Gun Test: Remington 870 DM
The Remington 870 DM is a detachable magazine, pump-action shotgun that is garnering a great deal of interest and both positive and negative comments. It isn’t the first detachable magazine shotgun, as the AK types have been in use for some time, and there are detachable aftermarket kits for modifying existing shotguns. However, this is a production pump-action shotgun from Big Green. [Read more…] about Gun Test: Remington 870 DM
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A Great Home Defender: The .38 Special
A time proven axiom is that if it isn’t broke, don’t fix it. This applies to the .38 Special revolver as a home defender. I have trained many shooters over the years to use the double action revolver well, and most, if not all have chosen a .38 Special as the baseline caliber. [Read more…] about A Great Home Defender: The .38 Special
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Gun Test: Citadel 1911 9mm Handgun
I think we all agree that the 1911 handgun is among the most recognized and combat effective handguns of all time. We also agree that the 1911 isn’t for everyone. If cocked and locked carry and the need for frequent cleaning and lubrication are not something you feel like you can live with, then a Glock or a revolver is a better choice. That being said, the 1911 appeals to many shooters and for most of us, accommodation may be made. Enter the Citadel 1911 9mm. [Read more…] about Gun Test: Citadel 1911 9mm Handgun
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Colt AR-15: Trail-Dirty Deeds and Off-Road Shooting
K-Var Armory offers several variations on the Colt AR-15 rifle. While I have my favorites, any of the Colts will give long service in the harshest environments. It is like the old question, Do you know the difference between an elephant and an ant? An ant can ride an elephant. Many companies have done the AR-15, and some have done it well, but the Colt is still the one that all others are judged by. In fact, in my humble opinion, the Colt kicks most competitors in the teeth! [Read more…] about Colt AR-15: Trail-Dirty Deeds and Off-Road Shooting
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Speed Is Good, but Accuracy Is Final
Before we make a purchase, we research what we are buying. By the same token, an investment in time should not be taken lightly. We look to those with good information in order to learn. After all, we are all ignorant, simply about different things. When it comes to training, speed and accuracy are always among the top considerations. [Read more…] about Speed Is Good, but Accuracy Is Final
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Gun Test: Remington R1
I own a number of nice 1911-type handguns. Several are high-end custom handguns with super fitting; good, tight tolerances; a crisp trigger action; and high-visibility sights. Just the same, the handguns I grew up on were GI .45s, and I remember them fondly. Many have been cut up and new sights installed, and they were otherwise modified. Today, I believe that among the best choices for service and personal defense is a Government Model .45 with high-visibility sights and a good trigger action. Little else is needed to provide excellent self-protection. Among the best choices in modern Government Model-type handguns is the Remington R1. [Read more…] about Gun Test: Remington R1
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Range Test: Remington Black Belt Ammunition
When I was a young hunter of 12 or so, my Grandfather taught me that if I used Remington .22 LR in my rifle, it would function properly. The Remington Golden Bullet was my choice. I learned that even if you had a cheap self-loader, good quality ammunition worked well. Today, Remington enjoys an excellent reputation for reliability with a far greater range of loads than ever. [Read more…] about Range Test: Remington Black Belt Ammunition
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Gun Test: Taurus TX22 — You Need This Gun!
One of the most awaited and interesting handgun introductions of 2019 is the Taurus TX22. The TX22 is a polymer-frame, striker-fired, .22 rimfire pistol with an aluminum slide and single-action trigger. It isn’t a small pistol like the Walther P22 or a large handgun like the Ruger Standard Model, but rather it is a service-size handgun. Think Glock 19 and you will be on the money. [Read more…] about Gun Test: Taurus TX22 — You Need This Gun!
