Keep Your Optics Looking (& working) Like New
Since your rifle optics do so much to enhance accuracy and target acquisition, it’s not the type of equipment that should ever be taken for granted. As with most things, regular cleaning and maintenance are the key to keeping your gear factory fresh. [Read more…] about Keep Your Optics Looking (& working) Like New
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Mastering the Art of Leading Targets
The ability to effectively lead a moving target is a valuable skill that can have a huge impact on your shooting success. Whether you’re an avid hunter, a competitive shooter, or just someone looking to improve their overall firearm proficiency, understanding how to lead a target is crucial. [Read more…] about Mastering the Art of Leading Targets
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Keep Your Eyes Open
At any level, shooting is an activity that requires a great deal of focus and concentration – and one of the most basic decisions you’ll have to make is whether you shoot with one or both eyes open. Either method has their advantages and disadvantages, and it will ultimately come down to personal preference and how your vision is balanced. [Read more…] about Keep Your Eyes Open
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A Shot in the Dark
Shooting in low light conditions can be challenging, but with the right techniques and equipment there’s little reason why you shouldn’t be able to effectively hit your targets. Whether you’re a seasoned marksman or new to the sport, there are a variety of things that you can do to improve your accuracy, even when the lighting is less than optimal. [Read more…] about A Shot in the Dark
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Long Range Shooting 1 – Guns & Gear
There’s nothing quite like hearing the distinctive ring of hitting a target at a longer distance. It’s a great feeling – and although accurate shots are certainly doable for the average shooter inside of 200 or 300 yards, beyond that you’ll need the skill and the tools necessary to meet the added challenge. [Read more…] about Long Range Shooting 1 – Guns & Gear
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Rifle Hunting Accuracy
Ever been on a hunt and have a situation where you think you’ve got your target perfectly lined up through the trees and then missed that one perfect shot? Well, you’re not alone. [Read more…] about Rifle Hunting Accuracy
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The Myth of Iron Sights
Ever hear an old-timer talk about how you’re not a ‘real’ shooter unless you can hit a target without your newfangled optics? I have, and while there may be a hint of truth there, the sentiment isn’t entirely accurate. [Read more…] about The Myth of Iron Sights
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Visual Cross Dominance & Shooting
The vast majority of people worldwide have a dominant hand that dictates what side they use to write, throw a ball, bat etc. and this would certainly include how they shoot. Very few are truly ambidextrous – and just like your hands, most have one eye that is more dominant than the other. [Read more…] about Visual Cross Dominance & Shooting
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K-Var’s Black Friday/Cyber Monday Sales Feature Popular Products at Insane Savings!
Black Friday and Cyber Monday are sure to break new sales records across the nation and K-Var.com is ready to do its part. In addition to over 100 of our most sought after and popular products being heavily discounted, K-Var will be featuring Golden Ticket items. Golden Ticket items will feature some of our most requested products and offer savings well below our cost in most cases. However, you’ll have to be quick, as each Golden Ticket item will have a limited quantity. Arsenal AKs and concealed carry pistols, magazines and optics at prices like these is unheard of! [Read more…] about K-Var’s Black Friday/Cyber Monday Sales Feature Popular Products at Insane Savings!
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Illumination and Imaging: Tools for Home Defense
Red dot sights, powerful combat lights, and self-luminous tritium sights are important parts of the home defender’s working tool box. How they are used is more important than how they are chosen. Just the same care in obtaining this gear pays big dividends in security. While skill at arms is purchased with a different currency, obtaining modern high-tech gear, such as thermal, gives the prepared defender an option. A combat light is useful not only for illumination but for identification. There are worse things than being shot, and shooting the wrong person is one of these. Lighting up the potential threat is important. [Read more…] about Illumination and Imaging: Tools for Home Defense
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Review: The Riton MOD-5 4-16×50
One of my favorite things to do is to set up and shoot a new gun. I enjoy the process from choosing the correct rings to bore sighting to spending time at the range—and yes, even to working up the perfect and most accurate load for each gun. [Read more…] about Review: The Riton MOD-5 4-16×50
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Tricking Out Your AR-15
While it is unlikely that your AR-15 will ever see combat, that does not mean it shouldn’t be considered something worthy of betting your life on. Firearm prices are currently down, so now is the time to buy the AR you have had your eye on, or stock up with a few bargain deals and build them with your favorite accessories. Here are a few ideas to start your upgrade list. [Read more…] about Tricking Out Your AR-15
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Choosing an Optic for Your Rifle
There are many opinions as to what is a good or even the best survival rifle. What stands out is that, in one form or another, everyone is going to have a rifle. However, the conversation goes quiet at that point and fails to cover or consider a rifle scope. There seems to be little to no conversation as to what might be considered a good optic for the rifle you choose. Certainly, there should be more than a passing interest concerning this topic as one may have to depend on it. [Read more…] about Choosing an Optic for Your Rifle
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SIG Romeo 7 Red Dot — Sighting in the Red Dot
With an optic budget topping out at $400 for a red dot sight, the SIG Romeo 7 not only fills the need, it surpasses optics costing hundreds more. The Romeo 7’s 30mm red dot is optimal for most, and the controls are easy to use. Just a few of the benefits include easy sight in, simple to mount, included low-mount option, and, best of all, SIG quality. [Read more…] about SIG Romeo 7 Red Dot — Sighting in the Red Dot
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Laser Sights — Green or Red?
It seems like only yesterday, I did not trust lasers. Mainly, I did not wish to own anything that might run out of battery life during a critical incident. Times have changed and products have improved. The new Crimson Trace LiNQ, as an example, is as rugged and reliable as any device may be. But this article is not about which model laser to choose. Instead, it details the differences you should consider when deciding between a red or green laser. [Read more…] about Laser Sights — Green or Red?
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Thermal: FLIR Breach Field Test
As I snapped another picture, my model casually mentioned that our photo backdrop was the scene of a double homicide a couple years ago. Nearby, a few kids from the block—some of whom appeared to be in their mid-40’s and malevolent—were interested in what we were doing. Focused on the camera, I didn’t mind the sweat caused by my bulletproof vest, and was thankful for the two other police officers watching our back. It’s a tough street in a tough city. We were standing in the North Harbor neighborhood of East Chicago, Indiana to test the FLIR Breach. [Read more…] about Thermal: FLIR Breach Field Test

