Visual Cross Dominance & Shooting
The vast majority of people worldwide have a dominant hand that dictates what side they use to write, throw a ball, bat etc. and this would certainly include how they shoot. Very few are truly ambidextrous – and just like your hands, most have one eye that is more dominant than the other. [Read more…] about Visual Cross Dominance & Shooting
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Don’t Be A Victim
Here’s the thing; I haven’t always been a gun advocate. After the school shooting at Columbine in 1999, I adopted the view most liberals still cling to; gun reform is necessary for our country, and long overdue. Then, during my senior year in college, something happened that altered my paradigm entirely.
I was out with fraternity brothers at a local bar celebrating the end of finals. There were eight of us drinking our problems away like countless Coeds before us. This night occurred in the early 2000s to give you a frame of reference. Nothing was out of the ordinary for the first few hours, but right around eleven, things went south and changed my lens forever.
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Has My Ammo Gone Bad?
For most hunters and sport shooters who use their firearms regularly, you don’t have to give too much thought to your ammo aside from keeping it dry and safely secured when you’re not using it. Beyond that, you’re cycling through your inventory pretty consistently with few issues. Modern, factory-made ammo is very reliable and will last for a long time under the right conditions, however there are instances where you could be pushing your luck.
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If You Buy One Handgun This Year, Make it a Rex
One of the most surprising handguns I’ve ever encountered was the Rex Zero 1 by AREX Defense. AREX is a Slovenian company that has been in the firearms business since 1994, and they are world renowned, although you’ll rarely hear about the company in the United States. Since 2004, AREX has been making parts for several companies that you may have heard of, including FN, Browning and Fiocchi, among others. They hold several military patents in Europe and their handguns are carried by some of the most elite military units in the world.
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Kids & Guns – Communication and Common Sense
When is the right time to introduce your kids to the world of firearms?
For the most part, it really depends on the child (we’ll get back to that in a moment) and your willingness to fully communicate the do’s-&-don’ts of gun handling and the potential risks if they are misused. Whether you simply own a handgun for personal protection or are a ‘shooting’ family that hunts or participates in sport shooting, a child’s understanding of guns will be of benefit.
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The FM-AR: A Molot VEPR for 2020
In the gun world, Russia is best known for the classic AK-47 rifle, but one of the best rifles ever built comes from the Molot factory in Vyatskiye Polyany, and those rifles are called the VEPR.
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Safe Storage Continues To Be A Choice For Most
How safe are your guns?
How safe do they need to be?
Currently, there are more guns in personal possession in the U.S. than there are people. That’s a lot of firepower. Let’s take a look at the numbers:
- Less than half of all households claim to own any firearms at all – that means that more gun owners certainly have multiple weapons within their homes
- 54% of those owners report that they do not take measures to store all of their guns safely
- 20% of those households have small children in the home
- 10% of owners indicate that they keep all of their weapons unlocked and loaded
For most people, the concept of gun safety really isn’t an issue. You’re not high-risk, you take care of your firearms and take reasonable steps to make sure that they’re secure after use. That’s probably why government intervention hasn’t really been all that necessary up to now. [Read more…] about Safe Storage Continues To Be A Choice For Most
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Handgun Stances: Traditional vs. Modern
Everyone wants to shoot quickly and accurately, and the stance that we choose can make a big difference in how we perform.
The right stance can be different for each shooter (and situation), but it’s a major factor in how we control sight alignment, body position, balance and recoil offset.
Think of it this way – you wouldn’t build a new house with a weak foundation, and it’s the same with how you establish your body before you shoot. Also consider any other sport or dynamic activity and how a solid base-of-support sets you up for optimal performance. From boxing to tennis, how you set-up is the first step to success.
