First-Time Buying a Gun?
Las Vegas, NV – You’ve decided it’s time to make the plunge and purchase a gun. First of all, bravo. It takes a certain type of person to acknowledge the tumultuous state of the world post-pandemic. Individuals are on edge. The propensity for physical confrontation is at an all-time high; even a simple outing to the grocery store is a crapshoot.
Assuming your commitment to owning a firearm is based on self-defense, here are some things to consider. [Read more…] about First-Time Buying a Gun?
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Good Guy With Gun to the Rescue
Allen, Texas – Unless you’re living under a rock or off-grid, a gunman stalked an outlet mall in a Texas suburb earlier this week. When the dust settled, eight innocent lives were cut down for no reason.
The assailant, who died on the scene, will remain unnamed in this article. What is of note is that the location where the tragedy occurred was a “gun-free zone”.
What is a gun-free zone? [Read more…] about Good Guy With Gun to the Rescue
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Home Defense… Pistol, Rifle, or Shotgun?
It’s an age-old question, isn’t it? Is there a right and a wrong? Would you hate me if I didn’t provide you with a definitive answer? Let’s delve into this subject and ask ourselves if there is a one size fits all answer to this debate. [Read more…] about Home Defense… Pistol, Rifle, or Shotgun?
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Arsenal SAM5. Why You Need a 5.56 AK!
The 7.62×39 cartridge, introduced originally in 1943 and chambered in both the RPD Light Machine Gun and the SKS, cemented it’s place in history just a few years later as the cartridge selection for what would become the iconic AK47 Soviet military rifle. Since then, the AK47 has been deployed around the world by militaries, police and civilians in combat, self-defense and sporting roles. [Read more…] about Arsenal SAM5. Why You Need a 5.56 AK!
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High Stakes Encounter
I am a U.S. citizen currently living in Toronto, Canada.
For those who have never been to Toronto, it is often regarded as one of the finer cities in North America if not the world.
The city is booming. In fact, there seems to be a new condo on every street corner daily. But, there are pitfalls to its rapid growth.
Congestion is everywhere and people are suffering.
Mix in the damage of a pandemic, and we are starting to see the costs incurred by human beings. [Read more…] about High Stakes Encounter
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Defensive Gun Use is Not a Myth
Anti-gun groups and organizations across America have been trying to tell us for years now that the use of guns for self-defense by private citizens is extremely rare. Groups such as the Violence Policy Center say that “…research has found a gun is far more likely to be used in a homicide or suicide than in a justifiable homicide. More guns are stolen each year than are used in self-defense.”
But is this true? Let’s take a look at the facts.
[Read more…] about Defensive Gun Use is Not a Myth
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SAF Filing 2A Lawsuits Over “Pandemic Panic”
The Second Amendment Foundation, filed a federal lawsuit against New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy earlier in the week alleging deprivation of rights under color of law, indicated in a news release late Tuesday it is “working on lawsuits against Washington, Massachusetts, and jurisdictions in California and North Carolina, among others.” [Read more…] about SAF Filing 2A Lawsuits Over “Pandemic Panic”
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Armed Good Guys: Shootout Video
News stories of civilian self-defense seldom receive adequate media coverage. After all, armed good guys stopping violent felons does not make headlines like the lives of innocents being taken. Bias and agendas play their part, but the media does not cover an event that did not happen, such as a case where a good guy stopped a violent event before it resulted in the loss of innocent life. However, these are exactly the type of stories we need to highlight to educate non gun owners before they head to the voting booth. [Read more…] about Armed Good Guys: Shootout Video
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Situational Awareness: Hardwired Instinct vs. Motivation
When recently asked for thoughts about situational awareness training, I became (quite honestly) puzzled. It seems to me, it’s not a skill that needs to be taught—it’s quite intuitive. I believe recognizing human predatory behavior is hardwired into our psyche. Over time, wild animals have been replaced by criminals as our main predators. Just as a dog raises its hackles in a confrontation, the hair standing up on the back of our neck is a sign—an instinctual warning that something is amiss. [Read more…] about Situational Awareness: Hardwired Instinct vs. Motivation
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Armed Good Guys: Home Invader Poses as Sheriff
News stories of civilian self-defense seldom receive adequate media coverage. After all, armed good guys stopping violent felons does not make headlines like the lives of innocents being taken. Bias and agendas play their part, but the media does not cover an event that did not happen, such as a case where a good guy stopped a violent event before it resulted in the loss of innocent life. However, these are exactly the type of stories we need to highlight to educate non gun owners before they head to the voting booth. [Read more…] about Armed Good Guys: Home Invader Poses as Sheriff
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Armed Good Guys: Ex-Con vs. Off-Duty Cop
News stories of civilian self-defense seldom receive adequate media coverage. After all, armed good guys stopping violent felons does not make headlines like the lives of innocents being taken. Bias and agendas play their part, but the media does not cover an event that did not happen, such as a case where a good guy stopped a violent event before it resulted in the loss of innocent life. However, these are exactly the type of stories we need to highlight to educate non gun owners before they head to the voting booth. [Read more…] about Armed Good Guys: Ex-Con vs. Off-Duty Cop
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Heroic Consequences: In Defense of Others
When we holster up, an astounding emotional transformation often occurs—we become empowered. We feel defended, secure, and we almost feel immortal. It’s as if the firearm we carry imparts strength and shielding approaching superhero proportions. While somewhat natural, do not underestimate the heroic consequences of your actions. [Read more…] about Heroic Consequences: In Defense of Others
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Armed Good Guys: Bodycam Video Show Gunfight With Meth-Fueled Shooter
News stories of civilian self-defense seldom receive adequate media coverage. After all, armed good guys stopping violent felons does not make headlines like the lives of innocents being taken. Bias and agendas play their part, but the media does not cover an event that did not happen, such as a case where a good guy stopped a violent event before it resulted in the loss of innocent life. However, these are exactly the type of stories we need to highlight to educate non gun owners before they head to the voting booth. [Read more…] about Armed Good Guys: Bodycam Video Show Gunfight With Meth-Fueled Shooter
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Texas Church Shooting — What Is Safe?
