For the Sport of It
For almost as long as people have been shooting, there has been a desire for opportunities to showcase individual talents and to engage in competitive events. From archers in ancient civilizations to the earliest matchlock and flintlock shooting competitions in Europe and early America, expert marksmanship has been a much-lauded skill over time. [Read more…] about For the Sport of It
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September 11th, 2001. Who Benefits?
Today marks nineteen years to the day when everything changed; 9/11. I won’t get into my beliefs as to what occurred on our soil that day. I will not bore you with details as to where I was that morning. It doesn’t change a thing, and more often than not, leads to contentious arguments with my inner circle. [Read more…] about September 11th, 2001. Who Benefits?
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Chess, Not Checkers
2020 has been interesting. First, a global pandemic that was initially said to wipe out 1-2 million Americans. And then, racial turmoil with demands to disband police departments reverberating throughout the union. Let’s first cast the lens on the novel Coronavirus, so that we may better connect the dots as to what might be transpiring before our eyes. [Read more…] about Chess, Not Checkers
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The Purge
Face facts – life, as we know it, has changed and will never be the same. Within four months, day-to-day reality has shifted for the entire globe. Numbers flash on tv screens; deaths, infections, stock market indicators, and suddenly, things aren’t so different than the initial years following the September 11th attacks. Remember? The colored terrorism threat indicators plastered at the bottom of countless media outlets; red, orange, yellow, and so on. The current perceived threat may be different, in this case, a virus and not anti-West extremists, however, the same product is being sold by those in power – Fear, and a lot of it.
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Imagine this scenario for a moment – you’re the son of a billionaire known for his philanthropy. One night, your parents take you to the Opera located in a seedy part of town. After the show, your old man elects to take a short-cut through a desolate alley. His decision proves fatal. Not a minute through, the three of you are confronted by a gunman in his twenties who demands valuables. Your father does his best to comply, but as the gunman reaches for pearls hanging around your mother’s neck, dad’s protective gene kicks in and he lunges at the man. What happens next is tragic; the gunman reacts, pulls the trigger twice, and like that, you’re the wealthiest orphan north of the Mississippi.
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Detach, Process, Repeat
COVID-19 brings the world to a screeching halt. Economies teeter, stocks plummet, and citizens become compliant robots all too willing to remain quarantined. Perhaps an election is lost by the incumbent (I’m crossing my fingers this does not occur). A year later, a vaccine is suddenly discovered. If you wish to board an airplane or cross into a neighboring state, not a problem as long as you possess legal documents proving you’ve received the vaccine. In other words, comply, and those in power can tell you what else is okay under their totalitarian state. Cite your freedoms and rights as a sovereign citizen, FEMA camps stage-right to re-educate you. Sound far fetched? Maybe not.
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Safe Storage Continues To Be A Choice For Most
How safe are your guns?
How safe do they need to be?
Currently, there are more guns in personal possession in the U.S. than there are people. That’s a lot of firepower. Let’s take a look at the numbers:
- Less than half of all households claim to own any firearms at all – that means that more gun owners certainly have multiple weapons within their homes
- 54% of those owners report that they do not take measures to store all of their guns safely
- 20% of those households have small children in the home
- 10% of owners indicate that they keep all of their weapons unlocked and loaded
For most people, the concept of gun safety really isn’t an issue. You’re not high-risk, you take care of your firearms and take reasonable steps to make sure that they’re secure after use. That’s probably why government intervention hasn’t really been all that necessary up to now. [Read more…] about Safe Storage Continues To Be A Choice For Most
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Quarantining Our Rights
For the last week or so, we have witnessed several protests popping up in various cities across the U.S., mostly in places where the “Stay-at-Home” orders have crossed the line into infringement upon the citizens’ rights. One of the first things that the mainstream media is pointing out about these protests (after accusing the protesters of being far-right extremists) is that many of the people attending these protests are going armed.
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Armed Good Guys: Rob the Gun Store?
News stories of civilian self-defense seldom receive adequate media coverage. After all, armed good guys stopping violent felons does not make headlines like the lives of innocents being taken. Bias and agendas play their part, but the media does not cover an event that did not happen, such as a case where a good guy stopped a violent event before it resulted in the loss of innocent life. However, these are exactly the type of stories we need to highlight to educate non gun owners before they head to the voting booth. [Read more…] about Armed Good Guys: Rob the Gun Store?
