Hawaii’s Butterfly Knife Ban Takes a Serious L
Two Hawaii residents, Andrew Teter and James Grill, are doing their part to fight back against Hawaii’s ban on butterfly knives. [Read more…] about Hawaii’s Butterfly Knife Ban Takes a Serious L
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Trump’s Vow to America, Agenda 47, Blue States, and Gun Control
Donald J. Trump plans to restore law and order throughout the land if reelected. I know; tough to imagine we’re already trending toward another Presidential Election. I suppose time flies when the world is on fire.
The former President released a five-minute video late last week. The gist – to make America both safe, and yes, great again. [Read more…] about Trump’s Vow to America, Agenda 47, Blue States, and Gun Control
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The Purge
Face facts – life, as we know it, has changed and will never be the same. Within four months, day-to-day reality has shifted for the entire globe. Numbers flash on tv screens; deaths, infections, stock market indicators, and suddenly, things aren’t so different than the initial years following the September 11th attacks. Remember? The colored terrorism threat indicators plastered at the bottom of countless media outlets; red, orange, yellow, and so on. The current perceived threat may be different, in this case, a virus and not anti-West extremists, however, the same product is being sold by those in power – Fear, and a lot of it.
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SAF Filing 2A Lawsuits Over “Pandemic Panic”
The Second Amendment Foundation, filed a federal lawsuit against New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy earlier in the week alleging deprivation of rights under color of law, indicated in a news release late Tuesday it is “working on lawsuits against Washington, Massachusetts, and jurisdictions in California and North Carolina, among others.” [Read more…] about SAF Filing 2A Lawsuits Over “Pandemic Panic”
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Alarm: Everytown Gun Control Lobby ‘Needs Your Help’
The billionaire-backed Everytown for Gun Safety, a gun control lobbying group—which was co-founded and bankrolled by former presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg—has sent an email blast to presumed supporters, asking for donations to help elect gun grabbers in 2020. Liberty Park Press obtained a copy of the email. [Read more…] about Alarm: Everytown Gun Control Lobby ‘Needs Your Help’
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SAF Petitions Supreme Court for Review of Rodriguez Case
The Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) is the one of, if not the, most staunch defenders of the Second Amendment and the gun rights of citizens. Currently, the SAF has four cases before the Supreme Court—more at one time than any other gun rights organization in history.
BELLEVUE, WA – Attorneys for the Second Amendment Foundation have filed a petition to the U.S. Supreme Court seeking review of their case challenging the City of San Jose and its police department in a case involving the seizure of legally-owned firearms and refusal to return them. [Read more…] about SAF Petitions Supreme Court for Review of Rodriguez Case
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Biden Warns Gun Makers: ‘I’m Coming for You. Period.’
While the Democratic nominee may not be officially chosen for months, one thing is clear—regardless who the nominee is, he or she will be anti-gun. Bernie Sanders seems to be the current front runner, and actually had best (of the worst) voting records on Second Amendment issues. However, according to his campaign rhetoric, that will change. Sanders said what he needed to say to get elected in Vermont as a senator. Today, he is off the leash and in full-blown anti-gun mode. As for the worst voting record, the blue ribbon would likely have to go to Joe Biden. [Read more…] about Biden Warns Gun Makers: ‘I’m Coming for You. Period.’
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Bloomberg’s Super Bowl Ad Uses Fake Facts
Billionaire presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg is in trouble, and it might be surprising with who. He’s running as a Democrat, yet he’s got many Democrats furious and on top of that, his $11 million anti-gun-rights Super Bowl advertisement is being seriously challenged for accuracy. [Read more…] about Bloomberg’s Super Bowl Ad Uses Fake Facts
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Second Amendment Sanctuary Movement Could ‘Short Circuit’ Gun Control
The managing director of litigation and national enforcement policy at anti-gun billionaire Michael Bloomberg’s Everytown for Gun Safety complained Friday to WDBJ News that the rapidly expanding Second Amendment Sanctuary movement could “short-circuit the Democratic process.” [Read more…] about Second Amendment Sanctuary Movement Could ‘Short Circuit’ Gun Control
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Pointing Out the Fallacies of Red Flag Laws
Buried in a story from WOSU about the introduction of new gun control legislation in Ohio by Gov. Mike DeWine that does not include a so-called “red flag” disarmament provision is an observation by Buckeye Lt. Gov. Jon Husted that reveals a genuine problem many Second Amendment activists contend is inherent in Red Flag laws. [Read more…] about Pointing Out the Fallacies of Red Flag Laws
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Trump Court Appointments: Anti-Gunners in Panic Mode
The Washington Times has reported on President Donald Trump’s 150th judicial confirmation by the U.S. Senate, and the liberal establishment is freaking out in full panic mode. Since taking office 2.5 years ago, the president has appointed 105 judges to the lower federal courts, 43 circuit court judges, and filled two critical seats on the U.S. Supreme Court. All of this is alarming to the left, which adores activist judges and justices—so long as they are liberals—but becomes venomous when a conservative jurist ascends to the federal bench because they just might want to stick to the Constitution. [Read more…] about Trump Court Appointments: Anti-Gunners in Panic Mode
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Congressmen Explain Gun Control Failures. Do Anti-Gunners Care?