The statistics say it all… It does not matter where you are at, your safety is at risk. Walmart is not safe. Elementary schools are not safe. Government buildings are not safe. Your home is not safe. And over the weekend, we watched in horror as places of worship (knife attacks at a synagogue in New York and church shooting in Texas) were attacked, demonstrating once again, they are not safe. The Texas shooter was known to police and had a criminal record. The suspect in New York was reported to have no criminal history. In the synagogue attack in New York, the suspect entered the Rabbi’s home and stabbed five people, fracturing one their skulls. In Texas, during church services, a man stood up, removed a shotgun from under a long coat, and pointed it at the parishioners. Two innocents were killed. At least one of them can be seen in the video reaching for a concealed handgun before being shot.
[Read more…] about Texas Church Shooting — What Is Safe?
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Armed Good Guys: “…the angel God put here to protect my family”
News stories of civilian self-defense seldom receive adequate media coverage. After all, armed good guys stopping violent felons does not make headlines like the lives of innocents being taken. Bias and agendas play their part, but the media does not cover an event that did not happen, such as a case where a good guy stopped a violent event before it resulted in the loss of innocent life. However, these are exactly the type of stories we need to highlight to educate non gun owners before they head to the voting booth. [Read more…] about Armed Good Guys: “…the angel God put here to protect my family”
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Armed Good Guys: Glock vs. AK-47 Wielding Bad Guy
News stories of civilian self-defense seldom receive adequate media coverage. After all, armed good guys stopping violent felons does not make headlines like the lives of innocents being taken. Bias and agendas play their part, but the media does not cover an event that did not happen, such as a case where a good guy stopped a violent event before it resulted in the loss of innocent life. However, these are exactly the type of stories we need to highlight to educate non gun owners before they head to the voting booth. [Read more…] about Armed Good Guys: Glock vs. AK-47 Wielding Bad Guy
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Armed Good Guys: Even in California…
News stories of civilian self-defense seldom receive adequate media coverage. After all, armed good guys stopping violent felons does not make headlines like the lives of innocents being taken. Bias and agendas play their part, but the media does not cover an event that did not happen, such as a case where a good guy stopped a violent event before it resulted in the loss of innocent life. However, these are exactly the type of stories we need to highlight to educate non gun owners before they head to the voting booth. [Read more…] about Armed Good Guys: Even in California…
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Armed Good Guys: Pregnant Woman Uses AR-15 Against Home Invasion
News stories of civilian self-defense seldom receive adequate media coverage. After all, armed good guys stopping violent felons does not make headlines like the lives of innocents being taken. Bias and agendas play their part, but the media does not cover an event that did not happen, such as a case where a good guy stopped a violent event before it resulted in the loss of innocent life. However, these are exactly the type of stories we need to highlight to educate non gun owners before they head to the voting booth. [Read more…] about Armed Good Guys: Pregnant Woman Uses AR-15 Against Home Invasion
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Armed Good Guys: Homeowner Shoots, Kills Home Invader
News stories of civilian self-defense seldom receive adequate media coverage. After all, armed good guys stopping violent felons does not make headlines like the lives of innocents being taken. Bias and agendas play their part, but the media does not cover an event that did not happen, such as a case where a good guy stopped a violent event before it resulted in the loss of innocent life. However, these are exactly the type of stories we need to highlight to educate non gun owners before they head to the voting booth. [Read more…] about Armed Good Guys: Homeowner Shoots, Kills Home Invader
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Armed Good Guys: Georgia Homeowner Shoots, Kills 3 Masked Men
News stories of civilian self-defense seldom receive adequate media coverage. After all, armed good guys stopping violent felons does not make headlines like the lives of innocents being taken. Bias and agendas play their part, but the media does not cover an event that did not happen, such as a case where a good guy stopped a violent event before it resulted in the loss of innocent life. However, these are exactly the type of stories we need to highlight to educate non gun owners before they head to the voting booth. [Read more…] about Armed Good Guys: Georgia Homeowner Shoots, Kills 3 Masked Men
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