Covid Round 2, Free the [Real] President Trump
At some point, every generation faces a tragic event that leaves generational scars. JFK’s Assassination; Columbine; and 9/11; all were uniquely awful in their own way. It’s actually remarkable to think about the resilience of the human being when surrounded by such darkness.
Usher in the events of 2020, which at present seem like a hazy memory. We all know what happened; there’s probably no point in dragging up the past.
Or is there? [Read more…] about Covid Round 2, Free the [Real] President Trump
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Conservatives Keep Winning
There was a time one could differentiate between varying legacy media news channels. As recent as the 2000s, FOX News and CNN would paint starkly different pictures of the same news event somewhere in the world. Fast forward to our iteration of the roaring twenties and the line between ideological news channels grows harder to differentiate. Translation; the media is noticeably anti-gun. [Read more…] about Conservatives Keep Winning
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The Not So Great Reset and How We Got Here
BUILD BACK BETTER. Google it. Peruse the internet, accumulate as much information concerning the topic, then make an informed decision as to what it means.
Of late, more websites are sharing videos about the ‘Build Back Better’ initiative that pounded the airwaves in the wake of the novel Coronavirus. When these videos drop, the messaging from countless world leaders like President Joe Biden to Turkey’s Erdogan seem eerily similar. It’s almost like they were reading from the same script [which, I assure you, they were]. [Read more…] about The Not So Great Reset and How We Got Here
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Vaccine Deaths = War Distraction
World War 3 is upon us. Earlier this week, Germany sent thirty Leopard Tanks to Ukraine to assist in their war effort against Russia. Soon afterwards, Canada sent four Leopard Tanks of their own.
The drumbeats of war have commenced – something most Trump supporters warned of as soon as Biden took office. [Read more…] about Vaccine Deaths = War Distraction
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Why Everything is Designed to Distract
The Economy; the word itself elicits a series of synapses that fire in one’s brain. Many, and I mean the majority of Americans, possess an ingrained fear of money. For reasons beyond our comprehension, most of us believe we will never reach financial stability. [Read more…] about Why Everything is Designed to Distract
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Where Have We Seen This [Covid] Movie Before?
My faith in the world is at an all-time low. Don’t get me wrong; there is a part of me that is privy to the gift of life and how fortunate I am to live in the western world.
Nonetheless, the remnants of the Covid fiasco and the forced inoculations, the current War in Ukraine, and our cognitively impaired President, just to name a few, have my faith in humanity teetering. [Read more…] about Where Have We Seen This [Covid] Movie Before?
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Is anyone watching the news of late? I am not speaking of the Russian Ukraine conflict that has pounded the airwaves for two months.
Instead of the mainstream media accounts of what is salient, digest alternative media sources and stories of Shanghai will assault your senses. [Read more…] about Shang-Die
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A Canadian Travels to Vegas and Observes the Following…
For the past several months, the idea of travelling outside of Canada has run through my mind.
Times have been tough on all of us.
With growing frustration surrounding the seemingly never-ending lockdowns in Canada, I booked a direct flight out of Pearson Airport for Las Vegas, Nevada, affectionately eluded to as “Lost Wages” by my wise-cracking flight attendant. [Read more…] about A Canadian Travels to Vegas and Observes the Following…
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How Having Covid-19 Feels [And What To Do About It]
It happened. After twenty months, I contracted the novel Coronavirus.
The following is an honest, blow-by-blow account of how I was affected.
All biases and political leanings are gone. [Read more…] about How Having Covid-19 Feels [And What To Do About It]
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Booster Juice Anyone?
Double-vaxxed as of the weekend and damn near had a panic attack the first night. Compounding my dread and anxiety was an escapable feeling of apathy for my life and the world at large. -Unknown American [Read more…] about Booster Juice Anyone?
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Oh, [Big] Brother!
If you don’t think these are Orwellian times, think again. Earlier this week, a friend FaceTimed me with disheartening news. His wife’s family was visiting for an early holiday get together, four individuals outside of his nuclear family to be exact. An hour into the festivities and there was a knock at his front door. “Who is it?” [Read more…] about Oh, [Big] Brother!
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Chess, Not Checkers
2020 has been interesting. First, a global pandemic that was initially said to wipe out 1-2 million Americans. And then, racial turmoil with demands to disband police departments reverberating throughout the union. Let’s first cast the lens on the novel Coronavirus, so that we may better connect the dots as to what might be transpiring before our eyes. [Read more…] about Chess, Not Checkers
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Detach, Process, Repeat
COVID-19 brings the world to a screeching halt. Economies teeter, stocks plummet, and citizens become compliant robots all too willing to remain quarantined. Perhaps an election is lost by the incumbent (I’m crossing my fingers this does not occur). A year later, a vaccine is suddenly discovered. If you wish to board an airplane or cross into a neighboring state, not a problem as long as you possess legal documents proving you’ve received the vaccine. In other words, comply, and those in power can tell you what else is okay under their totalitarian state. Cite your freedoms and rights as a sovereign citizen, FEMA camps stage-right to re-educate you. Sound far fetched? Maybe not.
[Read more…] about Detach, Process, Repeat
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Quarantining Our Rights
For the last week or so, we have witnessed several protests popping up in various cities across the U.S., mostly in places where the “Stay-at-Home” orders have crossed the line into infringement upon the citizens’ rights. One of the first things that the mainstream media is pointing out about these protests (after accusing the protesters of being far-right extremists) is that many of the people attending these protests are going armed.
[Read more…] about Quarantining Our Rights
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