Texas Church Shooting — What Is Safe?
The statistics say it all… It does not matter where you are at, your safety is at risk. Walmart is not safe. Elementary schools are not safe. Government buildings are not safe. Your home is not safe. And over the weekend, we watched in horror as places of worship (knife attacks at a synagogue in New York and church shooting in Texas) were attacked, demonstrating once again, they are not safe. The Texas shooter was known to police and had a criminal record. The suspect in New York was reported to have no criminal history. In the synagogue attack in New York, the suspect entered the Rabbi’s home and stabbed five people, fracturing one their skulls. In Texas, during church services, a man stood up, removed a shotgun from under a long coat, and pointed it at the parishioners. Two innocents were killed. At least one of them can be seen in the video reaching for a concealed handgun before being shot.
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Gun Test: Rossi Frontier .45 Colt Rifle
For most of my life, I have kept a lever action rifle handy for all around use. I have taken more game with the lever action than any other type. During my time as a peace officer, I kept a Winchester Model 94 .30-30 WCF lever action rifle in the trunk on more than one occasion. Such a rifle can solve most of the problems encountered. Today, however, I will be reviewing a Rossi Frontier that I recently acquired. [Read more…] about Gun Test: Rossi Frontier .45 Colt Rifle
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Gun Test: Charter Arms Professional .32 H&R Magnum
The Charter Arms Professional is a small-frame revolver with a three-inch barrel, hand-filling grips, double-action/single-action mechanism, good sights, seven-shot cylinder, and a nice finish. Open the cylinder by pushing the cylinder release forward, and you will see a seven-shot cylinder chambered in .32 H&R Magnum. The pistol uses the classic Charter Arms steel frame, but the finish is a modern black nitride. I cannot see any problem with the durability of this finish. [Read more…] about Gun Test: Charter Arms Professional .32 H&R Magnum
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Slings and Things for AR-15s
Tactical slings are primarily used to help carry a duty or combat rifle, allowing the operator to keep both hands free for other tasks. While its function may seem simplistic, choosing the right tactical sling and proper attachments requires navigating a myriad of options depending on your weapon choice, purpose, and types of mounting points available. [Read more…] about Slings and Things for AR-15s
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Gun Test: Taurus 692 Multi-Caliber Revolver
The newest Taurus revolver is among the most interesting and innovative the company has manufactured. The Taurus 692 is a double action revolver with a swing out cylinder. There is a single-action option, useful in a field and trail revolver. This handgun features a seven-shot cylinder, giving the relatively compact Taurus .357 Magnum an advantage over traditional six-shot revolvers. [Read more…] about Gun Test: Taurus 692 Multi-Caliber Revolver
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Tactics: Holsterless Handgun Carry
For years, most of us have counseled concealed carry handgun carriers to choose a proper holster. A holster keeps the handgun stable and angled for the proper draw. Just the same, who am I to go against 200 years or more of holsterless tradition? After all, Wild Bill Hickock packed his revolvers in a tightly-woven sash. [Read more…] about Tactics: Holsterless Handgun Carry
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Second Amendment Sanctuary Movement Could ‘Short Circuit’ Gun Control
The managing director of litigation and national enforcement policy at anti-gun billionaire Michael Bloomberg’s Everytown for Gun Safety complained Friday to WDBJ News that the rapidly expanding Second Amendment Sanctuary movement could “short-circuit the Democratic process.” [Read more…] about Second Amendment Sanctuary Movement Could ‘Short Circuit’ Gun Control
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Video: Armed Good Guys — Armed Women and Delivery Drivers!
News stories of civilian self-defense seldom receive adequate media coverage. After all, armed good guys stopping violent felons does not make headlines like the lives of innocents being taken. Bias and agendas play their part, but the media does not cover an event that did not happen, such as a case where a good guy stopped a violent event before it resulted in the loss of innocent life. However, these are exactly the type of stories we need to highlight to educate non gun owners before they head to the voting booth. [Read more…] about Video: Armed Good Guys — Armed Women and Delivery Drivers!
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Gun Test: Kel-Tec Model RDB17
The Kel-Tec RDB17 could be considered the working man’s bullpup. Nothing fancy, but it sure performs. The RDB17 is a no-frills bullpup that is very functional with a simplistic approach. It is constructed of two polymer halves that sandwich around a steel action and barrel. The gas piston system has a gas regulator, so a user can regulate the weapon to run on all sorts of ammunition and a suppressor. The gas regulator can be adjusted with the open mouth from an empty 5.56 NATO case. It’s click-adjustable and Kel-Tec recommends firing a round after adjusting the regulator to test reliability. It comes from the factory ready to run on standard M193-type ammo. [Read more…] about Gun Test: Kel-Tec Model RDB17
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Giving a Gun as a Gift — Legally
Hunting seasons are just around the corner, and the holidays will be here before you know it. As hunters, shooters, collectors, or just plain plinkers, it’s a natural instinct to want to share our enjoyment of firearms with others. What better way to do that than to make a gift of a firearm to a family member, close friend or relative? Just make sure you give the gun legally! Here’s how.
