shooting Hunting Outdoor Trade) in January of each year not only signals the beginning of a new year, but a whole round of product launches to fill our dreams, wish lists, and for a lucky few, gear closets and gun safes. Firearm sales have been rather lackluster as of late, so it is not much of a surprise that manufacturers focused more on expanding existing lines to include new colors and calibers more than completely new introductions. However, that is not to say the industry did not put out some new must-have models! On the other hand, the optics and accessories categories are teeming with new offerings to give your old gear a new look.
We scoured the SHOT Show floor for some of the best new offerings and will bring you a new list each day, so stay tuned. [Read more…] about SHOT Show — New Products 2019
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SIG TACOPS 1911 — The Ideal 1911 for the Rest of Us
There is no more recognizable handgun than the 1911 .45. This iconic handgun has set the pace for combat excellence for over 100 years. Reliability, practical accuracy, fast handling, and knock down power are coupled with excellent human engineering. There are now many variants in size and caliber, but the original Government Model steel-frame handgun with a 5-inch barrel is arguably the most reliable and the best suited to combat use. The SIG TACOPS 1911 (Tactical Operations) handgun is a result of the intense development of the original 1911 design. [Read more…] about SIG TACOPS 1911 — The Ideal 1911 for the Rest of Us
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Review: SIG P320 M17 Civilian Model
I have carried and used SIG pistols for many years. I have been issued the SIG P226 and also carried the SIG P220. I have the greatest respect for SIG pistols and particularly appreciate their reliability. When the brass supplied officers with the SIG, we knew that they had not gone for the low bid. By the same token the low bid won over many agencies. SIG needed a polymer-framed striker-fired pistol to compete on an economic and practical basis. The SIG P320 was ergonomic, reliable, and easily used well. SIG finally had a striker fired competitor to the Glock and similar handguns. [Read more…] about Review: SIG P320 M17 Civilian Model
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Handgun Training — How I Choose the Gun
Handgun training, more so than most pursuits, is charged with individuality. Special teams and rifle companies move as a unit and exercise strict discipline. They have a plan of action. The handgun is a weapon of opportunity carried to meet the unexpected difficulty. The action is not planned, and the response is reactive. For many problems, a trained individual will respond with simple reflex. Reflex is sufficient for some problems, but simple movements set the stage for more elaborate responses. Training and movement should be simple and as straightforward as possible. [Read more…] about Handgun Training — How I Choose the Gun
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How to Choose a Handgun
Everyday, we are bombarded with the freshest information. We hope the information is legitimate, and we weigh our alternatives. Choosing an option involves a mix of assessments and choices colored by innate biases and too often, flawed assumptions. [Read more…] about How to Choose a Handgun
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SIG Romeo 7 Red Dot — Sighting in the Red Dot
With an optic budget topping out at $400 for a red dot sight, the SIG Romeo 7 not only fills the need, it surpasses optics costing hundreds more. The Romeo 7’s 30mm red dot is optimal for most, and the controls are easy to use. Just a few of the benefits include easy sight in, simple to mount, included low-mount option, and, best of all, SIG quality. [Read more…] about SIG Romeo 7 Red Dot — Sighting in the Red Dot
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Laser Sights — Green or Red?
It seems like only yesterday, I did not trust lasers. Mainly, I did not wish to own anything that might run out of battery life during a critical incident. Times have changed and products have improved. The new Crimson Trace LiNQ, as an example, is as rugged and reliable as any device may be. But this article is not about which model laser to choose. Instead, it details the differences you should consider when deciding between a red or green laser. [Read more…] about Laser Sights — Green or Red?
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Aluminum-Frame Pistols Make Sense
After deploying a steel-frame handgun for many years, I have come to appreciate lightweight (LW) frame handguns. Aluminum frame revolvers and self-loaders have become trusted companions. I am not one to save a few ounces at the cost of my life, but I do not wish to carry more weight than necessary. [Read more…] about Aluminum-Frame Pistols Make Sense

Gun Test: SIG P226 — The Definition of Reliability
Choosing a handgun for self-defense is a helluva decision, almost too important for an individual to make. While it is a personal decision at the end of the day, it really needs a committee to vet the decision and narrow the choices, similar to the military choosing a new service weapon. Of course, you could skip all of the hoopla and look to service weapons. The SIG P226 for instance was a favorite of the U.S. Navy SEALs for many years. [Read more…] about Gun Test: SIG P226 — The Definition of Reliability

Range Review: SIG P365 — The Smashing Little 9mm
I don’t mind carrying a small handgun that is efficient for its size. Some handguns are a wonder of downsizing. However, small 9mm handguns have a set of problems that isn’t easily addressed. This includes lower magazine capacity and lower hit probability. A short sight radius doesn’t make for good accuracy, but the SIG P365… [Read more…] about Range Review: SIG P365 — The Smashing Little 9mm

Review: Holosun Paralow HS503C Red Dot Sight
We are very lucky as shooters given the proliferation good and affordable red dot sights. The technology and quality is on the rise while prices have fell into a reasonable price range. At one time, a quality red dot sight, that would take the abuse of tactical training, cost about the same price as the rifle itself. Today, we have brands such as Holosun, which are offering quite a few technical innovations. [Read more…] about Review: Holosun Paralow HS503C Red Dot Sight