Making the Case for Gun Safes
It’s no secret that firearms ownership requires a significant level of responsibility, not only for handling and operation, but for safe storage as well. For any household, properly securing your guns and ammo is critical for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is the well-being of yourself and those around you. [Read more…] about Making the Case for Gun Safes
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Beat the Heat
As the summer heats up, your firearms can take a beating if you don’t pay attention to how you shoot, maintain and store them. [Read more…] about Beat the Heat
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A Shot in the Dark
Shooting in low light conditions can be challenging, but with the right techniques and equipment there’s little reason why you shouldn’t be able to effectively hit your targets. Whether you’re a seasoned marksman or new to the sport, there are a variety of things that you can do to improve your accuracy, even when the lighting is less than optimal. [Read more…] about A Shot in the Dark
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No Need To Miss Out On The Action
The enjoyment of shooting sports isn’t something that needs to be cast aside because of a physical disability. With the wide variety of equipment and resources available, most anyone can maintain these pursuits while taking advantage of the benefits. [Read more…] about No Need To Miss Out On The Action
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Long Range Shooting 1 – Guns & Gear
There’s nothing quite like hearing the distinctive ring of hitting a target at a longer distance. It’s a great feeling – and although accurate shots are certainly doable for the average shooter inside of 200 or 300 yards, beyond that you’ll need the skill and the tools necessary to meet the added challenge. [Read more…] about Long Range Shooting 1 – Guns & Gear
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Bore Obstructions
Having anything in your bore other than a bullet flying out of it can be serious business. Even a small amount of foreign matter can be enough to cause a major (and potentially deadly) accident.
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3-D Printing Guns and Their Problems
Every generation looks back and marvels at how things changed over time.
Advancements in technology, regardless of discipline or subculture, transform our world. Within the past decade, the 3-D printer is one such mechanism that is changing the way humans live. [Read more…] about 3-D Printing Guns and Their Problems
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Get Triggered! FIME Enhanced Fire Control Group
Many factors contribute to the accuracy of a rifle, be it major components with a tangible impact, such as the barrel itself and the ammunition we feed it, or more subtle nuances that effect harmonics. No matter the element, having confidence when it comes to shot placement is paramount to any shooter. Today I want to talk about a piece of the puzzle that is crucial not only to the accuracy of your rifle, but to every aspect of the direct shooter interface, the trigger. [Read more…] about Get Triggered! FIME Enhanced Fire Control Group
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Feeling a Little Rusty?
[Read more…] about Feeling a Little Rusty?
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Minimizing Recoil
A wise man (Isaac Newton) once said that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. If you’ve felt the kick of a powerful firearm, you’ll immediately know how this equation works. [Read more…] about Minimizing Recoil
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The Myth of Iron Sights
Ever hear an old-timer talk about how you’re not a ‘real’ shooter unless you can hit a target without your newfangled optics? I have, and while there may be a hint of truth there, the sentiment isn’t entirely accurate. [Read more…] about The Myth of Iron Sights
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Avoiding Scope Bite
Getting ‘scoped’ when shooting a rifle is always a risk, but it’s one that can be minimized if you take a few precautions. This injury goes by a few different names like Scope Bite or Scope Eye and it’s always a highly unpleasant experience for shooters at any level. [Read more…] about Avoiding Scope Bite
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Vehicle Concealed Carry
Presumably, you would wear your concealed, defensive handgun somewhere on you that would be the most comfortable and allow easy access in the case of an immediate need. What happens though, when you climb into your car or truck and that weapon is in a position that just isn’t practical? [Read more…] about Vehicle Concealed Carry
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Always Use Protection
I think you’d be hard-pressed to find any shooter that doesn’t understand the need for eye and hearing protection. It’s standard industry practice, most all reputable ranges insist on their use and it’s really just common sense. [Read more…] about Always Use Protection
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Know Your Muzzle Attachments
A lot of new gun owners often don’t fully understand the attachment at the end of their barrel and what it can and can’t do. Aside from a sound suppressor (which most everyone can recognize), a lot of these devices look pretty similar and can be hard to tell apart. [Read more…] about Know Your Muzzle Attachments
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Has My Ammo Gone Bad?
For most hunters and sport shooters who use their firearms regularly, you don’t have to give too much thought to your ammo aside from keeping it dry and safely secured when you’re not using it. Beyond that, you’re cycling through your inventory pretty consistently with few issues. Modern, factory-made ammo is very reliable and will last for a long time under the right conditions, however there are instances where you could be pushing your luck.
[Read more…] about Has My Ammo Gone Bad?
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Slings and Things for AR-15s
Tactical slings are primarily used to help carry a duty or combat rifle, allowing the operator to keep both hands free for other tasks. While its function may seem simplistic, choosing the right tactical sling and proper attachments requires navigating a myriad of options depending on your weapon choice, purpose, and types of mounting points available. [Read more…] about Slings and Things for AR-15s
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Five Great Last-Minute Christmas Ideas for The Gunny in Your Life
Let’s face it. If you are reading this you are like over half of Americans, a procrastinator with your Christmas buying. Conveniently, I know a place that works really hard to have lots of cool stuff in stock for that gun loving person in your life. [Read more…] about Five Great Last-Minute Christmas Ideas for The Gunny in Your Life
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Must Have AK Accessories
Recently, I had the pleasure to test the Arsenal AK pistol. I fired the pistol extensively and found a reliable and effective firearm. My to go rifle for many reasons is the Arsenal AK-47 rifle. My choice is an underfolder. The rifle is supplied with a useful sling, oil bottle, and cleaning rod. But a little more than this is needed. The rifle is delivered with a 10-round magazine. There are more choices available. [Read more…] about Must Have AK Accessories
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Review: Maglula BenchLoader
I will admit up front, I am in love with Maglula loaders. Personally, I use the UPLULA for pistols and AR-15 LULA almost daily. I won’t leave for the range without them. The AR-15 LULA unloads magazines and well as loading them. This saves me from ripping up my fingers and nails trying to empty a magazine. [Read more…] about Review: Maglula BenchLoader
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