Shotguns: The Defensive Firearm
Not long ago, the conversation turned to shotguns at the gun shop. While even the folks that are not the ones we call “gunny” know the merits of shotguns for home defense, there are many opinions on the proper load and the best shotgun. The shotgun is primarily a projectile launcher and it is best to use what you are comfortable and familiar with. I have checked my notes before writing this article and I have a good recollection of incidents that have occurred in the past 40 years. [Read more…] about Shotguns: The Defensive Firearm
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Smith and Wesson — Almost Heaven
Smith and Wesson revolvers have been a part of American history for more than 150 years. These remarkable handguns offer real utility in hunting, personal defense, and target shooting. One of my friends refers to his tuned J frame .38 as a ‘little piece of heaven.’ I feel much the same away concerning my modest battery of Smith and Wesson revolvers. [Read more…] about Smith and Wesson — Almost Heaven
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Box Drills: Working the Square Range
Most of us have limited time and resources for training, but going to the range and firing at a man-sized target that is squared to us accomplishes little beyond basic skills. We need relatively challenging drills that polish our skills in a meaningful way. A combination of two hand, one hand, weak hand, and fast shooting at typical combat ranges is needed. If you are up for the challenge, box drills can be your next step to upgrading your combat shooting skills. [Read more…] about Box Drills: Working the Square Range
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Handguns: Choosing the Right Handgun Sights
I have noticed that discussions on combat handgun sights, combat shooting, and handguns are often hi-jacked by those with an embarrassing lack of experience. All they know is what they have read and much of that isn’t accurate. A shooter should study, true, but they should also gain practical experience and meet the instructor half way with this experience. [Read more…] about Handguns: Choosing the Right Handgun Sights
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Review: Smith and Wesson M&P10 .308 Rifle
For some of us, the watchword is ‘sometimes you need a .308.’ The .223/5.56mm platform is a wonderful close-quarters combat system and may be accurate at extended range. However, the punch needed for some chores just isn’t there. There are shooters who hunt medium-sized game, use a rifle for defense, or like long-range shooting and are limited by the .223 Remington cartridge. Most of us feel that jumping over the 6.8 or the .300 Blackout straight to a .308, such as the S&W M&P10, makes sense. [Read more…] about Review: Smith and Wesson M&P10 .308 Rifle
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Python: Colt’s Best Revolver
At times, the gun companies listen—especially when bread and butter and prestige are on the line. Otherwise, the competition will come in and steal that bread and butter. Kimber saw the need for a factory 1911 with good features and shook up the market. Everyone else had to catch up. American companies did not listen to the police call for double action only automatics. They had the cop market sewn up for 100 years. Glock came along and dominated that market. [Read more…] about Python: Colt’s Best Revolver
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Ammunition Testing: Taking Up The Task
A few years ago, a friend at a facility I worked with was given the task of working up a test protocol for bulletproof vests. His combination of skills was well suited to the job. However, on a personal level, his passionate excitement, combined with painstaking scientific method, proved to be a winning combination. His assignment coincided with the failures of several vests in police service, and he was determined to produce the best ammunition possible. [Read more…] about Ammunition Testing: Taking Up The Task
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The Classic: Browning Hi-Power
A few months ago, FN recently announced the Browning Hi-Power pistol was being discontinued from manufacture. In the perfect handgunning world, all pistols would have the mix of history, performance, and collector interest of the Fabrique Nationale Hi-Power. While Hi-Power pistols may be valuable and collectible, they fire the same readily obtained 9mm cartridge as many of your other favorites. [Read more…] about The Classic: Browning Hi-Power
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SIG TACOPS 1911 — The Ideal 1911 for the Rest of Us
There is no more recognizable handgun than the 1911 .45. This iconic handgun has set the pace for combat excellence for over 100 years. Reliability, practical accuracy, fast handling, and knock down power are coupled with excellent human engineering. There are now many variants in size and caliber, but the original Government Model steel-frame handgun with a 5-inch barrel is arguably the most reliable and the best suited to combat use. The SIG TACOPS 1911 (Tactical Operations) handgun is a result of the intense development of the original 1911 design. [Read more…] about SIG TACOPS 1911 — The Ideal 1911 for the Rest of Us
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Lasers: The Crimson Trace Advantage
The primary requisite to hitting the target is being able to identify the target, acquire the target with the sights, and hit the target after getting a good sight picture and properly pressing the trigger. It is simple, but it isn’t easy. Crimson Trace Lasergrips go a long way toward closing the accuracy gap. [Read more…] about Lasers: The Crimson Trace Advantage
