Bloomberg: Anti-Gun Supreme Court Packing Agenda
Democratic presidential candidate New York Billionaire Michael Bloomberg is attempting to claw his way up from the bottom of the 2020 Presidential polls by promising to pack the Supreme Court with “pro-gun control judges” if elected president. [Read more…] about Bloomberg: Anti-Gun Supreme Court Packing Agenda
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Democrats Threaten Sanctions Over Gun Control
Newly-empowered Democrat state lawmakers in Virginia are reportedly threatening action in the Commonwealth’s 78 counties that have so far declared themselves “Second Amendment Sanctuaries” if police and sheriffs do not enforce gun control laws passed in Richmond in 2020, according to the Washington Examiner. [Read more…] about Democrats Threaten Sanctions Over Gun Control
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Mass. Gun Bill Treats Ownership Like Disease
Proposed legislation in Massachusetts would treat gun ownership like a disease. A joint state House and Senate hearing on a gun bill that would treat gun ownership like a disease was scheduled Dec. 10, and the Massachusetts Gun Owners Action League—an affiliate of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA)—has been sounding the alarm. [Read more…] about Mass. Gun Bill Treats Ownership Like Disease
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Joy Behar: Keep Quiet About Gun Confiscation Until It’s Happening!
Gun control advocates are a scary lot to begin with, but The View’s co-host is taking it to a new level. After the backlash created by Beto O’Rourke’s exclamation of “Hell yes we are gonna take away your AR-15s and AK-47s!”—a statement that was echoed or championed by every other Democrat running for president—antigunners are advocating to “keep your plans secret until you are elected and ready to confiscate guns!” Fortunately, advocates for the Second Amendment are pushing back. [Read more…] about Joy Behar: Keep Quiet About Gun Confiscation Until It’s Happening!
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Warren: The Battle to be the Most Anti-Gun Candidate
In a war of one-upmanship, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) is leading most polls, but what about the battle to be the most anti-gun candidate? I am not sure whether Warren is in the lead on that front after Beto’s “Hell yes, we will take your AR-15 and AK-47s!),” but she is certainly in the running to trample our Rights and ability to defend ourselves. A couple months ago, Sen. Warren penned her positions on gun control. There was not much new — licensing of gun owners, waiting periods, increasing taxes on guns and ammunition, limiting firearm purchases, raising the minimum purchasing age, banning so-called “assault weapons” and full capacity magazines. [Read more…] about Warren: The Battle to be the Most Anti-Gun Candidate
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Impeachment Announcement Halts Gun Control…
By opening an impeachment inquiry, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) likely crushed any notion of a path forward on gun legislation. White House Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham said the move “destroyed any chances of legislative progress.” If, there are any positives coming out of the circus in Washington, it may well be an ineptness at passing legislation. That would normally be a negative. However, when it comes to gun control, “Release the clowns!”
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Primary Debates Label Gun Manufacturers ‘Enemies’
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) is trying to distance himself and other Senate Democrats from firearms confiscation talk offered during presidential debates—but, they’ve already signed on… [Read more…] about Primary Debates Label Gun Manufacturers ‘Enemies’
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Beto: ‘Hell Yes, We’re Going to Take Your AR-15’ and the Crowd Cheers
While gun rights activists are burning up social media in the aftermath of Democrat presidential candidate Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke’s on-stage admission that his gun control plan revolved around confiscation of modern sporting rifles, the more alarming part of that dramatic moment for Second Amendment advocates may have been the cheering audience. [Read more…] about Beto: ‘Hell Yes, We’re Going to Take Your AR-15’ and the Crowd Cheers
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Gun Confiscation? Molon Labe
Megan McCain went on The View. Not sure why anyone to the right of Mao would do that, but she did. While there, she openly and directly stated the confiscation of guns, specifically AR-15s “would result in violence.” Her message was meant to explain to the gun banners that Americans will tolerate bloviation but not implementation of certain things—and gun confiscation is high on that list. [Read more…] about Gun Confiscation? Molon Labe
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House Democrats Focus on Straws, not Solutions
As the argument surrounding gun control and the Second Amendment occupies daily space in the mainstream media as anti-gun zealots — especially House Democrats — resort to increasingly outlandish claims in order to get the attention they seek. Most recently, U.S. Rep. Cedric Richmond (D-La.) compared the current campaign to force new gun restrictions through Congress to efforts by some state and local governments to ban plastic straws. [Read more…] about House Democrats Focus on Straws, not Solutions
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Tacoma to Seattle: Hold My Beer!
