Lock Up Your Own Ballistic Helmet
There are a bevy of items to stock up on for home defense. These include rifles, handguns, ammunition, water, and food in case of a full-scale power grid failure. Consequently, one item most individuals overlook that could mean life or death is a ballistic helmet. [Read more…] about Lock Up Your Own Ballistic Helmet
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[Michelle] Obama Could Be the Dems Choice
With President Biden’s cognitive decline no longer in doubt, former First Lady Michelle Obama could be a last-minute replacement for the Democratic Presidential Nomination. [Read more…] about [Michelle] Obama Could Be the Dems Choice
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2024: The Time to Prepare and Own a Gun is Now
2024 is the perfect time to prepare yourself for what could be some very trying times ahead. If you do not own a gun, this is your wake-up call to join the club before it’s too late. [Read more…] about 2024: The Time to Prepare and Own a Gun is Now
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World War 3 Designed + Incoming
The US bombed upwards of 85 targets in Yemen and Syria earlier this week. It doesn’t take a Harvard grad to prognosticate that the drum beats of war beckon.
Tensions around the world are escalating. Heavy-hitting global powers continue to draw lines as an all-out conflict involving several nations looms. In 2022, the Russian / Ukraine war erupted. Last fall, we witnessed the shocking events of October 7th in Israel by the militant group Hamas. The latest; an escalating conflict between America and Houthi rebels in the Red Sea.
What’s really happening? In two words – world war. [Read more…] about World War 3 Designed + Incoming
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How Does A Trump Presidency Affect Gun Owners?
The 2024 Election looks like a one-horse race with Donald J. Trump easily taking the New Hampshire primary earlier this week. Should Trump get a second term as President, it begs the question: what does it mean to the average gun owner? [Read more…] about How Does A Trump Presidency Affect Gun Owners?
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Leave the World Behind: The Globalists Playbook
Biden vs Trump seems inevitable. Should things play out without interference, a landslide victory by Mr Trump is likely. Yet, the pending election isn’t the salient American watercooler material. A new film on Netflix, Leave the World Behind, has Americans questioning just what might be in store for us. [Read more…] about Leave the World Behind: The Globalists Playbook
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Crime: The Dark Side of the Holiday Season
The holidays are a time for sharing meaningful moments with those who matter most. However, there’s a dark side to the festive season. A lot of money is spent during the holidays, no doubt the ideal scenario for any enterprising criminal. With a few carefully thought-out contingencies, you can do your part to avoid becoming another statistic. Crime takes no vacation, and neither should you. [Read more…] about Crime: The Dark Side of the Holiday Season
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ISRAEL vs PALESTINE: World War 3 is Stage Right
For decades, conspiracy theorists warned of another World War brewing. What appeared to be alarmist rhetoric is trending towards immutable truth as 2023 winds down.
If you live off-grid, you know that the Middle East is currently a powder keg. Israel and Palestine are in the midst of a bloody battle which is nothing new for that region. However, the events on the morning of October 7th hint at something far more dire. [Read more…] about ISRAEL vs PALESTINE: World War 3 is Stage Right
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Why Voting for President Trump is Our Last Hope
Former President Donald J Trump visited a South Carolina gun store earlier this month. A ten-minute video depicted Mr Trump touring the store while its owner educated him about the slew of weapons in his arsenal [see link later in the article].
Trump seemed genuinely interested and probed the gun owner about numerous firearms. [Read more…] about Why Voting for President Trump is Our Last Hope
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Cancel Culture Roasts Russell Brand
Canceling an individual in the court of public opinion without due process seems to be the new trend. [Read more…] about Cancel Culture Roasts Russell Brand
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Gun Ban in New Mexico
Last week, New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham (D) signed an emergency order banning both open and concealed firearms in Albuquerque and surrounding Bernalillo County. The ban is allegedly part of a public health emergency declaration over gun violence and drug abuse. [Read more…] about Gun Ban in New Mexico
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Study Concludes Stricter Gun Laws Don’t Affect Mass Shootings
Researchers at the University of Colorado recently published findings that no anti-gun advocate will be happy to hear. States with the strictest gun laws do not experience fewer mass shootings than those with more lenient legislation. This, of course, is contrary to what the left would have you believe. [Read more…] about Study Concludes Stricter Gun Laws Don’t Affect Mass Shootings
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First Republican Debate: Vivek Dominates
Milwaukee, Wisconsin – 8 Candidates; 1 notable no-show, and the beginning of a marathon campaign to see who is crowned the 47th President of the United States of America.
