Lasers: The Crimson Trace Advantage
The primary requisite to hitting the target is being able to identify the target, acquire the target with the sights, and hit the target after getting a good sight picture and properly pressing the trigger. It is simple, but it isn’t easy. Crimson Trace Lasergrips go a long way toward closing the accuracy gap. [Read more…] about Lasers: The Crimson Trace Advantage
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Bersa BP9CC Box to Match Review
For those who may be unaware, Patrick E. Kelley is one of the nation’s top 3-Gun shooters and dabbles in gunsmithing. This not only gives him a unique peek into how a gun works, he can squeeze every bit of performance out of on the range as well. To test new firearms, Patrick does not simply take it to the range once or twice, or even form his opinion by taking it to the range for several trips. Instead, Patrick takes it out of the box, loads the magazines and proceeds straight to match! The gun’s performance dictates what happens next. In this video, Patrick gives the Bersa BP9CC pistol a go at the range. [Read more…] about Bersa BP9CC Box to Match Review
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Savage Arms: What’s Old is New Again
Since its introduction in 1958, the Savage Model 110 has served hunters and shooters well as an economical, hard-hitting, accurate rifle. Now it’s even better with the new Model 110 Big Game and Specialty series. These revamped rifles have received a fresh look and a full complement of new and improved features. Customized performance is the hallmark of the redesign, and these new rifles solve the three main issues shooters usually pay a gunsmith to address: fit, trigger pull, and bedding. [Read more…] about Savage Arms: What’s Old is New Again
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Why Penalize All Gun Owners for Things They Didn’t Do?
With the Washington Post on Wednesday essentially singing the praises of the anti-Second Amendment group Everytown for Gun Safety, perhaps the time has come to ask the billionaire-backed gun prohibition lobby a couple of important questions. Why are you so determined to penalize the nation’s 100-million-plus law-abiding gun owners for crimes committed by a minority of miscreants, and suicides committed by self-destructive individuals whose acts of desperation are hardly reflective the firearms fraternity in general? [Read more…] about Why Penalize All Gun Owners for Things They Didn’t Do?
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Armed Good Guys: Lessons Learned From Four Gun Fights
News stories of civilian self-defense seldom receive adequate media coverage. After all, armed good guys stopping violent felons does not make headlines like the lives of innocents being taken. Bias and agendas play their part, but the media does not cover an event that did not happen, such as a case where a good guy stopped a violent event before it it resulted in the loss of innocent life. However, these are exactly the type of stories we need to highlight to educate non gun owners before they head to the voting booth. [Read more…] about Armed Good Guys: Lessons Learned From Four Gun Fights
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Gun Test: Sarsilmaz SAR 9
I was fortunate to get my hands on one of the first 50 SAR 9 pistols imported from Turkey by SAR USA—the American division of Turkish gun and aerospace manufacturer Sarsilmaz. Though not a familiar name on this side of the globe, Sarsilmaz has been manufacturing guns since 1880, when it opened as a small producer of shotguns. Today, in its fifth generation of family ownership, the factory has massive CNC machining capabilities and other modern equipment. It is also the only privately-owned gun factory in the country, and the only company supplying pistols for Turkish law enforcement and military use. [Read more…] about Gun Test: Sarsilmaz SAR 9
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Review: Blackhawk Omnivore Holster
Not having the right holster is a problem often encountered by shooting enthusiasts and instructors. As an instructor, I often have students show up for defensive pistol classes wearing belt holsters that work fine as storage devices or for daily carry, but are insufficient and unsafe for serious training. Many gun owners have a pistol or two that they’d like to use more, but don’t feel like spending the energy and money it takes to find the perfect holster, such as the Blackhawk Omnivore, for each gun. If you feel like one or more of these scenarios apply to you, you are reading the right article. [Read more…] about Review: Blackhawk Omnivore Holster
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Skill Set: Flying With Firearms
During firearm training classes, the question of flying with firearms comes up a lot. People have a fear of flying with firearms, but it’s just a lack of knowledge about the process. As long as you know how to proceed it’s not a big deal. [Read more…] about Skill Set: Flying With Firearms
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10 Tips for Concealed Carry
Practice (which in its verbal form is spelled “practise” in British spelling) is something you do while learning to get better. For example, doctors and lawyers practice their profession. That is not to say they are not knowledgeable. Instead, it is an acknowledgement that there is still more to learn. Concealed carry is much the same. I started to carry concealed close to three decades ago, yet I regularly attend trainings or look to articles or videos in an attempt to reinforce my skill set or learn something new. [Read more…] about 10 Tips for Concealed Carry
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Keeping schools gun free?
There are many in the Education Industrial Complex who are outraged when anyone suggests teachers, other school employees, and carry permit holders have the option to legally carry a defensive firearm on school property. Their theory, “If there are no guns at school, there will be no school shootings.” Quite honestly, that is correct, except 300+ million guns aren’t going away, and criminals don’t follow the law. [Read more…] about Keeping schools gun free?