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Taurus Model 856: Long Live the .38 Snubnose
Snubnose revolvers are viable options when deciding what type of self-defense firearm to purchase. Easy to use, easy to conceal, and no empties lying on the floor afterward. The Taurus Model 856 is a newer snubby with a capacity of six rounds, versus the typical 5 rounds of the Model 85. [Read more…] about Taurus Model 856: Long Live the .38 Snubnose
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Bloomberg: Anti-Gun Supreme Court Packing Agenda
Democratic presidential candidate New York Billionaire Michael Bloomberg is attempting to claw his way up from the bottom of the 2020 Presidential polls by promising to pack the Supreme Court with “pro-gun control judges” if elected president. [Read more…] about Bloomberg: Anti-Gun Supreme Court Packing Agenda
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Accuracy in Handguns
Over the decades, I have researched handguns and used the terms practical accuracy, intrinsic accuracy, and absolute accuracy. Firing from the benchrest is important and always interesting. However, absolute accuracy isn’t as important as the practical accuracy we may coax from a handgun. [Read more…] about Accuracy in Handguns
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Video: Armed Good Guys — Clerk Shoots Robber in the Face!
News stories of civilian self-defense seldom receive adequate media coverage. After all, armed good guys stopping violent felons does not make headlines like the lives of innocents being taken. Bias and agendas play their part, but the media does not cover an event that did not happen, such as a case where a good guy stopped a violent event before it resulted in the loss of innocent life. However, these are exactly the type of stories we need to highlight to educate non gun owners before they head to the voting booth. [Read more…] about Video: Armed Good Guys — Clerk Shoots Robber in the Face!
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Round Butt vs. Square Butt (Revolvers That Is)
When choosing a double-action revolver, the shape of the handle makes a great deal of difference. The primary difference is between round and square butt grip frames. Smith and Wesson offers only one grip frame (round) in modern revolvers, while conversion grips allow the use of either round or square butt grips. Understanding the how and why of grip design will allow you to make the best choice for different chores. [Read more…] about Round Butt vs. Square Butt (Revolvers That Is)
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Democrats Threaten Sanctions Over Gun Control
Newly-empowered Democrat state lawmakers in Virginia are reportedly threatening action in the Commonwealth’s 78 counties that have so far declared themselves “Second Amendment Sanctuaries” if police and sheriffs do not enforce gun control laws passed in Richmond in 2020, according to the Washington Examiner. [Read more…] about Democrats Threaten Sanctions Over Gun Control
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Record NICS Checks Show Americans are Voting for Guns
There’s no denying it: Americans still value gun ownership. The total number of firearm background checks conducted on Nov. 29, 2019, was 202,465. That is the second-highest single day for the FBI National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) in history, dating back to 1998 when NICS was implemented. It also represents an 11 percent increase over last year’s Black Friday total. [Read more…] about Record NICS Checks Show Americans are Voting for Guns
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Five Great Last-Minute Christmas Ideas for The Gunny in Your Life
Let’s face it. If you are reading this you are like over half of Americans, a procrastinator with your Christmas buying. Conveniently, I know a place that works really hard to have lots of cool stuff in stock for that gun loving person in your life. [Read more…] about Five Great Last-Minute Christmas Ideas for The Gunny in Your Life
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Armed Good Guys: “…the angel God put here to protect my family”
News stories of civilian self-defense seldom receive adequate media coverage. After all, armed good guys stopping violent felons does not make headlines like the lives of innocents being taken. Bias and agendas play their part, but the media does not cover an event that did not happen, such as a case where a good guy stopped a violent event before it resulted in the loss of innocent life. However, these are exactly the type of stories we need to highlight to educate non gun owners before they head to the voting booth. [Read more…] about Armed Good Guys: “…the angel God put here to protect my family”
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Mass. Gun Bill Treats Ownership Like Disease
Proposed legislation in Massachusetts would treat gun ownership like a disease. A joint state House and Senate hearing on a gun bill that would treat gun ownership like a disease was scheduled Dec. 10, and the Massachusetts Gun Owners Action League—an affiliate of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA)—has been sounding the alarm. [Read more…] about Mass. Gun Bill Treats Ownership Like Disease
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