It was a good run. But, now, the show must go on. Donald J. Trump’s days in the White House are just about up, with Joe Biden set to take up residency later this week. The question to ask; was Trump any different than some of our past leaders? Or was he just another puppet concocted by the Elite? [Read more…] about Puppeteers
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Oh, [Big] Brother!
If you don’t think these are Orwellian times, think again. Earlier this week, a friend FaceTimed me with disheartening news. His wife’s family was visiting for an early holiday get together, four individuals outside of his nuclear family to be exact. An hour into the festivities and there was a knock at his front door. “Who is it?” [Read more…] about Oh, [Big] Brother!
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Vaccine? Pass
The United Kingdom has started vaccinating citizens. We ourselves are said to be weeks away, so the time to be a dutiful, law-abiding member of society has finally arrived.
What if you are of sound mind and feel it is in your best interest to decline the vaccine when the State comes knocking? Are we not a nation whose central tenet is freedom? Should it not be our own decision assuming we are capable of deciding what is best for us? [Read more…] about Vaccine? Pass
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Center Mass Targeting
I had a police officer buddy lament recently that there had been some public push back on a shooting where a man had been wounded in a gunfire exchange during a robbery. He’d been hit in the chest (and will survive), but the talk was centered around the old ‘why couldn’t you just shoot him in the leg’ question. Not the first time that this one has come up and it probably won’t be the last.
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Patriot Games
So now what?
I wish I knew. But, one thing is becoming increasingly clear; dissent is on the menu, and I don’t foresee it being out of order for quite some time.
Something is rotten in Denmark when it comes to how things went down starting on Tuesday, November 3rd. If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, then what is it? [Read more…] about Patriot Games
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Don’t Be A Goat. Vote.
My family emigrated to the West in hopes of starting a new life. A life where freedom was not only present but written into the Constitution by the country’s forefathers. This isn’t an isolated or unique experience. Millions of immigrants flee their homelands in search of the American Dream. But, it’s in these trying times when we must remember how truly fortunate we are to be sovereign citizens of the United States of America. [Read more…] about Don’t Be A Goat. Vote.
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For the Sport of It
For almost as long as people have been shooting, there has been a desire for opportunities to showcase individual talents and to engage in competitive events. From archers in ancient civilizations to the earliest matchlock and flintlock shooting competitions in Europe and early America, expert marksmanship has been a much-lauded skill over time. [Read more…] about For the Sport of It
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Chess, Not Checkers
2020 has been interesting. First, a global pandemic that was initially said to wipe out 1-2 million Americans. And then, racial turmoil with demands to disband police departments reverberating throughout the union. Let’s first cast the lens on the novel Coronavirus, so that we may better connect the dots as to what might be transpiring before our eyes. [Read more…] about Chess, Not Checkers
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The Purge
Face facts – life, as we know it, has changed and will never be the same. Within four months, day-to-day reality has shifted for the entire globe. Numbers flash on tv screens; deaths, infections, stock market indicators, and suddenly, things aren’t so different than the initial years following the September 11th attacks. Remember? The colored terrorism threat indicators plastered at the bottom of countless media outlets; red, orange, yellow, and so on. The current perceived threat may be different, in this case, a virus and not anti-West extremists, however, the same product is being sold by those in power – Fear, and a lot of it.
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Defensive Gun Use is Not a Myth
Anti-gun groups and organizations across America have been trying to tell us for years now that the use of guns for self-defense by private citizens is extremely rare. Groups such as the Violence Policy Center say that “…research has found a gun is far more likely to be used in a homicide or suicide than in a justifiable homicide. More guns are stolen each year than are used in self-defense.”
But is this true? Let’s take a look at the facts.
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Imagine this scenario for a moment – you’re the son of a billionaire known for his philanthropy. One night, your parents take you to the Opera located in a seedy part of town. After the show, your old man elects to take a short-cut through a desolate alley. His decision proves fatal. Not a minute through, the three of you are confronted by a gunman in his twenties who demands valuables. Your father does his best to comply, but as the gunman reaches for pearls hanging around your mother’s neck, dad’s protective gene kicks in and he lunges at the man. What happens next is tragic; the gunman reacts, pulls the trigger twice, and like that, you’re the wealthiest orphan north of the Mississippi.