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The .243 Winchester Addiction
You would think, being an avid hunter and given the number kids as I’ve introduced to hunting and shooting, I would have discovered the .243 Winchester a lot sooner than I did. My path was rather long and circuitous. I was close a couple of times, but never realized what I was missing until a change in the hunting regulations forced me to shoot the .243. [Read more…] about The .243 Winchester Addiction
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Arsenal SBR’s and One Model that is but is NOT…
If you shoot AK’s you know Arsenal by name and reputation and you know the quality of their products the second you pick one up. Arsenal Bulgaria celebrated 140 years of business and Arsenal Inc. celebrated 20 years of importing and manufacturing Arsenal products in the US. With so much history and a product that has overwhelmingly earned the respect of the AK community, it should be no surprise that as I started looking for a new short barrel AK rifle my first stop was Arsenal. As I checked out their SBR selection, there is no question I was impressed with their lineup. Three of the SBR models quickly became my focus: the SLR-104UR SBR, SLR-107UR SBR and SAM7SFK SBR. [Read more…] about Arsenal SBR’s and One Model that is but is NOT…
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Hits Count — Stabilize Your Rifle
When it comes to rifle shooting, fast hits are what counts in hunting and personal defense scenarios. When sighting in the rifle from the benchrest, we have all of the time in the world. Recently, I sighted my personal M1A1 with Leatherwood scope in from the rest and enjoyed 1 MOA groups with Federal MSR Fusion ammunition. However, I cannot expect a fraction of this accuracy when firing off hand at the 100-yard line, because you do not have the same opportunity to stabilize your rifle—or do you? [Read more…] about Hits Count — Stabilize Your Rifle
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Anti-Gunners Sounding ‘Taps’ Over the NRA as Florida Battle Looms?
Buried in a Tuesday Politico story about the National Rifle Association’s (NRA) declining revenues, and possibly failing political influence, is a stunning acknowledgement that just might account for the organization’s ability to cheat the undertaker. [Read more…] about Anti-Gunners Sounding ‘Taps’ Over the NRA as Florida Battle Looms?
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Review: SIG P320 M17 Civilian Model
I have carried and used SIG pistols for many years. I have been issued the SIG P226 and also carried the SIG P220. I have the greatest respect for SIG pistols and particularly appreciate their reliability. When the brass supplied officers with the SIG, we knew that they had not gone for the low bid. By the same token the low bid won over many agencies. SIG needed a polymer-framed striker-fired pistol to compete on an economic and practical basis. The SIG P320 was ergonomic, reliable, and easily used well. SIG finally had a striker fired competitor to the Glock and similar handguns. [Read more…] about Review: SIG P320 M17 Civilian Model
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I Fell for the 10mm — You Will too!
I was at an event in Montana earlier this fall where several gun and ammunition manufacturers were showing off their new products and allowing writers to test them. I found myself hanging out at the Vista Outdoor booth, pining over the 10mm, long enough that I was surprised the guys there didn’t tell me to leave. Vista Outdoor may not be a name you are familiar with, but if you are a shooter/outdoorsman, you probably have used some of their products. [Read more…] about I Fell for the 10mm — You Will too!
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Armed Good Guys: History Repeats, So Does Homeowners Accuracy
News stories of civilian self-defense seldom receive adequate media coverage. After all, armed good guys stopping violent felons does not make headlines like the lives of innocents being taken. Bias and agendas play their part, but the media does not cover an event that did not happen, such as a case where a good guy stopped a violent event before it it resulted in the loss of innocent life. However, these are exactly the type of stories we need to highlight to educate non gun owners before they head to the voting booth. [Read more…] about Armed Good Guys: History Repeats, So Does Homeowners Accuracy
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Mentoring: Her First Deer Hunt
We had been talking about going hunting for 6 months. It all started one night when I opened the freezer and asked my girlfriend what she wanted for tomorrow’s dinner. She pointed at a freezer bag of “beef” and asked, pot roast? I replied that the roast in question would probably make a better venison roast. Her eyes got big; she smiled, and then asked if all that meat was venison? The conversation sidetracked into a discussion about deer and hunting, and how she had always kind of wanted to hunt, but no one was ever willing to take her. [Read more…] about Mentoring: Her First Deer Hunt
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Mossberg ATR: .270 Winchester — The Rifleman’s Cartridge
I am finally getting around to projects I have been anticipating for several years. One of these is putting together a credible all-around hunting rifle. The goal is something with more stretch than the .308 Winchester and perhaps a bit of finesse. Among the rifles I have chosen is the Mossberg All Terrain Rifle in .270 Winchester. I have enjoyed such good luck, for so long, with the ATR rifle in .308 Winchester, I did not wish to rock the boat and stayed with a proven product. [Read more…] about Mossberg ATR: .270 Winchester — The Rifleman’s Cartridge
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Armed Good Guys: Armed Robber Killed With Own Gun
News stories of civilian self-defense seldom receive adequate media coverage. After all, armed good guys stopping violent felons does not make headlines like the lives of innocents being taken. Bias and agendas play their part, but the media does not cover an event that did not happen, such as a case where a good guy stopped a violent event before it it resulted in the loss of innocent life. However, these are exactly the type of stories we need to highlight to educate non gun owners before they head to the voting booth. [Read more…] about Armed Good Guys: Armed Robber Killed With Own Gun
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