Writing at Cincinnati.com Monday, a pair of Republican congressmen explain the problems with Capitol Hill gun control efforts, from not reading legislation to passing measures that will not prevent crimes, raising the most important question of all: Do devout anti-gunners even care?
[Read more…] about Congressmen Explain Gun Control Failures. Do Anti-Gunners Care?
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The NRA Asks You to Stand With It for 2A Rights
The National Rifle Association (NRA) has suffered from its own internal struggles as of late, as well as the optics, if not the actual facts, of its previous actions. Many of these issues have been due to recent events, but on a recent K-Var podcast, the NRA’s hand in gun control against blacks was also discussed. The NRA, as with any major organization, is far from perfect. [Read more…] about The NRA Asks You to Stand With It for 2A Rights
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White House Reaches Out to SAF and NRA
Amid a renewed push for all kinds of gun control following mass shooting incidents in three states over two consecutive weekends, the White House (Trump administration) has reached out to leaders in the Second Amendment community seeking their input, a marked change from the previous administration. [Read more…] about White House Reaches Out to SAF and NRA
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SAF Calls for End of ‘Gun-Free Zones’
Citing their “false sense of security,” the Second Amendment Foundation has launched an ambitious effort to end so-called ‘gun-free zones’ with an advertising campaign for print and online publications. [Read more…] about SAF Calls for End of ‘Gun-Free Zones’
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Advice Columnist: Don’t Offer Advice on Guns
Syndicated advice columnist Amy Dickinson has ignited something of a tempest by publishing a hysteria-laden inquiry from the father of a 24-year-old woman who, he discovered, owns a handgun and hollowpoint ammunition, which Dickinson incredibly suggested is “explosive.” [Read more…] about Advice Columnist: Don’t Offer Advice on Guns
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Gun Control Proves Its Own Failure
In a hand-wringing press release published at Insider NJ, Union County Freeholder Chair Bette Jane Kowalski may have unintentionally provided a “Well, Duh!” observation to gun control proponents across America’s political landscape that their crusade against gun rights is an abject failure. [Read more…] about Gun Control Proves Its Own Failure
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Illinois: Appeals Court Dismisses Deerfield Appeal
The Second Amendment Foundation has posted yet another victory in Illinois. The Second District Appellate Court recently dismissed an attempt by the Village of Deerfield, Illinois to challenge a permanent injunction against the community’s ban on so-called “assault weapons” and “large-capacity magazines.” [Read more…] about Illinois: Appeals Court Dismisses Deerfield Appeal
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‘Activists’ Force Dem Candidates to Take Stand on Gun Control
Anti-gun activists have “forced” Democrat candidates for president to “take a stand on gun control,” according to a Yahoo News report, and they all seem to be scrambling to stake out their positions, the more far-reaching the better. [Read more…] about ‘Activists’ Force Dem Candidates to Take Stand on Gun Control
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The Obscure Symptoms of The UK’s Failing Self-Defense Policy
The looming knife crises of raw violence in London steadily descends above the serpentine mudflats and barge rush hour traffic of the nation’s most ancient and practical public thoroughfare. Meanwhile, Mayor Sadiq Khan and his bureaucratic minions hope and pray that the internal nuclear controversy of the Brexit affair overshadows the emanating violence spreading like a brutal fog of savagery and injustice across the island nation. [Read more…] about The Obscure Symptoms of The UK’s Failing Self-Defense Policy
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