Gun Test: Heritage Rough Rider
For many of us, the .22 revolver is an inexpensive handgun to coax young shooters into safe handling and marksmanship. While I like a high grade .22 revolver as much as anyone, a handgun that costs less than $200, but delivers good service, is appealing. The Heritage Rough Rider is among these. [Read more…] about Gun Test: Heritage Rough Rider
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Excellence Redefined: Guncrafter Commander 1911
Some folks like anything that goes bang! I find firearms of all type immensely interesting. However, when it comes to personal defense, I like to have a firearm that compliments my skills and one that is both accurate and completely reliable. [Read more…] about Excellence Redefined: Guncrafter Commander 1911
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A Great Home Defender: The .38 Special
A time proven axiom is that if it isn’t broke, don’t fix it. This applies to the .38 Special revolver as a home defender. I have trained many shooters over the years to use the double action revolver well, and most, if not all have chosen a .38 Special as the baseline caliber. [Read more…] about A Great Home Defender: The .38 Special
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Colt AR-15: Trail-Dirty Deeds and Off-Road Shooting
K-Var Armory offers several variations on the Colt AR-15 rifle. While I have my favorites, any of the Colts will give long service in the harshest environments. It is like the old question, Do you know the difference between an elephant and an ant? An ant can ride an elephant. Many companies have done the AR-15, and some have done it well, but the Colt is still the one that all others are judged by. In fact, in my humble opinion, the Colt kicks most competitors in the teeth! [Read more…] about Colt AR-15: Trail-Dirty Deeds and Off-Road Shooting
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Speed Is Good, but Accuracy Is Final
Before we make a purchase, we research what we are buying. By the same token, an investment in time should not be taken lightly. We look to those with good information in order to learn. After all, we are all ignorant, simply about different things. When it comes to training, speed and accuracy are always among the top considerations. [Read more…] about Speed Is Good, but Accuracy Is Final
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Illumination and Imaging: Tools for Home Defense
Red dot sights, powerful combat lights, and self-luminous tritium sights are important parts of the home defender’s working tool box. How they are used is more important than how they are chosen. Just the same care in obtaining this gear pays big dividends in security. While skill at arms is purchased with a different currency, obtaining modern high-tech gear, such as thermal, gives the prepared defender an option. A combat light is useful not only for illumination but for identification. There are worse things than being shot, and shooting the wrong person is one of these. Lighting up the potential threat is important. [Read more…] about Illumination and Imaging: Tools for Home Defense
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Gun Test: Beretta APX 9mm Compact
The Beretta APX is Beretta’s entry into the polymer-frame striker-fired field, and they added a modular design for good measure. The APX is going against stiff competition. While Beretta has brand loyalty, the piece must stand on its own merit. [Read more…] about Gun Test: Beretta APX 9mm Compact
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Review: Hornady Critical Duty/Critical Defense
There are few subjects as prone to create an argument as personal defense handguns and calibers. Some have a “devil may care” attitude and deploy anything, stating most are the same, while others go into great, even minute detail, in their testing and choices. I think that everyone should master the personal defense handgun of their choice. [Read more…] about Review: Hornady Critical Duty/Critical Defense
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The Diagram of a Gunfight
For some folks, the worst foreseeable experience is a car breakdown on a macadam road. A true close brush with death is another thing—it is like a brain enema. You think much differently and more clearly afterward. If we escape death, we are pleased with the results—ideal or not. Others have commented that before the event nothing was important and afterwards, everything was important. [Read more…] about The Diagram of a Gunfight
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Box Drills: Working the Square Range
Most of us have limited time and resources for training, but going to the range and firing at a man-sized target that is squared to us accomplishes little beyond basic skills. We need relatively challenging drills that polish our skills in a meaningful way. A combination of two hand, one hand, weak hand, and fast shooting at typical combat ranges is needed. If you are up for the challenge, box drills can be your next step to upgrading your combat shooting skills. [Read more…] about Box Drills: Working the Square Range
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Ammunition Testing: Taking Up The Task
A few years ago, a friend at a facility I worked with was given the task of working up a test protocol for bulletproof vests. His combination of skills was well suited to the job. However, on a personal level, his passionate excitement, combined with painstaking scientific method, proved to be a winning combination. His assignment coincided with the failures of several vests in police service, and he was determined to produce the best ammunition possible. [Read more…] about Ammunition Testing: Taking Up The Task
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Lasers: The Crimson Trace Advantage
The primary requisite to hitting the target is being able to identify the target, acquire the target with the sights, and hit the target after getting a good sight picture and properly pressing the trigger. It is simple, but it isn’t easy. Crimson Trace Lasergrips go a long way toward closing the accuracy gap. [Read more…] about Lasers: The Crimson Trace Advantage
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Hits Count — Stabilize Your Rifle
When it comes to rifle shooting, fast hits are what counts in hunting and personal defense scenarios. When sighting in the rifle from the benchrest, we have all of the time in the world. Recently, I sighted my personal M1A1 with Leatherwood scope in from the rest and enjoyed 1 MOA groups with Federal MSR Fusion ammunition. However, I cannot expect a fraction of this accuracy when firing off hand at the 100-yard line, because you do not have the same opportunity to stabilize your rifle—or do you? [Read more…] about Hits Count — Stabilize Your Rifle
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The Left’s Perspective
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Caring For Leather Holsters
More than 20 years ago, my first book was published. Thirteen books later, Holsters for Concealed Carry and Combat is dated. Some of the makers mentioned in the book are retired or deceased, including the late great Lou Alessi. However, there are interesting new makers with real talent. Regardless the maker, leather holsters need care. [Read more…] about Caring For Leather Holsters
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The Importance of One-Hand Shooting Training
It is interesting how handgun training has so many variables. As an example, most modern shooters regard two-hand fire as the default skill, so they practice two-hand fire less. In the past it was one-hand fire, and two-hand fire was used only at extreme range. There is no question that two-hand fire is the most accurate, but one-hand fire is the faster. The balance of speed and accuracy must be maintained. One-hand shooting will be used at short range and when speed is needed but accuracy cannot be sacrificed. Two-hand fire is used at the range at which you need more accuracy. [Read more…] about The Importance of One-Hand Shooting Training

