Gun Owners: Wake Up
The Unintended Consequences of Bargain Hunting: How We’re Undermining the Firearms Market
In today’s economy, it’s second nature to hunt for bargains. With inflation climbing and everyday expenses rising, it makes sense that consumers want to stretch their budgets further. Within the firearms industry, online retailers have increasingly catered to this mindset by offering ultra-competitive prices. But while this seems like a win for consumers at first glance, the ongoing price war could be undermining the very structure of the firearms market, potentially leading to long-term consequences for local gun shops, the broader firearms community, and even the industry as a whole. [Read more…] about Gun Owners: Wake Up
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Crime: The Dark Side of the Holiday Season
The holidays are a time for sharing meaningful moments with those who matter most. However, there’s a dark side to the festive season. A lot of money is spent during the holidays, no doubt the ideal scenario for any enterprising criminal. With a few carefully thought-out contingencies, you can do your part to avoid becoming another statistic. Crime takes no vacation, and neither should you. [Read more…] about Crime: The Dark Side of the Holiday Season
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The Modern Liberal, Sound of Freedom, Theory vs Practice
No matter what you learn from a book, a hands-on, real-world exercise proves more fruitful. Whether it’s how to bake the perfect pie or how to start a fire, putting theoretical assumptions to the test in the physical world is the ultimate barometer of their use.
One such example is the Second Amendment. Most on the left side of the aisle push for more gun control and fewer gun owner rights. There are exceptions to the rule, but these are anomalies.
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Trump’s Vow to America, Agenda 47, Blue States, and Gun Control
Donald J. Trump plans to restore law and order throughout the land if reelected. I know; tough to imagine we’re already trending toward another Presidential Election. I suppose time flies when the world is on fire.
The former President released a five-minute video late last week. The gist – to make America both safe, and yes, great again. [Read more…] about Trump’s Vow to America, Agenda 47, Blue States, and Gun Control
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From Conspiracy Theorist to Conspiracy Realist: Humanizing the Dehumanized
The world is in a constant state of change. It doesn’t take the intelligence of Elon Musk to realize as much. Each year, a new crisis emerges that transforms life as we know it.
For many, such events are chaotic in nature, byproducts of living on an overpopulated planet. These people believe that what you see is what you get. The coronavirus was a perfect example of their paradigm. The media and politicians’ views were seen as gospel.
However, there is another sect of society that sees things differently. The Conspiracy Theorist believes anything pushed over the airwaves by the mainstream media carries a hidden agenda; the proverbial iceberg analogy so to speak. These individuals live by the following axiom; when sifting through world events, focus on who benefits and you’ll soon uncover what’s really in play. [Read more…] about From Conspiracy Theorist to Conspiracy Realist: Humanizing the Dehumanized
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Home Defense… Pistol, Rifle, or Shotgun?
It’s an age-old question, isn’t it? Is there a right and a wrong? Would you hate me if I didn’t provide you with a definitive answer? Let’s delve into this subject and ask ourselves if there is a one size fits all answer to this debate. [Read more…] about Home Defense… Pistol, Rifle, or Shotgun?
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Where Have We Seen This [Covid] Movie Before?
My faith in the world is at an all-time low. Don’t get me wrong; there is a part of me that is privy to the gift of life and how fortunate I am to live in the western world.
Nonetheless, the remnants of the Covid fiasco and the forced inoculations, the current War in Ukraine, and our cognitively impaired President, just to name a few, have my faith in humanity teetering. [Read more…] about Where Have We Seen This [Covid] Movie Before?
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Bill C-21 and Why It Threatens Democracy
For anyone living under a rock, life in Canada is approaching the unbearable.
The country issued more lockdown orders during the Coronavirus pandemic than any other nation except for The People’s Republic of China.
Free thought, freedom of expression, and public assembly, all have fallen at the waist side thanks in large part to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his Government.
The latest controversy surrounds Bill C-21, legislation put forth by the Canadian Government. What is C-21? In simplest terms, Gun Control. [Read more…] about Bill C-21 and Why It Threatens Democracy
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3-D Printing Guns and Their Problems
Every generation looks back and marvels at how things changed over time.