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Bond Arms Bullpup – A Great Carry 9
When we look at a new firearm, we like to know where it came from and what operating principles it is based on. The Bond Arms Bullpup is a result of Bond Arms purchasing the rights and machinery to the Boberg pistol. Before that, there isn’t a lot owed to anyone for this design. [Read more…] about Bond Arms Bullpup – A Great Carry 9
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A Case for AK Pistols — Arsenal SAM7
When the AR and AK pistols were introduced, many of us thought, “Well hey, they are rifles. How can they be pistols?” My friend Darrel points out that many of my generation are used to the shockwave-type shotguns being illegal, and the same goes for the SBR. The AR and AK pistol are different breeds. [Read more…] about A Case for AK Pistols — Arsenal SAM7
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Reloading the 10mm Cartridge for Power and Defense
The 10mm cartridge was originally intended as a means of increasing the power of the Browning High Power handgun. Using a .38-40 (.400 inch) bullet and a shortened .30 Remington rifle cartridge the new cartridge proved too much for the High Power-type pistol. Later, the .40 Smith and Wesson did not, but that is another story. [Read more…] about Reloading the 10mm Cartridge for Power and Defense
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Commando Gunsmithing
I am not one of those who criticize the younger generation. Primarily, because I have seen too many in my training classes and in service who are on top of things. However, I also see a lack of appreciation for quality maintenance (personal gunsmithing). Perhaps the popular press and gun store commandos are responsible in part. Some shooters come to class with a pistol that is not of appropriate quality for personal defense. I don’t frequent the firearms chat rooms often, but I recently visited a fanboy website in search of answers to the malfunctions one student experienced with his personal rifle. [Read more…] about Commando Gunsmithing
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7 Reasons the 9mm Is Right for You
The 9mm Luger cartridge is the single most popular centerfire handgun cartridge ever manufactured. The popularity of the 9mm cannot be without merit. It is a powerful number with excellent velocity and penetration and in the right handgun very accurate. There are also undeniable demerits clinging to the cartridge. The 9mm has proven to be a poor stopper exhibiting limited wound potential with full-metal-jacket ammunition. Today we have modern loadings that make the most of the 9mm and offer a good balance of expansion and penetration. [Read more…] about 7 Reasons the 9mm Is Right for You
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Illumination and Imaging: Tools for Home Defense
Red dot sights, powerful combat lights, and self-luminous tritium sights are important parts of the home defender’s working tool box. How they are used is more important than how they are chosen. Just the same care in obtaining this gear pays big dividends in security. While skill at arms is purchased with a different currency, obtaining modern high-tech gear, such as thermal, gives the prepared defender an option. A combat light is useful not only for illumination but for identification. There are worse things than being shot, and shooting the wrong person is one of these. Lighting up the potential threat is important. [Read more…] about Illumination and Imaging: Tools for Home Defense
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Home Defense Details
The most dangerous places are outside the home. For home defense, we have barriers including outer doors, glass, and hard interior doors. Hopefully, the family has your back, and you have a plan. If not, you have more problems than I can address. Illegal narcotics, and the pharmaceutical industry’s greed fed opioid epidemic, turn many against their fellows, and the family is the first victim—just so you will not be surprised. [Read more…] about Home Defense Details
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The Double Tap — Are You Doing it Right?
Among the most misunderstood tactics in personal defense is the double tap. More than half of those practicing defense shooting execute the double tap incorrectly. Worse yet, it is most often taught incorrectly. [Read more…] about The Double Tap — Are You Doing it Right?
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Review: Hornady Critical Duty/Critical Defense
There are few subjects as prone to create an argument as personal defense handguns and calibers. Some have a “devil may care” attitude and deploy anything, stating most are the same, while others go into great, even minute detail, in their testing and choices. I think that everyone should master the personal defense handgun of their choice. [Read more…] about Review: Hornady Critical Duty/Critical Defense
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Gun Test: Ruger GP100 10mm
The story of revolvers chambered for self-loading cartridges is a long one. Smith and Wesson and Colt supplied revolvers chambered for the .45 ACP revolver cartridge during World War I. The .455 Webley caliber double action revolvers in production for the British were re-chambered to .45 ACP and a moon clip was developed to allow chambering the rimless .45 ACP. [Read more…] about Gun Test: Ruger GP100 10mm
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The Diagram of a Gunfight
For some folks, the worst foreseeable experience is a car breakdown on a macadam road. A true close brush with death is another thing—it is like a brain enema. You think much differently and more clearly afterward. If we escape death, we are pleased with the results—ideal or not. Others have commented that before the event nothing was important and afterwards, everything was important. [Read more…] about The Diagram of a Gunfight
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Review: Smith and Wesson L Frame Revolver
As a young shooter, I began firing centerfire revolvers using a Smith and Wesson K frame. I later owned several N frame .357 Magnum revolvers and the K frame Combat Magnum .357 Magnum. I handloaded my own ammunition and learned a great deal about marksmanship and handguns with the Smith and Wesson. [Read more…] about Review: Smith and Wesson L Frame Revolver
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