Glock 19: A Marvel of Balance in Glock Perfection
A generation ago, if you walked into a gun shop and asked for a Model 19 you got a Smith and Wesson Combat Magnum. Today, the Model 19 is a 9mm Glock and it is probably more popular than the revolver was. The Glock 19 9mm is easily the best-balanced Glock in my opinion. While the original Glock 17 is a good shooter, reliable, and easy to carry on a uniform belt, the G19 is an ideal concealed carry pistol. [Read more…] about Glock 19: A Marvel of Balance in Glock Perfection
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Glock 44: Glock Imperfection in a Rimfire?
The Glock 44 rimfire was met with some derision by those wishing to own a single-column magazine 10mm or perhaps the long-awaited Glock carbine. I don’t know if Glock is seriously considering these firearms, but it listens. [Read more…] about Glock 44: Glock Imperfection in a Rimfire?
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Lead Bullets In the Glock? You Bet!
It seems like it was only a few years ago that the Glock pistol was introduced to America. There were changes coming, and the Glock was a big step up from .38 caliber revolvers. However, police agencies transitioning to the Glock didn’t always go well, through no fault of the pistol. While lead bullets were not a concern at that time, reloaders quickly realized the potential downfall due to leading issues. [Read more…] about Lead Bullets In the Glock? You Bet!
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Tactics: Holsterless Handgun Carry
For years, most of us have counseled concealed carry handgun carriers to choose a proper holster. A holster keeps the handgun stable and angled for the proper draw. Just the same, who am I to go against 200 years or more of holsterless tradition? After all, Wild Bill Hickock packed his revolvers in a tightly-woven sash. [Read more…] about Tactics: Holsterless Handgun Carry
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Handguns: Size Matters — More can be More
When choosing a handgun, the analogy to a vehicle—something most of us use every day—is useful. We all understand the term “dead weight.” That is the weight of the bed or truck (or the support structure in architecture), but that’s not what we are looking at today—when unloaded. Live weight is the truck loaded. The handgun, ammo, holster, and spare gun load add up quickly in live weight. Sticks of copy and reams of paper have been slugged during this discussion and we now offer bytes by the millions. The thing is, while there must be room for personal choice, there is a bottom line for performance and quality. If you like a small car you can easily drive in the city that’s fine. But you cannot pick up a dining room set with it. [Read more…] about Handguns: Size Matters — More can be More
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Range Test: Remington Black Belt Ammunition
When I was a young hunter of 12 or so, my Grandfather taught me that if I used Remington .22 LR in my rifle, it would function properly. The Remington Golden Bullet was my choice. I learned that even if you had a cheap self-loader, good quality ammunition worked well. Today, Remington enjoys an excellent reputation for reliability with a far greater range of loads than ever. [Read more…] about Range Test: Remington Black Belt Ammunition
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Reloading the 10mm Cartridge for Power and Defense
The 10mm cartridge was originally intended as a means of increasing the power of the Browning High Power handgun. Using a .38-40 (.400 inch) bullet and a shortened .30 Remington rifle cartridge the new cartridge proved too much for the High Power-type pistol. Later, the .40 Smith and Wesson did not, but that is another story. [Read more…] about Reloading the 10mm Cartridge for Power and Defense
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7 Reasons the 9mm Is Right for You
The 9mm Luger cartridge is the single most popular centerfire handgun cartridge ever manufactured. The popularity of the 9mm cannot be without merit. It is a powerful number with excellent velocity and penetration and in the right handgun very accurate. There are also undeniable demerits clinging to the cartridge. The 9mm has proven to be a poor stopper exhibiting limited wound potential with full-metal-jacket ammunition. Today we have modern loadings that make the most of the 9mm and offer a good balance of expansion and penetration. [Read more…] about 7 Reasons the 9mm Is Right for You
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Illumination and Imaging: Tools for Home Defense
Red dot sights, powerful combat lights, and self-luminous tritium sights are important parts of the home defender’s working tool box. How they are used is more important than how they are chosen. Just the same care in obtaining this gear pays big dividends in security. While skill at arms is purchased with a different currency, obtaining modern high-tech gear, such as thermal, gives the prepared defender an option. A combat light is useful not only for illumination but for identification. There are worse things than being shot, and shooting the wrong person is one of these. Lighting up the potential threat is important. [Read more…] about Illumination and Imaging: Tools for Home Defense
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Op-ed: Training and Values for Concealed Carry
There are many reasons for training. Training is a serious business but also a profitable business for many. A few genuinely train to save lives. Others train and go through the motions and seem to have lost contact with the reason we train. I maintain that training often reflects the individual’s personal values. [Read more…] about Op-ed: Training and Values for Concealed Carry
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Glock G17 and G19 Gen4 MOS are Game Changers
There are times when you don’t notice a shift in the paradigm, but with the Glock G17 and G19 Gen4 MOS (Modular Optic System) pistols, the move is obvious and clear. Conceal carry pistols equipped with optics are the next stage in the evolution of defensive pistols. Glock has taken its most popular models, the full-size G17 Gen4 and compact G19 Gen4, and created MOS variants. [Read more…] about Glock G17 and G19 Gen4 MOS are Game Changers
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Handgun Training — How I Choose the Gun
Handgun training, more so than most pursuits, is charged with individuality. Special teams and rifle companies move as a unit and exercise strict discipline. They have a plan of action. The handgun is a weapon of opportunity carried to meet the unexpected difficulty. The action is not planned, and the response is reactive. For many problems, a trained individual will respond with simple reflex. Reflex is sufficient for some problems, but simple movements set the stage for more elaborate responses. Training and movement should be simple and as straightforward as possible. [Read more…] about Handgun Training — How I Choose the Gun
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How to Choose a Handgun
Everyday, we are bombarded with the freshest information. We hope the information is legitimate, and we weigh our alternatives. Choosing an option involves a mix of assessments and choices colored by innate biases and too often, flawed assumptions. [Read more…] about How to Choose a Handgun
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The Importance of One-Hand Shooting Training
It is interesting how handgun training has so many variables. As an example, most modern shooters regard two-hand fire as the default skill, so they practice two-hand fire less. In the past it was one-hand fire, and two-hand fire was used only at extreme range. There is no question that two-hand fire is the most accurate, but one-hand fire is the faster. The balance of speed and accuracy must be maintained. One-hand shooting will be used at short range and when speed is needed but accuracy cannot be sacrificed. Two-hand fire is used at the range at which you need more accuracy. [Read more…] about The Importance of One-Hand Shooting Training