Now having said that, there are a number of factors that we have to consider. [Read more…] about Handgun Stances: Traditional vs. Modern
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Glock 19: A Marvel of Balance in Glock Perfection
A generation ago, if you walked into a gun shop and asked for a Model 19 you got a Smith and Wesson Combat Magnum. Today, the Model 19 is a 9mm Glock and it is probably more popular than the revolver was. The Glock 19 9mm is easily the best-balanced Glock in my opinion. While the original Glock 17 is a good shooter, reliable, and easy to carry on a uniform belt, the G19 is an ideal concealed carry pistol. [Read more…] about Glock 19: A Marvel of Balance in Glock Perfection
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Revolvers: The Joe Friday Gun
Among the first police procedural dramas was Dragnet. Dragnet and Joe Friday were down to earth and presented the facts well. As a child, I enjoyed the series very much. Dragnet still has much to recommend. Professionalism and results are valued. Later, many of the prima donnas and flawed characters in TV shows were less interesting. Few would have lasted a minute in any agency I worked for. [Read more…] about Revolvers: The Joe Friday Gun
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Gun Test: Browning Hi Power
Some makers sing the words, but they don’t know the music. A maker that got the steel somatic right is Fabrique Nationale. The Browning Hi Power is a unique design, held in awe by serious handgunners. The Hi Power comes from an era when blue steel and walnut were the norm, and plastic was material for cheap pistol grips. The story of the Hi Power Hi Power has been told many times. However, as a classic, it is always worth one more look. [Read more…] about Gun Test: Browning Hi Power
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Colt Single Action Army: The Gunfighters Gun
Gents, Please send me one of your Nickel plated .45 Caliber revolvers. It is for my own use, and for that reason, I would like to have a little Extra pains taken with it. I am willing to pay the Extra for Extra work. Make it very easy on the trigger, and have the front Sight a little higher and thicker than the ordinary pistol of this Kind. Put on a gutta percha handle, and send it as soon as possible. Have the barrel about the same length that the ejecting rod is.
Truly yours,
W.B. Masterson [Read more…] about Colt Single Action Army: The Gunfighters Gun
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Gun Test: Arex Rex Delta 9mm Pistol
The Arex Rex Delta is a fresh design in the striker-fired, polymer-frame field. Dr. Dave Dolbee has visited the ultra-modern Arex (pronounced R-X) plant and found it impressive. As for quality and production as well as human resources, the company is an impressive force in the market. [Read more…] about Gun Test: Arex Rex Delta 9mm Pistol
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My Favorite .45 ACP Big Bore Revolver
The focus of this report is more the cartridge than the handgun, but the revolvers that chamber the cartridge are linked to the .45 ACP’s popularity. The Smith and Wesson 1917 .45 ACP revolver was a legendary handgun to a young man reading everything he could about handguns, but an ordinary handgun in the shops during the 1970s. The 1917 isn’t rare today, but it is no longer as cheap as it once was either. My first .45 ACP revolver was purchased for less than $100. [Read more…] about My Favorite .45 ACP Big Bore Revolver
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Review: Charles Daly Honcho Shotgun
The American-designed, pump-action shotgun is the most recommended home defense shotgun. It isn’t always made in America, but it defends the turf well. Recently, a new type of shotgun has been offered for home defense. While the Charles Daly Honcho is a different bird and requires attention to detail, the 14-inch barrel pump-action shotgun just may be a viable home defense shotgun for some and the ideal piece for a few. [Read more…] about Review: Charles Daly Honcho Shotgun
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Ruger SR-762: Ruger’s Badass 7.62×51 .308 Win.
A few years ago, Sturm, Ruger & Company leaped into the crowded AR15 rifle market with a piston driven AR15 variant. The SR-556 isn’t inexpensive. However, as a result, it is a very good rifle. Later, Ruger offered what I regarded as a sensational rifle, the SR-762, a 7.62×51 NATO variant. I suppose this might qualify as an AR10, but in most ways, it is a modern design. This isn’t a gas-impingement operation but rather a piston-operated rifle with a four-position gas valve or regulator. [Read more…] about Ruger SR-762: Ruger’s Badass 7.62×51 .308 Win.
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Glock 44: Glock Imperfection in a Rimfire?
The Glock 44 rimfire was met with some derision by those wishing to own a single-column magazine 10mm or perhaps the long-awaited Glock carbine. I don’t know if Glock is seriously considering these firearms, but it listens. [Read more…] about Glock 44: Glock Imperfection in a Rimfire?
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Colt Python: Reintroduced, but Is It Worthy of the Name?
There has been considerable interest in the new Colt Python 2020. Likewise, there have been quite a few comments coming from those who have not handled the Python— the new or old version. It just would not do for Colt to deliver a cheapened version, and the new pistol has no such allusion. As a Colt fan, I will say the Colt Python 2020 is a better piece than the original. [Read more…] about Colt Python: Reintroduced, but Is It Worthy of the Name?
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Gun Test: Springfield XD-S 4.0
The Springfield XD-S 4.0 is a variation on the Springfield XD—a popular and proven firearm. The XD-S is a good concealed carry handgun with the same action and features as the popular XD but enough differences to give the XD-S a distinctive character. The grip treatment is much different and offers plenty of abrasion. The XD-S .45 ACP version may sting the hand a bit, but it offers real power in a compact package. The XD-S 9mm version is more controllable and offers more rounds in the same compact package. [Read more…] about Gun Test: Springfield XD-S 4.0
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