ARSENAL SM-13: Rugged Durability Meets Functionality
AKs have a sound reputation for their ruggedness, not to mention their unmatched reliability. They flourish even in the harshest environments, whether heat, cold, or even sand.
In fact, the AK’s main critique is its lack of accuracy. A remedy: Arsenal’s SM-13 Scope Mount – the perfect blend of function, reliability, and affordability. [Read more…] about ARSENAL SM-13: Rugged Durability Meets Functionality
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The Power of Dry Fire Practice 2
Dry fire practice offers a variety of benefits that can significantly enhance your shooting skill. In this edition, we’ll take a look at the specifics that will help to optimize shooting performance. [Read more…] about The Power of Dry Fire Practice 2
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Why Hunting Rifles & Sport Shotguns Aren’t Ideal for Home Defense
When it comes to using a firearm for home defense purposes, many people will opt for a handgun or other gun type that is well-suited for the task. If your hunting rifle or sport shotgun are your only options, you may experience some limitations and inherent risks that can cause you some real problems. [Read more…] about Why Hunting Rifles & Sport Shotguns Aren’t Ideal for Home Defense
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Pros & Cons of SOB Carry
Clearly there are a number of different ways to keep your defensive handgun concealed along your waistband, and some methods may be preferable to others. It is a topic for debate, with small-of-the-back carry being one technique that comes into question regarding its effectiveness. [Read more…] about Pros & Cons of SOB Carry
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The Power of Dry Fire Practice 1
This often-overlooked training technique offers a variety of benefits that can significantly enhance your shooting skill. From accuracy to reaction time, there is something for everyone, whether you’re a seasoned shooter or a rank beginner. [Read more…] about The Power of Dry Fire Practice 1
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Lock Up Your Own Ballistic Helmet
There are a bevy of items to stock up on for home defense. These include rifles, handguns, ammunition, water, and food in case of a full-scale power grid failure. Consequently, one item most individuals overlook that could mean life or death is a ballistic helmet. [Read more…] about Lock Up Your Own Ballistic Helmet
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Rack It!
Racking the slide of a semi-automatic handgun can be a straightforward process for many shooters, but it can present difficulties for a variety of reasons. Most assume that it’s an easy enough thing to do, and can make the mistake of underestimating what it takes to do it effectively. [Read more…] about Rack It!
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Tree Stands 3 – It’s All in the Details
A well-placed tree stand can provide a better view of your surroundings, keep you out of the sightlines of your prey and provide great positioning for the ideal shot. This doesn’t all happen on its own though, and you’ll have to pay attention to where and how you position yourself. [Read more…] about Tree Stands 3 – It’s All in the Details
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Think Twice About Clearing Rooms
Owning a personal defense gun for your home can be a good idea for overall protection and for creating some peace-of-mind for you and your family. But in the event of a home invasion, is it best to retreat to a safe space or to go after whoever may have broken in? [Read more…] about Think Twice About Clearing Rooms
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Shooting on the Move
There are obviously a lot of situations where shooting from a static position is preferred, but this can be limiting if you require something a little more dynamic. Learning to effectively shoot while on the move is essential for some, and a good skill to have in threatening situations. [Read more…] about Shooting on the Move
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Keep Your Eyes Open
At any level, shooting is an activity that requires a great deal of focus and concentration – and one of the most basic decisions you’ll have to make is whether you shoot with one or both eyes open. Either method has their advantages and disadvantages, and it will ultimately come down to personal preference and how your vision is balanced. [Read more…] about Keep Your Eyes Open
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Tree Stand Hunting 2 (Location, Location, Location)
As we know, tree stands are an essential tool for hunters to create an advantage in their pursuit of game, and knowing where to set up is a key component in optimizing your chances of success out in the field. [Read more…] about Tree Stand Hunting 2 (Location, Location, Location)
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Surviving a Home Invasion
Break-ins and home invasions are obviously terrifying and are not things that we can control. What we can do however, is pro-actively take steps to secure our residences and react accordingly in the event of a breach. [Read more…] about Surviving a Home Invasion
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Get Triggered! FIME Enhanced Fire Control Group
Many factors contribute to the accuracy of a rifle, be it major components with a tangible impact, such as the barrel itself and the ammunition we feed it, or more subtle nuances that effect harmonics. No matter the element, having confidence when it comes to shot placement is paramount to any shooter. Today I want to talk about a piece of the puzzle that is crucial not only to the accuracy of your rifle, but to every aspect of the direct shooter interface, the trigger. [Read more…] about Get Triggered! FIME Enhanced Fire Control Group
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Beware the Flinch
Flinching while you shoot is a very common phenomenon and it can definitely impact your performance and your enjoyment of the sport. Luckily there are some effective ways to minimize or eliminate the effects of this age-old reaction. [Read more…] about Beware the Flinch
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Turkey Time
Don’t break out the cranberry sauce just yet. Wild turkeys are a lot harder to hunt than you might think, especially for beginners. [Read more…] about Turkey Time
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Follow-Through for Shooting
One of the most important aspects of shooting effectively happens after you pull the trigger and the gun goes BANG! Follow-through is the final step in the firing process and the one that helps to integrate the other fundamentals in the taking a great shot. [Read more…] about Follow-Through for Shooting
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Take Cover
Shooting effectively and safely from behind cover takes some skill and you shouldn’t assume that you’ll be able to pull it off if the situation ever comes up. How hard can it be, right? [Read more…] about Take Cover
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Hunting Safety
Whether you’re searching for the ultimate trophy or just looking to fill your freezer, hunting excursions should always be as safe as you can make them. [Read more…] about Hunting Safety
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Concealed Carry Range Work
If you carry a handgun for personal defense, really focusing your practice at the range can go a long way in improving performance and keeping you safe. [Read more…] about Concealed Carry Range Work
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