TruGlo Red Dot Sights: Affordable Quality
For general-purpose use such as hunting and home defense, there is the TruGlo Red Dot. This value option is easy to use well, great for beginners, effective for home defense, and affordable. I own more than one and keep one mounted on my home defense shotgun. [Read more…] about TruGlo Red Dot Sights: Affordable Quality

Tactical Red Dot Review: Aimpoint H2 and T2
The first manufacturer of red dot sights was Aimpoint. Today, Aimpoint remains at the top of the heap. Aimpoint’s red dots are proven in harsh conditions and combat the world over. They have been the mainstay for police agencies and professionals that appreciate a quality optic, and should be a top choice for you as well. [Read more…] about Tactical Red Dot Review: Aimpoint H2 and T2

RMR on an AK? RS Regulate’s New AKMR
RS Regulate has been manufacturing two-piece AK optics mounting solutions for AK pattern rifles for a number of years. Its first-gen mounts combined an upper mount dovetailed into a lower mount. This was a solution that could be used to put the optic directly over-bore—something not all mounts can do when it comes to AK side rails with variable thicknesses—but offered limited adjustability front-to-back as well as limited which optics that could be used. [Read more…] about RMR on an AK? RS Regulate’s New AKMR

Review: March Rifle Scopes — The Choice of World Champions
A few months ago, I had never heard of March Rifle Scopes. Today, I am much the better for the experience. I decided I should test and evaluate at least one top-end rifle scope—for my benefit and the benefit of my readers. There are some wonderful things in the world that need to be examined, and when you are over 60, time is limited. One of those wonderful things is a riflescope that wins matches to 1,000 yards or more. March Rifle Scopes are a top choice of elite shooters. [Read more…] about Review: March Rifle Scopes — The Choice of World Champions