Advancements in technology, regardless of discipline or subculture, transform our world. Within the past decade, the 3-D printer is one such mechanism that is changing the way humans live. [Read more…] about 3-D Printing Guns and Their Problems
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Why Owning a Gun is Vital
Contrary to how the mainstream media depicts gun owners, individuals of all backgrounds possess firearms in the United States.
One trip through woke social media pages like X or Meta, and it’s clear there is a war on gun owners. [Read more…] about Why Owning a Gun is Vital
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Take My Gun, Then Take My Freedom
Some purchase guns for protection and others own them for sport.
Whichever side one ascribes to, one truth is imminent; the round-up and ban of assault rifles by big government. [Read more…] about Take My Gun, Then Take My Freedom
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Record Breaking Lap
We’ve reached the halfway point of 2021. After an unprecedented battle with an alleged pandemic, life is trending back to normal. The economy is surging, live concerts and sporting events have resumed, and the fourth felt like the 4th this summer. [Read more…] about Record Breaking Lap
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Vaccine? Pass
The United Kingdom has started vaccinating citizens. We ourselves are said to be weeks away, so the time to be a dutiful, law-abiding member of society has finally arrived.
What if you are of sound mind and feel it is in your best interest to decline the vaccine when the State comes knocking? Are we not a nation whose central tenet is freedom? Should it not be our own decision assuming we are capable of deciding what is best for us? [Read more…] about Vaccine? Pass
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Patriot Games
So now what?
I wish I knew. But, one thing is becoming increasingly clear; dissent is on the menu, and I don’t foresee it being out of order for quite some time.
Something is rotten in Denmark when it comes to how things went down starting on Tuesday, November 3rd. If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, then what is it? [Read more…] about Patriot Games
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Detach, Process, Repeat
COVID-19 brings the world to a screeching halt. Economies teeter, stocks plummet, and citizens become compliant robots all too willing to remain quarantined. Perhaps an election is lost by the incumbent (I’m crossing my fingers this does not occur). A year later, a vaccine is suddenly discovered. If you wish to board an airplane or cross into a neighboring state, not a problem as long as you possess legal documents proving you’ve received the vaccine. In other words, comply, and those in power can tell you what else is okay under their totalitarian state. Cite your freedoms and rights as a sovereign citizen, FEMA camps stage-right to re-educate you. Sound far fetched? Maybe not.
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Quarantining Our Rights
For the last week or so, we have witnessed several protests popping up in various cities across the U.S., mostly in places where the “Stay-at-Home” orders have crossed the line into infringement upon the citizens’ rights. One of the first things that the mainstream media is pointing out about these protests (after accusing the protesters of being far-right extremists) is that many of the people attending these protests are going armed.
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SAF Filing 2A Lawsuits Over “Pandemic Panic”
The Second Amendment Foundation, filed a federal lawsuit against New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy earlier in the week alleging deprivation of rights under color of law, indicated in a news release late Tuesday it is “working on lawsuits against Washington, Massachusetts, and jurisdictions in California and North Carolina, among others.” [Read more…] about SAF Filing 2A Lawsuits Over “Pandemic Panic”
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In Panic, Second Amendment Right Not Outmoded After All
A rush on gun stores across the country to purchase firearms and ammunition shows that during a period of national panic, Americans fall back on the Second Amendment for reassurance, say some in the gun rights community, but in two American cities, officials are saying gun shops are non-essential businesses. [Read more…] about In Panic, Second Amendment Right Not Outmoded After All
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Biden Endorses Forcible Seizure of Legal Guns
Democratic presidential candidate and former Vice President Joe Biden has announced he would tap avowed gun grabber Robert “Beto” O’Rourke—who wants to forcibly seize legally owned firearms—as his Gun Control Czar. The disastrous result would be a roll back of our Second Amendment rights and a potential uprising from those targeted by the unconstitutional act. [Read more…] about Biden Endorses Forcible Seizure of Legal Guns
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