Sleepy Joe, Canadian WildFires, and PRIDE.
Washington, D.C. – With the Presidential Election some 500 days away, President Joe Biden and his Vice announced a new initiative centered on gun control. This is the same Commander in Chief who more than halfway through his term has failed repeatedly to enact stricter gun laws in America.
Why has the Big Guy failed? Primarily, because no sitting President has the right or ability to discard The Second Amendment. [Read more…] about Sleepy Joe, Canadian WildFires, and PRIDE.
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Good Guy With Gun to the Rescue
Allen, Texas – Unless you’re living under a rock or off-grid, a gunman stalked an outlet mall in a Texas suburb earlier this week. When the dust settled, eight innocent lives were cut down for no reason.
The assailant, who died on the scene, will remain unnamed in this article. What is of note is that the location where the tragedy occurred was a “gun-free zone”.
What is a gun-free zone? [Read more…] about Good Guy With Gun to the Rescue
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Tucker Carlson Out at Fox News
Early Monday morning, news broke that the polarizing television personality Tucker Carlson was out at Fox. The announcement was abrupt and shocking to many. When the highest-rated television personality is sent packing, the world takes notice.
Tucker Carlson, whether you like him or not, had ratings that any broadcast station would salivate over. Reruns of his show drew higher viewership than any other rival show competing in the same space. To relate his stature to sports, Tucker leaving Fox is a lot like when Michael Jordan left the Chicago Bulls in the mid-1990s. [Read more…] about Tucker Carlson Out at Fox News
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The Not So Great Reset and How We Got Here
BUILD BACK BETTER. Google it. Peruse the internet, accumulate as much information concerning the topic, then make an informed decision as to what it means.
Of late, more websites are sharing videos about the ‘Build Back Better’ initiative that pounded the airwaves in the wake of the novel Coronavirus. When these videos drop, the messaging from countless world leaders like President Joe Biden to Turkey’s Erdogan seem eerily similar. It’s almost like they were reading from the same script [which, I assure you, they were]. [Read more…] about The Not So Great Reset and How We Got Here
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Vaccine Deaths = War Distraction
World War 3 is upon us. Earlier this week, Germany sent thirty Leopard Tanks to Ukraine to assist in their war effort against Russia. Soon afterwards, Canada sent four Leopard Tanks of their own.
The drumbeats of war have commenced – something most Trump supporters warned of as soon as Biden took office. [Read more…] about Vaccine Deaths = War Distraction
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The Biden Scandal, Ukraine, and a Heroic Athlete
When President Joe Biden was sworn into office in January of 2021, many pundits warned there was little chance of him actually finishing a term inside the Oval Office. Such proclamations were met with skepticism by the left – mere conjecture construed by Republicans to diminish Biden’s influence while President.
Fast-forward two years, and it looks like someone had a crystal ball. [Read more…] about The Biden Scandal, Ukraine, and a Heroic Athlete
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How Midterm Results Played Out
Now that midterm primaries have come and gone, what did the results yield and where do we stand as a nation?
Though the final results are not entirely clear, we do know the following:
Democrats fared far better than what polls indicated in the weeks leading up to November 8th. [Read more…] about How Midterm Results Played Out
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Joe vs The Don, Part II?
Remnants of the coronavirus permeate my city daily.
Walk outdoors, and you’ll still see individuals moving about in face diapers.
The other day I even witnessed a woman in jogging attire race through urban streets with a surgeon’s mask on. Laughable? Perhaps.
But, this is the state of the world in 2022. [Read more…] about Joe vs The Don, Part II?
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It was a good run. But, now, the show must go on. Donald J. Trump’s days in the White House are just about up, with Joe Biden set to take up residency later this week. The question to ask; was Trump any different than some of our past leaders? Or was he just another puppet concocted by the Elite? [Read more…] about Puppeteers
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The Purge
Face facts – life, as we know it, has changed and will never be the same. Within four months, day-to-day reality has shifted for the entire globe. Numbers flash on tv screens; deaths, infections, stock market indicators, and suddenly, things aren’t so different than the initial years following the September 11th attacks. Remember? The colored terrorism threat indicators plastered at the bottom of countless media outlets; red, orange, yellow, and so on. The current perceived threat may be different, in this case, a virus and not anti-West extremists, however, the same product is being sold by those in power – Fear, and a lot of it.
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Biden Endorses Forcible Seizure of Legal Guns
Democratic presidential candidate and former Vice President Joe Biden has announced he would tap avowed gun grabber Robert “Beto” O’Rourke—who wants to forcibly seize legally owned firearms—as his Gun Control Czar. The disastrous result would be a roll back of our Second Amendment rights and a potential uprising from those targeted by the unconstitutional act. [Read more…] about Biden Endorses Forcible Seizure of Legal Guns
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Biden Warns Gun Makers: ‘I’m Coming for You. Period.’
While the Democratic nominee may not be officially chosen for months, one thing is clear—regardless who the nominee is, he or she will be anti-gun. Bernie Sanders seems to be the current front runner, and actually had best (of the worst) voting records on Second Amendment issues. However, according to his campaign rhetoric, that will change. Sanders said what he needed to say to get elected in Vermont as a senator. Today, he is off the leash and in full-blown anti-gun mode. As for the worst voting record, the blue ribbon would likely have to go to Joe Biden. [Read more…] about Biden Warns Gun Makers: ‘I’m Coming for You. Period.’
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‘Shotgun’ Joe Biden Will Enter 2020 Presidential Race — Report
Former Vice President ‘Shotgun’ Joe Biden, a Democrat, will reportedly enter the race for the White House within days, according to the Washington Times, and one of the consequences just might be that Washington Gov. Jay Inslee, running last in a field of 15 candidates, will get bumped out of every news cycle outside of Seattle and Olympia. [Read more…] about ‘Shotgun’ Joe Biden Will Enter 2020 Presidential Race — Report
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