Review: Balios Lite Gen 2 AR Pistol
The Balios Lite Gen 2 AR Pistol is exceptional for tactical performance. The lightweight, maneuverable platform is perfect for short- and mid-range shooting. Hitting targets on the move with accuracy and limited recoil gives you a major tactical advantage in the field. [Read more…] about Review: Balios Lite Gen 2 AR Pistol
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Affordable Concealed Carry: SCCY
In mid-2012, I first read about a new gun manufacturer, SCCY, that was making an affordable CCW (Concealed Carry Weapon) in Florida. Needless to say, I was curious and wanted to test it. Over the years, I’ve always tried to review a variety of guns, at a variety of prices. I understand that anyone would love a $1,000+ gun, but for some that is a currently unattainable dream. Every socioeconomic class in the U.S. has the right to self-defense as well as the ability to defend those they love.
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Crimson Trace LiNQ: Your AR’s Best Friend
A few weeks ago, as I worked up my personal go-anywhere-do-anything rifle, I elected to mount the new Crimson Trace LiNQ system from Crimson Trace. The LiNQ is a true wireless activated combat light and laser system. The system isn’t overly complicated—even less so if you do not use all of the features but concentrate on the modes that suit your needs. [Read more…] about Crimson Trace LiNQ: Your AR’s Best Friend

Aluminum-Frame Pistols Make Sense
After deploying a steel-frame handgun for many years, I have come to appreciate lightweight (LW) frame handguns. Aluminum frame revolvers and self-loaders have become trusted companions. I am not one to save a few ounces at the cost of my life, but I do not wish to carry more weight than necessary. [Read more…] about Aluminum-Frame Pistols Make Sense

Military Arms Channel: Arex Alpha Review
Arex of Slovenia made a big splash with its Arex Rex Zero 1S 9mm pistol a couple years ago. Tim from the Military Arms Channel beat one up pretty good, and it did incredibly well. Fast forward and Arex has a competition model, called the Arex Rex Alpha 9mm pistol. The Alpha is designed to go toe to toe with guns such as the CZ Shadow and STI Edge. This is a video worth watching if you’re in the market for a high end match/target pistol. If you are not, you will be after handling the Alpha. [Read more…] about Military Arms Channel: Arex Alpha Review

Premium Series Review: Kahr K9 Elite
Kahr was one of the first major producers of handguns in the U.S. to focus on the CCW market. For over 20 years, Kahr has quietly manufactured some of the finest handguns on the market. In addition to this, many would be surprised to learn that Kahr’s parent company (Kahr Firearms Group) is the owner of: Kahr Arms, Auto-Ordnance, and Magnum Research. Three iconic American firearms companies. From that comes one of its flagship performers, the Kahr K9 Elite. [Read more…] about Premium Series Review: Kahr K9 Elite

Lee Loader: Survival Reloading Made Easy
For those getting started with reloading, a “round” of ammunition is composed of the case, often referred to as “brass,” which is usually made of reloadable brass, an appropriately-sized and powered replaceable centerfire primer, powder, and bullet. The whole process of a detonating round is simple; the hammer in the gun hits the firing pin, which hits the primer that detonates a small explosion to ignite the powder. In turn, the burning of the powder builds pressure inside the round in the chamber and pushes the bullet down the barrel. The chore is made simple with the Lee Loader. [Read more…] about Lee Loader: Survival Reloading Made Easy

Thermal: FLIR Breach Field Test
As I snapped another picture, my model casually mentioned that our photo backdrop was the scene of a double homicide a couple years ago. Nearby, a few kids from the block—some of whom appeared to be in their mid-40’s and malevolent—were interested in what we were doing. Focused on the camera, I didn’t mind the sweat caused by my bulletproof vest, and was thankful for the two other police officers watching our back. It’s a tough street in a tough city. We were standing in the North Harbor neighborhood of East Chicago, Indiana to test the FLIR Breach. [Read more…] about Thermal: FLIR Breach Field Test

Video: PR-01 Precision Picatinny Quad Rail Handguard System Installation
The PR-01 Precision Picatinny Quad Rail Handguard System provides a superior platform for a wide range of attachments, including optics, flash lights, lasers, forward grips, and other accessory options. This amazing Quad-Rail system was designed to exceed the stringent military requirements. [Read more…] about Video: PR-01 Precision Picatinny Quad Rail Handguard System Installation

Review: Ruger SR1911 Commander
For many years, the Colt 1911 Government Model was the only service-grade, big bore self-loader. The 1911 is durable, reliable, hard hitting, and accurate enough for combat use. The only legitimate complaint concerning the 1911 was that it was large and heavy. This didn’t matter as much for military use, but the piece was also adopted by some peace officers—mostly federal agents—and experienced shooters for concealed carry. [Read more…] about Review: Ruger SR1911 Commander

