Don’t Be A Victim
Here’s the thing; I haven’t always been a gun advocate. After the school shooting at Columbine in 1999, I adopted the view most liberals still cling to; gun reform is necessary for our country, and long overdue. Then, during my senior year in college, something happened that altered my paradigm entirely.
I was out with fraternity brothers at a local bar celebrating the end of finals. There were eight of us drinking our problems away like countless Coeds before us. This night occurred in the early 2000s to give you a frame of reference. Nothing was out of the ordinary for the first few hours, but right around eleven, things went south and changed my lens forever.
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Imagine this scenario for a moment – you’re the son of a billionaire known for his philanthropy. One night, your parents take you to the Opera located in a seedy part of town. After the show, your old man elects to take a short-cut through a desolate alley. His decision proves fatal. Not a minute through, the three of you are confronted by a gunman in his twenties who demands valuables. Your father does his best to comply, but as the gunman reaches for pearls hanging around your mother’s neck, dad’s protective gene kicks in and he lunges at the man. What happens next is tragic; the gunman reacts, pulls the trigger twice, and like that, you’re the wealthiest orphan north of the Mississippi.
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Gun Test: Browning Hi Power
Some makers sing the words, but they don’t know the music. A maker that got the steel somatic right is Fabrique Nationale. The Browning Hi Power is a unique design, held in awe by serious handgunners. The Hi Power comes from an era when blue steel and walnut were the norm, and plastic was material for cheap pistol grips. The story of the Hi Power Hi Power has been told many times. However, as a classic, it is always worth one more look. [Read more…] about Gun Test: Browning Hi Power
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Gun Test: Arex Rex Delta 9mm Pistol
The Arex Rex Delta is a fresh design in the striker-fired, polymer-frame field. Dr. Dave Dolbee has visited the ultra-modern Arex (pronounced R-X) plant and found it impressive. As for quality and production as well as human resources, the company is an impressive force in the market. [Read more…] about Gun Test: Arex Rex Delta 9mm Pistol
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Gun Test: Springfield XD-S 4.0
The Springfield XD-S 4.0 is a variation on the Springfield XD—a popular and proven firearm. The XD-S is a good concealed carry handgun with the same action and features as the popular XD but enough differences to give the XD-S a distinctive character. The grip treatment is much different and offers plenty of abrasion. The XD-S .45 ACP version may sting the hand a bit, but it offers real power in a compact package. The XD-S 9mm version is more controllable and offers more rounds in the same compact package. [Read more…] about Gun Test: Springfield XD-S 4.0
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Review: Beretta APX Carry 9mm
Today’s market may be crowded, but an advantage to the consumer is a wide choice of arms from prominent makers. The Beretta APX Carry is Beretta’s offering in the lucrative single-column magazine, 9mm compact market. Pistols like the Glock 43 and Smith and Wesson Shield are the most popular concealed carry choices. They offer a good balance of power and weight and are controllable and accurate enough to give the concealed carry handgun user real confidence. [Read more…] about Review: Beretta APX Carry 9mm
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Lead Bullets In the Glock? You Bet!
It seems like it was only a few years ago that the Glock pistol was introduced to America. There were changes coming, and the Glock was a big step up from .38 caliber revolvers. However, police agencies transitioning to the Glock didn’t always go well, through no fault of the pistol. While lead bullets were not a concern at that time, reloaders quickly realized the potential downfall due to leading issues. [Read more…] about Lead Bullets In the Glock? You Bet!
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Gun Test: SIG Sauer P225A 9mm
Not long after the introduction of the SIG Sauer P220 9mm handgun, SIG began modifying the handgun for other duties. The pistol was chambered in .38 ACP Super and .45 ACP for the American market. It was also re-designed into the compact P225 for German police use. After years of carrying the ineffectual Walther PPK in .32 or .380 ACP, the German police were none too keen on packing the full-size SIG P220 pistol. The compact P225, somewhat different from the SIG Sauer P225A, was a happy mix of excellent features that included a smooth double-action first-shot trigger, good sights, excellent accuracy, and soon-to-be legendary reliability. [Read more…] about Gun Test: SIG Sauer P225A 9mm
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Springfield Hellcat: The CCW Game Changer
The issue in the past was if you wanted high capacity in a striker-fired handgun, you had to accept a bulkier gun. This compromise made it more difficult to accept a high-capacity pistol as an everyday CCW. SIG Sauer started the trend of the micro-compact, high-capacity CCW pistol a few years ago with its P365. I had an opportunity to shoot several magazines through the P365 back in 2018. I must admit, I was very impressed. It seemed almost beyond physics that a gun that small could hold 10 rounds of 9mm. I could tell that gun would change everything when it came to concealed carry—until I came across the Springfield Hellcat… [Read more…] about Springfield Hellcat: The CCW Game Changer
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Thoughts: Handgun Stopping Power
