Heavyweight Bullet Choices for Personal Defense
There is only one reason to fire at another human being. That is to stop a threat. The threat must be so great that the only means of stopping violent action is to fire. It must not matter morally or legally if the individual dies as a result of being shot. This is serious business that demands care when choosing the handgun and its ammunition for personal defense. [Read more…] about Heavyweight Bullet Choices for Personal Defense
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Gun Test: Arex Rex Delta 9mm Pistol
The Arex Rex Delta is a fresh design in the striker-fired, polymer-frame field. Dr. Dave Dolbee has visited the ultra-modern Arex (pronounced R-X) plant and found it impressive. As for quality and production as well as human resources, the company is an impressive force in the market. [Read more…] about Gun Test: Arex Rex Delta 9mm Pistol
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Excellence Redefined: Guncrafter Commander 1911
Some folks like anything that goes bang! I find firearms of all type immensely interesting. However, when it comes to personal defense, I like to have a firearm that compliments my skills and one that is both accurate and completely reliable. [Read more…] about Excellence Redefined: Guncrafter Commander 1911
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Review: Kel-Tec PF9
When looking for a good example of the most popular American carry gun, the slim line 9, the Kel-Tec PF9 is a good place to start. This is among the least expensive quality handguns and a proven performer. The Kel-Tec PF9 was among the first ultra light 9mm handguns. The pistol features a polymer frame and double action only trigger. The trigger is tight but smooth breaking at 6.5 pounds. This isn’t a striker-fired handgun; the PF9 uses a hammer. [Read more…] about Review: Kel-Tec PF9
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Gun Test: Mossberg’s Retro Shotgun
A number of years ago Mossberg offered a short barrel, pump-action shotgun known as the Persuader. The piece is back as a highly finished retrograde shotgun. In my opinion the new Mossberg is better finished and tighter than the original. Retro guns are popular and this one has the look and feel of an older shotgun—the quality appearance. And it isn’t all about looks. [Read more…] about Gun Test: Mossberg’s Retro Shotgun
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Review: Mossberg 590 12-gauge Shotgun
Nothing says hello quite like a pump-action shotgun. Reliable, easy to manage, and delivering a heavy payload, the 12-gauge shotgun is a problem solver. There are many good shotguns and many cheap ones as well. I long ago got over the allure of owning many firearms and instead enjoy owning a few very good firearms that always work. [Read more…] about Review: Mossberg 590 12-gauge Shotgun
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Gun Test: Dan Wesson Heritage
After 50 years of firing and using ‘Old Ugly,’ I am still surprised at the many uses the 1911 has been put to. The 1911 has not only done the job, it has excelled in small-game hunting, competition, personal defense, and home defense—not to mention warfare and police service. A Government Model .45 is as versatile a general-purpose handgun as we are likely to find. Among the best I have tested in some time is the Dan Wesson Heritage, a full-size stainless steel Government Model .45. [Read more…] about Gun Test: Dan Wesson Heritage
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Gun Test: Beretta APX 9mm Compact
The Beretta APX is Beretta’s entry into the polymer-frame striker-fired field, and they added a modular design for good measure. The APX is going against stiff competition. While Beretta has brand loyalty, the piece must stand on its own merit. [Read more…] about Gun Test: Beretta APX 9mm Compact
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Op-ed: Training and Values for Concealed Carry
There are many reasons for training. Training is a serious business but also a profitable business for many. A few genuinely train to save lives. Others train and go through the motions and seem to have lost contact with the reason we train. I maintain that training often reflects the individual’s personal values. [Read more…] about Op-ed: Training and Values for Concealed Carry
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Gun Test: Glock 43X — Slimline
Glock introduced two exciting, and well designed, pistols at the 2019 Shooting Hunting Outdoor Trade (SHOT) Show, with an official January 2 launch date for the Glock 43X and Glock 48. Concealed carry is a very important part of the market. Glock’s service pistols are renowned worldwide for reliability and combat ability. The Glock 17, Glock 19 and other models are widely respected. In concealed carry, the search was on for a viable improvement over both the Glock 19 and the Glock 43. [Read more…] about Gun Test: Glock 43X — Slimline
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S&W Model 27 Classic — The First Magnum Revolver