In case you missed the first GOP debate last week, read on for a non-partisan, objective take on the night’s winners and losers. [Read more…] about First Republican Debate: Vivek Dominates
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Covid Round 2, Free the [Real] President Trump
At some point, every generation faces a tragic event that leaves generational scars. JFK’s Assassination; Columbine; and 9/11; all were uniquely awful in their own way. It’s actually remarkable to think about the resilience of the human being when surrounded by such darkness.
Usher in the events of 2020, which at present seem like a hazy memory. We all know what happened; there’s probably no point in dragging up the past.
Or is there? [Read more…] about Covid Round 2, Free the [Real] President Trump
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From Gunpowder to UCAV Drones; How We Got Here
Origin stories, whether they be film-related or something with real-world application, are invaluable. By tracking where something originated, one becomes informed about all things pertaining to it. Political systems, serial killers, firearms; know their etymology and you leapfrog to how they ended up the way they currently are. Usher in the gun. [Read more…] about From Gunpowder to UCAV Drones; How We Got Here
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China: The Real Enemy
It’s a sad truth that many Westerners willfully look away from; we are currently in the Chinese Century. While the United States is imploding, the Land of the Dragon is flourishing. Their military, economic, and influential strength, all pose a serious threat to the Western world. [Read more…] about China: The Real Enemy
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Emergency Prep Kit and Why You Need One
Assume for a moment you wake up tomorrow to find the following: the power grid went down. Water, the internet, your appliances; all are non-operational. What sort of contingency do you have to make it through the day? A week? Or even a month?
Doomsday Preppers have long been trumpeting a life-changing event that will throw society into the stone age. Whether it’s due to an EMP or hackers attempting to topple the financial sector, the notion of our power grid collapsing has been around for some time. [Read more…] about Emergency Prep Kit and Why You Need One
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The Modern Liberal, Sound of Freedom, Theory vs Practice
No matter what you learn from a book, a hands-on, real-world exercise proves more fruitful. Whether it’s how to bake the perfect pie or how to start a fire, putting theoretical assumptions to the test in the physical world is the ultimate barometer of their use.
One such example is the Second Amendment. Most on the left side of the aisle push for more gun control and fewer gun owner rights. There are exceptions to the rule, but these are anomalies.
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Paris When It Sizzles
With stunning videos surfacing on numerous social media platforms, France is on the cusp of civil war. It begs the question, what caused this sudden violence?
In short, the fatal police shooting of a teenager during a traffic stop in a Parisian suburb.
The slain seventeen-year-old victim has yet to be identified with only his first name released as ‘Nahel M’. Based on available information, the teen was a racial minority and his identity may have played a role in why he was gunned down by police. [Read more…] about Paris When It Sizzles
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An Alleged Coup Within Russia and its After-Effects
Late last winter, I embarked on a trip to meet a woman who turned out to be the love of my life. While there, I noticed Ukraine flags on random porches throughout her neighborhood.
Worth mentioning, Iris lives in a predominantly liberal suburb of a Midwestern metropolis. The kind of place where university degrees are common, Subarus are parked in driveways, and pro-choice lawn signs stand erect for the world to see. Virtue signalling at its finest, if you ask me.
At the time, the drumbeats of war by the legacy media were feverishly beating. The likes of CNN and FoxNews warned of a pending Russian invasion based on US Military intelligence. [Read more…] about An Alleged Coup Within Russia and its After-Effects
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