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SAF Filing 2A Lawsuits Over “Pandemic Panic”
The Second Amendment Foundation, filed a federal lawsuit against New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy earlier in the week alleging deprivation of rights under color of law, indicated in a news release late Tuesday it is “working on lawsuits against Washington, Massachusetts, and jurisdictions in California and North Carolina, among others.” [Read more…] about SAF Filing 2A Lawsuits Over “Pandemic Panic”
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Gun Safety for Quarantined New Gun Owners
Exact numbers from the FBI’s National Instant Criminal Background Check System won’t be available for at least another week, but by all indications, there are potentially hundreds of thousands of new gun owners. Many could be owners who never held a gun until they stood in line, waited among the crowds and finally got their firearm. We want you all to know the tenets of gun safety. [Read more…] about Gun Safety for Quarantined New Gun Owners
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In Panic, Second Amendment Right Not Outmoded After All
A rush on gun stores across the country to purchase firearms and ammunition shows that during a period of national panic, Americans fall back on the Second Amendment for reassurance, say some in the gun rights community, but in two American cities, officials are saying gun shops are non-essential businesses. [Read more…] about In Panic, Second Amendment Right Not Outmoded After All
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Anti-Gun Democrats Force the 149th NRA Annual Meetings to Close
Of course this is a fake headline, but with all of the hysteria around the Coronavirus, would you have been surprised?
While the cancellation of the 149th NRA Annual Meetings was not a surprise—Nashville had been recently hit by a devastating tornado and concerns about the spread of the coronavirus led to an emergency declaration in Tennessee—it comes as a disappointment, considering this is an election year and NRA members use the meetings to energize.
The NRA issued the following notice on its website: [Read more…] about Anti-Gun Democrats Force the 149th NRA Annual Meetings to Close
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Alarm: Everytown Gun Control Lobby ‘Needs Your Help’
The billionaire-backed Everytown for Gun Safety, a gun control lobbying group—which was co-founded and bankrolled by former presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg—has sent an email blast to presumed supporters, asking for donations to help elect gun grabbers in 2020. Liberty Park Press obtained a copy of the email. [Read more…] about Alarm: Everytown Gun Control Lobby ‘Needs Your Help’
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Firearm Sales Are High, Prices Are Generally Low
The National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) checks for February 2020 have broken all the previous records for the month, with 2,776,380 checks. This signifies very little, because more than half of the NICS checks are for carry permits and carry permit rechecks. That leaves us with the question of how to calculate the numbers of firearm sales. Fortunately, it is not that hard. [Read more…] about Firearm Sales Are High, Prices Are Generally Low
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Biden Endorses Forcible Seizure of Legal Guns
Democratic presidential candidate and former Vice President Joe Biden has announced he would tap avowed gun grabber Robert “Beto” O’Rourke—who wants to forcibly seize legally owned firearms—as his Gun Control Czar. The disastrous result would be a roll back of our Second Amendment rights and a potential uprising from those targeted by the unconstitutional act. [Read more…] about Biden Endorses Forcible Seizure of Legal Guns
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Suicide Prevention: Gun-Related Deaths are Everyone’s Problem
Recognizing that nearly two-thirds of all firearms deaths are by suicide, NSSF and the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention have developed a Suicide Prevention Toolkit to help firearms retailers, shooting range operators, and customers understand risk factors and warning signs related to suicide, know where to find help, and encourage secure firearms storage options. NSSF asks retailers and ranges to participate in this program because doing so can help save lives. [Read more…] about Suicide Prevention: Gun-Related Deaths are Everyone’s Problem
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SAF Petitions Supreme Court for Review of Rodriguez Case
The Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) is the one of, if not the, most staunch defenders of the Second Amendment and the gun rights of citizens. Currently, the SAF has four cases before the Supreme Court—more at one time than any other gun rights organization in history.
BELLEVUE, WA – Attorneys for the Second Amendment Foundation have filed a petition to the U.S. Supreme Court seeking review of their case challenging the City of San Jose and its police department in a case involving the seizure of legally-owned firearms and refusal to return them. [Read more…] about SAF Petitions Supreme Court for Review of Rodriguez Case
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Biden Warns Gun Makers: ‘I’m Coming for You. Period.’
While the Democratic nominee may not be officially chosen for months, one thing is clear—regardless who the nominee is, he or she will be anti-gun. Bernie Sanders seems to be the current front runner, and actually had best (of the worst) voting records on Second Amendment issues. However, according to his campaign rhetoric, that will change. Sanders said what he needed to say to get elected in Vermont as a senator. Today, he is off the leash and in full-blown anti-gun mode. As for the worst voting record, the blue ribbon would likely have to go to Joe Biden. [Read more…] about Biden Warns Gun Makers: ‘I’m Coming for You. Period.’
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