Beware of Fake Guns and Parts
A Canandaigua, NY man named Jonathan Roberts is facing multiple charges after allegedly violating weapons laws by purchasing gun part modifications for Glocks from China. It all began when Customs and Border Patrol agents intercepted a package in New York City that contained a selector switch for a Glock. This device converts a Glock pistol into a fully automatic firearm, which is illegal. [Read more…] about Beware of Fake Guns and Parts
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SHOT Show 2019 New Products Recap
The National Shooting Sports Foundation’s (NSSF) 41st Shooting, Hunting, and Outdoor Trade Show (SHOT), wrapped up its four-day run with many successes. While the pain of a lackluster introduction of new firearms was felt by many, the industry showed it was laying the groundwork for the next generation with a record number of new exhibitors the Suppliers Showcase and an innovative Pop-Up Preview that proved to be a hit with buyers. [Read more…] about SHOT Show 2019 New Products Recap
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SHOT Show — New Products 2019
The SHOT Show (Shooting Hunting Outdoor Trade) in January of each year not only signals the beginning of a new year, but a whole round of product launches to fill our dreams, wish lists, and for a lucky few, gear closets and gun safes. Firearm sales have been rather lackluster as of late, so it is not much of a surprise that manufacturers focused more on expanding existing lines to include new colors and calibers more than completely new introductions. However, that is not to say the industry did not put out some new must-have models! On the other hand, the optics and accessories categories are teeming with new offerings to give your old gear a new look.
We scoured the SHOT Show floor for some of the best new offerings and will bring you a new list each day, so stay tuned. [Read more…] about SHOT Show — New Products 2019
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The Range Bag
One of the inevitabilities, and greatest aspects of our sport, is the accumulation of gear and accessories. Somewhere, deep down inside each of us, is a little devilish voice convincing us to get more stuff. I’ll be the first to admit it; I indulge that little voice often and without apology. Mainly because I have put in the time to select the right range bag and devised a system for packing it. [Read more…] about The Range Bag
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Review: Otis 7.62/5.56 MPSR Cleaning System
If you have a .308/7.62 caliber rifle and need a comprehensive, compact, packable cleaning kit for the field, then the Otis 7.62mm MPSR Cleaning System is an obvious choice. However, there is more to the Otis cleaning kit than just size. [Read more…] about Review: Otis 7.62/5.56 MPSR Cleaning System
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Top AR Pistol Braces
AR pistols have been around for a long time. They have been great range toys and a fun way to turn money into noise, if you didn’t mind the spray and pray method of shooting. Let’s face it, not all of us have or can use both hands well. Some of us use a cane, have had a stroke or tangled with an IED to the detriment of our hands. [Read more…] about Top AR Pistol Braces
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Shooting Tip: Clean and Repair on the Go
Most serious long-range shooters have a regular collection of products and tools at home to clean and repair their rifles and accessories. Novices, hunters, and plinkers need the same. Since you can’t tote your gun room into the field, the question becomes, “What should I carry along when hunting or competing?”
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Choosing the Right Holster
When you choose a handgun and holster, you are investing in a concealed carry system. The holster is an important part of the system, at least as important as the handgun itself. I have seen too many unserviceable, sorry excuses for holsters in my classes, and the hell of it is many carry such holsters to defend their life! [Read more…] about Choosing the Right Holster

FLIR: Go Thermal to Be the Predator
Thanks to FLIR, I got to be a “Predator” for one night last month and it was really cool. For those who don’t remember, Predator was a 1987 movie (and series of forgettable remakes) in which an alien creature hunted down various supporting actors for sport and killed them in gruesome fashion until Arnold Schwarzenegger saves the day. Among other assets, the Predator had thermal vision that allowed him to stalk the various players until the final battle wherein Arnold serves up a crushing defeat. It was one of the first times that the general public saw the advantages of thermal imaging. [Read more…] about FLIR: Go Thermal to Be the Predator

20 Tips for Preseason Turkeys
Wild turkeys are almost as fickle as the springtime weather we experience while hunting them. These and other factors often combine to limit opportunities for turkey-hunting success to just a few hours of hunting per season. Solid preparation is imperative. Serious turkey hunters are prepared to deal with any situation and leave nothing to chance. Are you up to the challenge? [Read more…] about 20 Tips for Preseason Turkeys

Women Carrying Guns Is Not Practical?
On February 24, CNN law enforcement analyst Tom Fuentes asked the question, “For a woman, where are you going to hide that gun during the day?” He continued with another question, “If you wear a dress, if you wear a skirt, are you going to have to wear a jacket everyday with a belt and a holster the way a detective on duty would do?” Was he actually that ignorant about women carrying guns? [Read more…] about Women Carrying Guns Is Not Practical?

Review: HiperTouch – HiperFire Trigger 24, 24E, & 24C
If you have not heard about the HiperFire line of Single-Stage triggers, you should seriously consider them. They are absolutely awesome from the HiperTouch 24 to the enhanced HiperTouch 24E, to the full blown super-tuned 24C competition model—all in a game changing trigger design. Yeah, I know you have heard it all before, however this time it is different. [Read more…] about Review: HiperTouch – HiperFire Trigger 24, 24E, & 24C

Thermal: A Sixth Sense for Home Defense
It’s your worst nightmare. Something went Crash! in the living room You’re lying in bed, shocked awake and quietly trying to hold your breath while straining for tendrils of sound. The sole focus of your existence at this moment is trying to classify the problem as routine or something far worse. Fortunately, if you are among the growing group of truly prepared Americans, you have an extraordinary advantage that gives you the figurative high ground against any threat: thermal imaging and night vision devices (NVD). [Read more…] about Thermal: A Sixth Sense for Home Defense

Innovation Reaches the Charging Handle: Meet the HABU
AR charging handles are pretty mundane. Standard, left-handed, or ambi if you want to really put on the ritz. That was true until the 2017 launch of the HABU charging handle, a completely redesigned piece of hardware. Falcon 37, maker of the HABU, sent the Mod 1 model for testing. Here’s what happened. [Read more…] about Innovation Reaches the Charging Handle: Meet the HABU

The Safest Place to Store What I Found at SHOT Show
It’s the last day of SHOT Show and after walking the event for the last few days and identifying the new things I may need to add to my collection (you know things like the FN 15 pistol chambered in 300BLK, Franklin Armory Militia Praefector, Arex Alpha pistol, CZ Scorpion Carbine Extended Handguard, and IWI Tavor T12 Shotgun just to name a few), I realized I was going to need a new safe. [Read more…] about The Safest Place to Store What I Found at SHOT Show

FLIR: New Thermal Rifle Scopes at SHOT Show
For many predator hunters, invasive wildlife control specialists and tactical professionals, thermal targeting got real last August when FLIR released of breakthrough ThermoSight Pro PTS 233 thermal-imaging weapon sight. [Read more…] about FLIR: New Thermal Rifle Scopes at SHOT Show

Anti-Gun Giffords Group Sues Trump Administration
Gabrielle Giffords’ anti-gun group is suing the Trump administration for failing to turn over documents it says would show the extent of the administration’s coordination with the National Rifle Association in President Trump’s picking federal judge appointees according to the Washington Examiner. [Read more…] about Anti-Gun Giffords Group Sues Trump Administration

Galco: The Great American Leather Company
Galco has been absolutely nailing leather design and quality since 1969. Its quality leather holsters are among the most desirable on the market, yet there isn’t the usual long wait for custom-grade holsters of this caliber. [Read more…] about Galco: The Great American Leather Company