Review: Regent R100 an Affordable GI 1911
Despite the popularity of the modern, custom-grade, factory 1911 handgun with good sights, a crisp trigger, and good features, the GI-type .45 remains popular. GI-type 1911 handguns are simple handguns with small sights modest sight controls and fitting that is looser than most modern 1911 handguns. After all, the original design is famous for working reliably even when invaded by mud and sand, The Regent R100 is no exception. [Read more…] about Review: Regent R100 an Affordable GI 1911

Cocked and Locked: Reality Therapy
On my first night as a peace officer, the training officer I was assigned to asked, if I was prepared for a war. I was carrying a cocked and locked, hammer to the rear, safety on, Colt Combat Commander .45 in a Safariland holster. Two spare magazines were on the left front. I may have been a little ahead of the times. [Read more…] about Cocked and Locked: Reality Therapy

Gun Test: Ruger EC9s — Ruger’s Best Buy 9mm
A handgun that doesn’t get a lot of attention is the Ruger LC9. Credible, affordable, and reliable, this single stack 9mm brings a lot to the table. The new Ruger EC9s is an affordable version of the LC9.
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Range Review: SIG P365 — The Smashing Little 9mm
I don’t mind carrying a small handgun that is efficient for its size. Some handguns are a wonder of downsizing. However, small 9mm handguns have a set of problems that isn’t easily addressed. This includes lower magazine capacity and lower hit probability. A short sight radius doesn’t make for good accuracy, but the SIG P365… [Read more…] about Range Review: SIG P365 — The Smashing Little 9mm