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Hits Count — Stabilize Your Rifle
When it comes to rifle shooting, fast hits are what counts in hunting and personal defense scenarios. When sighting in the rifle from the benchrest, we have all of the time in the world. Recently, I sighted my personal M1A1 with Leatherwood scope in from the rest and enjoyed 1 MOA groups with Federal MSR Fusion ammunition. However, I cannot expect a fraction of this accuracy when firing off hand at the 100-yard line, because you do not have the same opportunity to stabilize your rifle—or do you? [Read more…] about Hits Count — Stabilize Your Rifle
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Gun Test: Baby Desert Eagle .45 ACP
When the great handguns of modern times are discussed, the go-to list of reliable handguns that I completely trust is short. The Colt 1911, FN High Power, Czech CZ 75 and the Glock are among these. There are many copies and clones of these handguns. Some are ironmongery but others are excellent firearms. Among the close copies of the CZ 75 that has earned a good reputation worldwide is the Israeli Jericho pistol, otherwise known as the Baby Desert Eagle. [Read more…] about Gun Test: Baby Desert Eagle .45 ACP
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Gun Test: Ruger SR1911 10mm
Ruger’s SR1911 line continues to expand with the introduction of the Ruger SR1911 10mm. This handgun differs considerably from previous pistols and may arguably be one of the best 10mm 1911 handguns ever built. [Read more…] about Gun Test: Ruger SR1911 10mm
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Springfield XDE — Catering to the Rest
With most new concealed carry handguns focused on polymer-frame striker-fired handguns, it is good to see that Springfield Armory has catered to the rest of us with a modern, polymer-frame double-action first-shot handgun with a decocker. [Read more…] about Springfield XDE — Catering to the Rest
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Handgun Training — How I Choose the Gun
Handgun training, more so than most pursuits, is charged with individuality. Special teams and rifle companies move as a unit and exercise strict discipline. They have a plan of action. The handgun is a weapon of opportunity carried to meet the unexpected difficulty. The action is not planned, and the response is reactive. For many problems, a trained individual will respond with simple reflex. Reflex is sufficient for some problems, but simple movements set the stage for more elaborate responses. Training and movement should be simple and as straightforward as possible. [Read more…] about Handgun Training — How I Choose the Gun
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SHTF Guns — Have You Thought Through Your Choices?
The SHTF gun means many things to many people. Having actually taken incoming fire and proven I cannot stop a bullet, I have a different idea than the casually interested. Planning for an apocalyptic nightmare seems a popular pastime—especially for cinematic writers. Just the same there are times when the need may be real. [Read more…] about SHTF Guns — Have You Thought Through Your Choices?
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Review: Stoeger Coach Gun — Side-by-Side Home Defense
Unlike some of the other old guys, I do not have a double barrel shotgun tradition. I grew up using my grandfather’s Winchester Model 12 pump action or Remington 11-87 automatic. My first shotgun was a Mossberg 500. It was only later in life that I picked up a double barrel here and there. While I enjoyed firing them, I have clung to my pump-action shotguns. Recently, I tested a well made, reliable, and fast-handling double-barrel shotgun that just may be among the best firearms I have yet tested for personal defense. I purchased the Stoeger Coach Gun on a lark and found a credible shotgun. It is simple to operate and offers high hit potential. [Read more…] about Review: Stoeger Coach Gun — Side-by-Side Home Defense
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Gun Test: Glock Model 35
I have previously stated that the long slide Glock Model 35 is a good special team pistol for use by agencies issuing Glock pistols. However, the long slide Glock is also a great home defense and competition pistol. For those who can conceal the piece beneath covering garments, the Glock long slide is a viable defensive handgun. In the proper caliber, the pistol is also useful for hunting thin-skinned game. [Read more…] about Gun Test: Glock Model 35
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Colt 1911 — The Name Says it All
The Colt 1911 Government Model handgun was the result of more than a decade of painstaking development. The .45 Automatic Colt Pistol cartridge was developed in a shorter period with input from many of the great minds of the day including General John T Thompson. John Moses Browning introduced his first self-loading service pistol in 1900. The Colt .38 ACP automatic had interesting features but needed further development. The 1905 .45 automatic likewise needed more refinement. Thus, it was a combination of events led to the adoption of the Colt 1911 Government Model in 1911. [Read more…] about Colt 1911 — The Name Says it All
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Caring For Leather Holsters
More than 20 years ago, my first book was published. Thirteen books later, Holsters for Concealed Carry and Combat is dated. Some of the makers mentioned in the book are retired or deceased, including the late great Lou Alessi. However, there are interesting new makers with real talent. Regardless the maker, leather holsters need care. [Read more…] about Caring For Leather Holsters
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