Will Armenian AKs soon be coming to America?
The press secretary of the Ministry of Defence of Armenia has announced a contract between Kalashnikov Concern and Royalsys Engineering Ltd. This is big news and means AK-12 and AK-15 rifles will soon be produced in Armenia. [Read more…] about Will Armenian AKs soon be coming to America?
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A Closer Look At The Molot Sanctions
While walking around SHOT Show this year, I couldn’t help but see the ads running for the Last of Molot and directing me to Booth 11217. With the prospect of the promise of free patch and a chance to check out the last of the VEPR’s, I couldn’t resist. As many of you know, this year the federal government put the final nail in the coffin for anyone wanted access to quality Russian firearms. The question is, “Why and how did we get here?” [Read more…] about A Closer Look At The Molot Sanctions