Review: Bond Arms Bullpup9 Pistol
Over the years, I have had the great privilege of getting to know Gordon Bond, Garrett, Danielle, and many other team members at Bond Arms. Last July, I also had the opportunity to tour Bond’s manufacturing facility in Texas. For over 20 years, Bond Arms has been making precision derringer-style (two-shot, over/under barrel) pistols in over 20 different (interchangeable) calibers. However, for the past 8 months I’ve used and attempted to abuse Bond’s first semi-auto CCW handgun, the Bond Arms Bullpup9 in preparation for this review. [Read more…] about Review: Bond Arms Bullpup9 Pistol

Review: Ruger American .450 Bushmaster — The Deer Slayer’s Rifle
Many of us can trace back at least one of our first shooting experiences to a Ruger firearm. Typically, it’s a Ruger 10/22 (.22 Long Rifle). This was the case for me back in the 1980s. I’ve always respected Ruger as a quality/affordable manufacturer. However, I really hadn’t shot anything new from Ruger until two years ago when I bought my wife a Ruger LCP (.380) as her CCW gun. This all began when I was introduced to the marketing team at Ruger. I was particularly interested in its Ruger American .450 Bushmaster. Not only is this caliber gaining popularity in Michigan and Ohio for deer hunters, but it’s quickly becoming popular with guides and hunters across the U.S. [Read more…] about Review: Ruger American .450 Bushmaster — The Deer Slayer’s Rifle

Review: Regent R100 an Affordable GI 1911
Despite the popularity of the modern, custom-grade, factory 1911 handgun with good sights, a crisp trigger, and good features, the GI-type .45 remains popular. GI-type 1911 handguns are simple handguns with small sights modest sight controls and fitting that is looser than most modern 1911 handguns. After all, the original design is famous for working reliably even when invaded by mud and sand, The Regent R100 is no exception. [Read more…] about Review: Regent R100 an Affordable GI 1911

AK47 Parts and Accessories at Blowout Prices!
When people talk about The End Of The World As We Know It (TEOTWAWKI) and SHTF (‘Sugar’ Hit The Fan) scenarios, it’s commonplace to consider what firearms you’ll need. The debate is eternal over which gun or guns would be most useful, but the ultra-reliable AK47 is at or near the top of any credible, well-reasoned list. While an AK is a good start, it is only a start. [Read more…] about AK47 Parts and Accessories at Blowout Prices!

.300 Savage Cartridge and Savage 99 Rifle — The Forgotten .30
Among my favorite cartridges is a hard hitting, accurate, and soft-kicking number known as the .300 Savage. The .300 Savage has been chambered in the Savage 99 lever action rifle most famously, but also a number of bolt action rifles. Among these is an early Savage rifle that is the model for the modern Kimber bolt action. [Read more…] about .300 Savage Cartridge and Savage 99 Rifle — The Forgotten .30

Review: Windham Weaponry SRC-308
I was excited to test the new Windham Weaponry WW-308 (MSRP $1,708, but K-Var’s price is under $1,250). I have shot 223/5.56 AR-15s ever since I was 13 years old, but had never really had a chance to try out the AR-15s big brother (often referred to as the AR-10). The real treat was trying this rifle platform out with Windham Weaponry, a company rich in AR-15 history. [Read more…] about Review: Windham Weaponry SRC-308

Top 5 Ready for Action Shotguns of 2018
There is no shortage of quality shotguns to choose from these days, which makes whittling down the list to 5 a real chore. However, that is what we did when we created this list of the Top 5 Ready for Action Shotguns of 2018. These are not necessarily the newest or the most popular, but they are all worthy of selection to defend the castle when the wolf comes to your door. [Read more…] about Top 5 Ready for Action Shotguns of 2018

Gun Test: Ruger LCR .357 Magnum
Revolvers are often times not at the top of someone’s list for a CCW (Concealed Carry Weapon). In the early 2000s, CCW gun manufacturers started making .380s, then 9mms, and later, .40 and .45s. The revolver, the sidearm for police for over a century, got no love. That is until the Ruger LCR (Lightweight Compact Revolver) was released in 2009. [Read more…] about Gun Test: Ruger LCR .357 Magnum

Review: Extrema Ratio Nightmare Karambit Folder
What is not to love about the Uber Tech Extrema Ratio knives? The designs are both impressively simple and elegant, complete with the top tier of cobalt steel that delivers an aggressive, extremely long-lasting edge. Initially, the feel is somewhat out of the ordinary. However, once you put one in your hand, the odd design makes sense. The new Extrema Ratio Scout carries through an Italian design legacy which combines style and function in well executed simple elegance. The Extrema Ratio Nightmare Karambit folder is a perfect example of how Extrema can take an idea to a different level. [Read more…] about Review: Extrema Ratio Nightmare Karambit Folder

The Skill of Rifle Marksmanship
The primary goal of marksmanship is being able to hit what we are aiming at. Your purpose may be simple target shooting, hunting, or personal defense. Whatever the goal, a great deal of practice is needed. For most of American history, rifle marksmanship has been an essential skill, and it remains so today. [Read more…] about The Skill of Rifle Marksmanship