The Three-Caliber Glock Conversion
A few years ago, it was fashionable to see stories in the gun books concerning caliber conversions from one caliber to the other. I think the king of these conversions is the 1911. I have fired the 1911 in .22, .30 Luger, 9mm, .38 Super, .40 S&W, 10mm, .400 Cor Bon, .41 Avenger, .45 ACP, .44 Magnum as a single shot, .45 Super, and the .460 Rowland. Some conversion options are a stunt and not worth the effort. However, if you enjoy such things, they are a pleasant diversion. [Read more…] about The Three-Caliber Glock Conversion

Cocked and Locked: Reality Therapy
On my first night as a peace officer, the training officer I was assigned to asked, if I was prepared for a war. I was carrying a cocked and locked, hammer to the rear, safety on, Colt Combat Commander .45 in a Safariland holster. Two spare magazines were on the left front. I may have been a little ahead of the times. [Read more…] about Cocked and Locked: Reality Therapy

Four Guns You Should Own
When I first started buying guns, I looked to fill categories. I needed a handgun, hunting rifle, and a shotgun. Next, I looked for a military rifle, something that was historic and battle proven. Next, I broke the handgun category to a revolver and a semi-automatic. The hunting rifle quickly expanded to rimfire, big game and varmint rifles. However you decide to select your next gun, here are four guns every shooting enthusiast should own. [Read more…] about Four Guns You Should Own

Review: Glock 19X — The Ultimate Fighter
Perhaps the concept is not new to 1911s or other manufacturer’s offerings that come to mind, but the Glock 19X is more than a simple combination of two models. The Glock 19X signals a new direction, and perhaps, a new line of handguns for Glock. In case you are unfamiliar with the 19X, essentially it marries a Glock 19 length barrel with a full size Glock 17 frame. [Read more…] about Review: Glock 19X — The Ultimate Fighter

Review: Glock G29 10mm — Reliability Meets Maximum Power
Glocks are always a favorite among shooters. The design is simple, standardized across the various models, and at the end of the day, you can count on a Glock to go bang! when you pull the trigger. However, sometimes, reliability is not enough. At times, reliability needs to be paired with stopping power. When it is a marriage of stopping power and reliability that you are seeking, the Glock G29 10mm is your answer.
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Turn Your Glock Into a Micro Roni Non NFA Rifle
Lots of Glock fans wish for a long-barreled version of their favorite sidearm. Thanks to CAA of Israel and Impulse Gun Barrel (IGB) of Austria, Glock owners really can have it all—without waiting for a NFA permit thanks to the accuracy enhancing CAA Micro Roni. [Read more…] about Turn Your Glock Into a Micro Roni Non NFA Rifle