In writing, I prefer my information to be valid, the research verifiable, and the experiments repeatable—especially when it come to handgun stopping power. I like to give the reader an opportunity to get a handle on things. Quite often the things that the critic points out harshly are the things the majority of the readers find valuable. I have found that the subject of handgun wound potential or handgun stopping power isn’t a puzzle at all but remains a puzzle to those who make it so. I realize that there is no natural law that gives a man a reward that matches his endeavor, so I hope that the reader finds something of value in this work. [Read more…] about Thoughts: Handgun Stopping Power
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Gun Test: Citadel 1911 9mm Handgun
I think we all agree that the 1911 handgun is among the most recognized and combat effective handguns of all time. We also agree that the 1911 isn’t for everyone. If cocked and locked carry and the need for frequent cleaning and lubrication are not something you feel like you can live with, then a Glock or a revolver is a better choice. That being said, the 1911 appeals to many shooters and for most of us, accommodation may be made. Enter the Citadel 1911 9mm. [Read more…] about Gun Test: Citadel 1911 9mm Handgun
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Range Test: Remington Black Belt Ammunition
When I was a young hunter of 12 or so, my Grandfather taught me that if I used Remington .22 LR in my rifle, it would function properly. The Remington Golden Bullet was my choice. I learned that even if you had a cheap self-loader, good quality ammunition worked well. Today, Remington enjoys an excellent reputation for reliability with a far greater range of loads than ever. [Read more…] about Range Test: Remington Black Belt Ammunition
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Review: Kel-Tec PF9
When looking for a good example of the most popular American carry gun, the slim line 9, the Kel-Tec PF9 is a good place to start. This is among the least expensive quality handguns and a proven performer. The Kel-Tec PF9 was among the first ultra light 9mm handguns. The pistol features a polymer frame and double action only trigger. The trigger is tight but smooth breaking at 6.5 pounds. This isn’t a striker-fired handgun; the PF9 uses a hammer. [Read more…] about Review: Kel-Tec PF9
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Bond Arms Bullpup – A Great Carry 9
When we look at a new firearm, we like to know where it came from and what operating principles it is based on. The Bond Arms Bullpup is a result of Bond Arms purchasing the rights and machinery to the Boberg pistol. Before that, there isn’t a lot owed to anyone for this design. [Read more…] about Bond Arms Bullpup – A Great Carry 9
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7 Reasons the 9mm Is Right for You
The 9mm Luger cartridge is the single most popular centerfire handgun cartridge ever manufactured. The popularity of the 9mm cannot be without merit. It is a powerful number with excellent velocity and penetration and in the right handgun very accurate. There are also undeniable demerits clinging to the cartridge. The 9mm has proven to be a poor stopper exhibiting limited wound potential with full-metal-jacket ammunition. Today we have modern loadings that make the most of the 9mm and offer a good balance of expansion and penetration. [Read more…] about 7 Reasons the 9mm Is Right for You
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Gun Test: Beretta APX 9mm Compact
The Beretta APX is Beretta’s entry into the polymer-frame striker-fired field, and they added a modular design for good measure. The APX is going against stiff competition. While Beretta has brand loyalty, the piece must stand on its own merit. [Read more…] about Gun Test: Beretta APX 9mm Compact
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Gun Test: Glock 43X — Slimline
Glock introduced two exciting, and well designed, pistols at the 2019 Shooting Hunting Outdoor Trade (SHOT) Show, with an official January 2 launch date for the Glock 43X and Glock 48. Concealed carry is a very important part of the market. Glock’s service pistols are renowned worldwide for reliability and combat ability. The Glock 17, Glock 19 and other models are widely respected. In concealed carry, the search was on for a viable improvement over both the Glock 19 and the Glock 43. [Read more…] about Gun Test: Glock 43X — Slimline
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Review: Glock 48 9mm
One of the great revolutions in handgun manufacture is the polymer frame, striker-fired revolution. Glock led the way and still dominates the market. Arguably, Glock remains first with the most. I should note that I am not the greatest Glock fan, but I certainly am not a Glock basher. The Glock is, in my opinion, the baseline gun for personal defense and a great choice for many shooters. The Glock is as reliable as a handgun may be, easy enough to use well, and chambers popular cartridges. The Glock 48 follows this tradition. [Read more…] about Review: Glock 48 9mm
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The Classic: Browning Hi-Power
A few months ago, FN recently announced the Browning Hi-Power pistol was being discontinued from manufacture. In the perfect handgunning world, all pistols would have the mix of history, performance, and collector interest of the Fabrique Nationale Hi-Power. While Hi-Power pistols may be valuable and collectible, they fire the same readily obtained 9mm cartridge as many of your other favorites. [Read more…] about The Classic: Browning Hi-Power
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Gun Test: Sarsilmaz SAR 9
I was fortunate to get my hands on one of the first 50 SAR 9 pistols imported from Turkey by SAR USA—the American division of Turkish gun and aerospace manufacturer Sarsilmaz. Though not a familiar name on this side of the globe, Sarsilmaz has been manufacturing guns since 1880, when it opened as a small producer of shotguns. Today, in its fifth generation of family ownership, the factory has massive CNC machining capabilities and other modern equipment. It is also the only privately-owned gun factory in the country, and the only company supplying pistols for Turkish law enforcement and military use. [Read more…] about Gun Test: Sarsilmaz SAR 9
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