[Read more…] about ALWAYS PACK IN CASE
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Detach, Process, Repeat
COVID-19 brings the world to a screeching halt. Economies teeter, stocks plummet, and citizens become compliant robots all too willing to remain quarantined. Perhaps an election is lost by the incumbent (I’m crossing my fingers this does not occur). A year later, a vaccine is suddenly discovered. If you wish to board an airplane or cross into a neighboring state, not a problem as long as you possess legal documents proving you’ve received the vaccine. In other words, comply, and those in power can tell you what else is okay under their totalitarian state. Cite your freedoms and rights as a sovereign citizen, FEMA camps stage-right to re-educate you. Sound far fetched? Maybe not.
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Quarantining Our Rights
For the last week or so, we have witnessed several protests popping up in various cities across the U.S., mostly in places where the “Stay-at-Home” orders have crossed the line into infringement upon the citizens’ rights. One of the first things that the mainstream media is pointing out about these protests (after accusing the protesters of being far-right extremists) is that many of the people attending these protests are going armed.
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In Panic, Second Amendment Right Not Outmoded After All
A rush on gun stores across the country to purchase firearms and ammunition shows that during a period of national panic, Americans fall back on the Second Amendment for reassurance, say some in the gun rights community, but in two American cities, officials are saying gun shops are non-essential businesses. [Read more…] about In Panic, Second Amendment Right Not Outmoded After All
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Second Amendment Sanctuary Movement Could ‘Short Circuit’ Gun Control
The managing director of litigation and national enforcement policy at anti-gun billionaire Michael Bloomberg’s Everytown for Gun Safety complained Friday to WDBJ News that the rapidly expanding Second Amendment Sanctuary movement could “short-circuit the Democratic process.” [Read more…] about Second Amendment Sanctuary Movement Could ‘Short Circuit’ Gun Control
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Record NICS Checks Show Americans are Voting for Guns
There’s no denying it: Americans still value gun ownership. The total number of firearm background checks conducted on Nov. 29, 2019, was 202,465. That is the second-highest single day for the FBI National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) in history, dating back to 1998 when NICS was implemented. It also represents an 11 percent increase over last year’s Black Friday total. [Read more…] about Record NICS Checks Show Americans are Voting for Guns
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Black Friday and Cyber Monday Booming With Gun Sales!
USA Today is reporting that the holiday shopping for firearms could send the number of background checks soaring to a new record by the end of this year, possibly breaking the 27.5 million check record set in 2016, the year most people expected Hillary Rodham Clinton to win the White House. But with Donald Trump in the White House, there has been something of a lull in gun buying. Until now, it appears. [Read more…] about Black Friday and Cyber Monday Booming With Gun Sales!
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Hong Kong Versus the Second Amendment
I am sure you have heard the joke, “What did Californians use before candles? Electricity.” It is a cruel joke that is currently bordering on reality. Along a similar vein, what did the people of Hong Kong have before tyranny? Liberty. I will admit that the liberty they had during their rule by the English was not what we are used to. By the same token, what we are used to is much endangered these days, as well. Just look at the Kangaroo Court show trials in an attempt to impeach the President that we have going on; but that is another issue entirely. [Read more…] about Hong Kong Versus the Second Amendment
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Finding Order With a Gun Addiction
I think “order” makes for a better level of life. I like to have my projects laid out in advance and work on them in the order they meet the deadline. This keeps the editor and I on a first name basis. By the same token, I like getting paid on time and I have rooted out from my list of companies those that do not pay on time, or don’t pay at all, or make mistakes that make us all look dumb—as my favorite editor reads this he is amused. While all that is fun to talk about, this article is about managing my gun addiction. [Read more…] about Finding Order With a Gun Addiction
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