When the .357 Magnum cartridge was introduced in 1935, Smith and Wesson chambered the cartridge in a deluxe, large-frame revolver. The new handgun was in some ways a development of the .38-44—a heavy frame .38 Special. However, in other ways, the target-sighted magnum was unique. Either way, the revolver cost more than $65 at a time when a new Ford V 8 cost $810. The .38-44 cost about $35 dollars. Useful handguns were available for $20. The fit, finish, and accuracy of the new revolver was exceptional by any standard. The .357 Magnum was the first of many expensive, but custom grade, factory handguns. [Read more…] about S&W Model 27 Classic — The First Magnum Revolver
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Review: Glock 48 9mm
One of the great revolutions in handgun manufacture is the polymer frame, striker-fired revolution. Glock led the way and still dominates the market. Arguably, Glock remains first with the most. I should note that I am not the greatest Glock fan, but I certainly am not a Glock basher. The Glock is, in my opinion, the baseline gun for personal defense and a great choice for many shooters. The Glock is as reliable as a handgun may be, easy enough to use well, and chambers popular cartridges. The Glock 48 follows this tradition. [Read more…] about Review: Glock 48 9mm
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Snubnose Magnum Revolvers — Pocket Power
With the growing abundance of concealed carry permits, as Americans exercise their rights and commons sense, and with a political climate that currently nurtures such progress, armed citizens are flexing their political muscles and choosing to be responsible for their own safety. [Read more…] about Snubnose Magnum Revolvers — Pocket Power
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Review: SIG P320 M17 Civilian Model
I have carried and used SIG pistols for many years. I have been issued the SIG P226 and also carried the SIG P220. I have the greatest respect for SIG pistols and particularly appreciate their reliability. When the brass supplied officers with the SIG, we knew that they had not gone for the low bid. By the same token the low bid won over many agencies. SIG needed a polymer-framed striker-fired pistol to compete on an economic and practical basis. The SIG P320 was ergonomic, reliable, and easily used well. SIG finally had a striker fired competitor to the Glock and similar handguns. [Read more…] about Review: SIG P320 M17 Civilian Model
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Gun Test: Savage Model 12 – A True Tack Driver
Savage Arms offers a number of affordable rifles beginning with the Savage Axis and the impressive Axis II. The Savage Model 12 is a formidable rifle that may be called a rifle for shooters rather than hunters. The machining and heat-treating of the receiver are a step above that of other Savage bolt-action rifles. The bolt is more massive and features opposed locking lugs. Bolt lift is 90 degrees. A feature I particularly like is the oversize bolt handle. The rifle’s bolt and receiver are impressive for those with an eye to quality. [Read more…] about Gun Test: Savage Model 12 – A True Tack Driver
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Gun Test: Rock Island 1911 .38 Super
The .38 Super was introduced in the 1911 handgun in 1929 to arm peace officers with a hard-hitting handgun that offered good penetration against the new breed of mechanized thug. The .38 Super saw extensive use in the hands of the FBI and figured into the demise of dangerous fugitives such as Baby Face Nelson. The .38 Super is dimensionally identical to the .38 ACP of 1900. [Read more…] about Gun Test: Rock Island 1911 .38 Super
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How to Choose a Handgun
Everyday, we are bombarded with the freshest information. We hope the information is legitimate, and we weigh our alternatives. Choosing an option involves a mix of assessments and choices colored by innate biases and too often, flawed assumptions. [Read more…] about How to Choose a Handgun
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Gun Test: Ruger SR1911 9mm
Ruger is an old line maker that has offered quality products at a fair price for more than 68 years. They were late getting into the 1911 market, but introduced a 1911 handgun that has earned an excellent reputation for reliability, accuracy and value. When the Commander version was introduced, I obtained one of the first short slide 1911 Rugers and found it good. The SR1911 9mm is an aluminum frame 1911 in the Commander configuration they may be even better. [Read more…] about Gun Test: Ruger SR1911 9mm
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Gun Test: Smith and Wesson Model 69 .44 Magnum
As a long time user of Smith and Wesson revolvers, I am excited to see the things the company is doing these days. One of the most interesting handguns to come along in some time is the Model 69 .44 Magnum. This is a 5-shot .44 Magnum revolver built on the L frame chassis. It features a square butt grip and four-inch barrel. [Read more…] about Gun Test: Smith and Wesson Model 69 .44 Magnum

Need a hard hitting .223 load? Grab some Fiocchi!
When practicing with the .223 Remington/AR-15 combination, I am always on the lookout for quality practice ammunition, such as offering from Fiocchi. While I handload, I do not always have time to keep up with the demand made in testing rifles, practice, and teaching. Most of my practice loads are my own handloads put up in reclaimed brass and topped by some type of 55-grain FMJ. [Read more…] about Need a hard hitting .223 load? Grab some Fiocchi!