Review: The Riton MOD-5 4-16×50
One of my favorite things to do is to set up and shoot a new gun. I enjoy the process from choosing the correct rings to bore sighting to spending time at the range—and yes, even to working up the perfect and most accurate load for each gun. [Read more…] about Review: The Riton MOD-5 4-16×50
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Riton Optics: Veteran Owned, Quality Driven
My conversation with Brady Speth, Owner of Riton Optics, began like this:
I would challenge anyone—in or out of the industry—to find a better, higher quality product on the market today at any of our price points. We looked and continue looking and can’t find it.
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Editor’s Pick: The Best Thing I Saw at the 2018 SHOT Show
Allow me a moment, and please stick with story to the end—it starts a little slow, but you will not be disappointed if you make it to the end. Seldom do I write in first person or blatantly allow my personal biases to dictate content, but this is an exception. SHOT Show 2018 was full of the normal hustle and bustle. New handguns, shotguns, rifles, and optics were everywhere—certainly as far as the eye could see. There was no shortage of new clothing options, accessories, ammunition, magazines—all the toys and gear we crave. Yet, the best thing I saw at the 2018 SHOT Show was not on the show floor. In fact, it was not even at the show. My top pick for 2018 was a harmonica. [Read more…] about Editor’s Pick: The Best Thing I Saw at the 2018 SHOT Show