Seattle’s southern neighbor, Tacoma, Washington, is going to weigh a plan that’s already proven to be a failed policy. But since its anti-gun, city council members think it is worth adopting. City Councilman Ryan Mello proposed that Tacoma adopt Seattle’s so-called “gun violence tax” plan that would levy a $25 tax on firearms, a two-cent-per-round tax on .22-caliber or less, or five-cent-per-round for all other ammunition that’s sold at retail. [Read more…] about Tacoma to Seattle: Hold My Beer!
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When Gun Control Fantasies Go Off the Reservation
Politicians making sweeping promises they can’t keep is nothing new on the campaign trail. The vitriol as of late — assigning blame for the horrific crimes of sick and twisted individuals to the firearms industry – is something that has become, unfortunately, predictable. It’s part of the political gamesmanship from those who don’t understand our industry or respect our rights or the values for which our industry stands. [Read more…] about When Gun Control Fantasies Go Off the Reservation
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NASCAR Rejects Gun Ads, Cites “Gradual Shift” on Guns
‘Those who fail to learn from history are condemned to repeat it.’ ~Winston Churchill. The words are as true today as when Churchill uttered them in 1948 or George Santayana when he originally said essentially the same thing in 1905. Yet, major organizations, those with no stake in politics, are taking political sides and alienating their consumers in the process. Perhaps the CEO of Dick’s Sporting Goods was just ignorant of his consumer base or Yeti made a miscalculation when it cut ties with the NRA. However, when it comes to NASCAR taking an anti-gun approach, it simply baffles the imagination as to who is calling the shots and how out of touch they are with their fan base. [Read more…] about NASCAR Rejects Gun Ads, Cites “Gradual Shift” on Guns
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Self-Defense: We Must Do “Something”
The shootings in Dayton and El Paso were horrible events. People who were going about their lives were gunned down by deranged “people.” The fallen are a continued source of pain to those who miss them. The wounded will have mental and physical scars for the rest of their lives. My heart goes out to the families of the dead, the wounded, and those who were traumatized by being there, even if a bullet did not find them. [Read more…] about Self-Defense: We Must Do “Something”
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Baltimore Deputy Police Commissioner Mugged at Gunpoint!
Some stories are just too good to be true. Not that anyone should take any enjoyment out of a man and his wife going through the traumatic experience of being held up at gunpoint, but the irony… Only a few weeks after claiming his new post would be akin to his time in the “Big Easy,” he gets mugged, at gunpoint, in a city the anti-gunners hold up as a shining example of why we need more gun control laws! Read the full story from the New York Post. [Read more…] about Baltimore Deputy Police Commissioner Mugged at Gunpoint!
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Dems Debate Gun Control That Does Not Work, Demand More
In their second debate, Democratic presidential hopefuls appearing Tuesday night in Detroit pushed gun control in reaction to the shooting incident in Gilroy, California, but they called for the same “solutions” and Pete Buttigieg suggested more should be done, only by vaguely stating, “We know what to do, and it has not happened.” [Read more…] about Dems Debate Gun Control That Does Not Work, Demand More
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Gun Control Lobby Executive Blunt About Challenge Facing 2A Faithful
“Gun safety is going to be a defining issue for 2020,” Feinblatt said. “The gun safety movement has never been stronger and the gun rights movement has never been weaker.” Gun owners need to wake up before the election… [Read more…] about Gun Control Lobby Executive Blunt About Challenge Facing 2A Faithful
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SAF Calls for End of ‘Gun-Free Zones’
Citing their “false sense of security,” the Second Amendment Foundation has launched an ambitious effort to end so-called ‘gun-free zones’ with an advertising campaign for print and online publications. [Read more…] about SAF Calls for End of ‘Gun-Free Zones’
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Everytown: NRA Is on Its Heels — Let’s Keep It There
Declaring that the National Rifle Association has been in “a perpetual state of turmoil” recently, the billionaire-backed Everytown for Gun Safety—Michael Bloomberg’s gun prohibition lobbying group—says “NRA is on its heels and we can keep it there” as Virginia lawmakers prepare for Gov. Ralph Northam’s gun control special session Tuesday.
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