Situational Awareness: Hardwired Instinct vs. Motivation
When recently asked for thoughts about situational awareness training, I became (quite honestly) puzzled. It seems to me, it’s not a skill that needs to be taught—it’s quite intuitive. I believe recognizing human predatory behavior is hardwired into our psyche. Over time, wild animals have been replaced by criminals as our main predators. Just as a dog raises its hackles in a confrontation, the hair standing up on the back of our neck is a sign—an instinctual warning that something is amiss. [Read more…] about Situational Awareness: Hardwired Instinct vs. Motivation
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Street Training: Keep It Real to Stay Alive
Officer Smith was dispatched on a disturbance call. Upon arrival, he attempted to interview a known drug dealer who was present on the scene. The suspect verbally threatened the officer, picked up a weapon, and charged the officer in a threatening manner. Realizing that he was in grave danger, officer Smith drew his department-issued Berretta, fired two shots, and then holstered his firearm. The suspect sustained two hits to the chest and continued his drug-driven rampage, killing officer Smith. Although the officer’s name was changed, sadly, this is a true story, and shows why you need street training. [Read more…] about Street Training: Keep It Real to Stay Alive
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Chose the Handgun Over a Rifle or Shotgun for Defense!
On the morning of September 11, 2001, I was driving on Interstate 95 in Massachusetts, listening as the attacks unfolded on the radio, heading toward Boston to teach a three-hour seminar. When I got to the office where the class was being held, it was only the sobbing receptionist that broke the deafening silence to greeted me. We decided to press on with the training program. During the class breaks, we watched the towers burn on television. To describe it as surreal would be an understatement. When I got home early that afternoon—already wearing my handgun, as normal—I took a rifle, and shotgun out of the quick-action safe and put one on each side of the house. [Read more…] about Chose the Handgun Over a Rifle or Shotgun for Defense!
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Defending Your Home — Inside Issues
Being involved in the firearms and training industries, I spend a lot of time with people who carry firearms daily. These folks spend a great deal of their work time in condition “yellow,” yet when they get home, they often let their guard down. Your home, as hard as it may be to believe, may be one of the most dangerous places to face a violent assailant. I say that for two reasons. [Read more…] about Defending Your Home — Inside Issues
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Heroic Consequences: In Defense of Others
When we holster up, an astounding emotional transformation often occurs—we become empowered. We feel defended, secure, and we almost feel immortal. It’s as if the firearm we carry imparts strength and shielding approaching superhero proportions. While somewhat natural, do not underestimate the heroic consequences of your actions. [Read more…] about Heroic Consequences: In Defense of Others
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Learning to Custom Fit a 1911 — You Got This!
It will come as no surprise to the readers that America has a love affair with the 1911. I can’t think of any other firearm that has lasted 100 years, with all its fundamental design principles intact. For that matter, I can’t think of any product design that has lasted 100 years without major change. However, there is a big difference between an off-the-shelf 1911 and a custom fit 1911. [Read more…] about Learning to Custom Fit a 1911 — You Got This!
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Defensive Shooting Myths and Truths
The genesis of this article resulted from numerous online posts relating to defensive shooting. While the internet is a great source of knowledge, it is also a great source of misinformation. Here’s a few concepts worthy of examination. [Read more…] about Defensive Shooting Myths and Truths
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Slings and Things for AR-15s
Tactical slings are primarily used to help carry a duty or combat rifle, allowing the operator to keep both hands free for other tasks. While its function may seem simplistic, choosing the right tactical sling and proper attachments requires navigating a myriad of options depending on your weapon choice, purpose, and types of mounting points available. [Read more…] about Slings and Things for AR-15s
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Review: Deadfoot Arms AR Folding Stock Adapter
Deadfoot Arms offers a folding stock adapter for the AR-15 platform that allows the stock to be folded to the side, yet the rifle remains fully functional. In fact, entire magazines can be fired while the stock is folded. The ability to fold the stock enables the rifle to be stored and transported in a small case. The compact form makes it especially suitable for service as a trunk gun. The ability to shoot while folded is valuable when time is critical and too limited to unfold the stock in an emergency. [Read more…] about Review: Deadfoot Arms AR Folding Stock Adapter
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Should I Appendix Carry for CCW?
I often cruise the gun forums to see what people are interested in and talking about. One topic that comes up rather often is appendix carry; the carrying of a gun in the front of the body, just to the right or left of center. If you listen to all the chatter, you may be persuaded to believe that appendix carry is new. In reality, the carry position has been around for many years and was very popular in the Old West, as is evidenced by pictures from the era, not to mention that gunslingers in the movies have been stuffing their firearms in the front of their waistband for as long as there have been movies. [Read more…] about Should I Appendix Carry for CCW?
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Concealed Carry Holster Options
The choice of a holster is as important as your selection of firearm. A good gun in a bad holster is analogous to a race car with lousy tires. What may initially seem insignificant is actually a vital part of your safety equipment. There are many facets to a holster’s performance. Obviously, it holds the gun, but it needs to do so properly. If your gun is too loose, at best, it can move and be in a bad position, and at worst it can fall out. I don’t want to be put in the position of trying to explain to the little old lady at the checkout counter that I am one of the good guys and that there is no need to worry, as I pick up my gun from the floor. Not to mention figuring out a good explanation to the responding police officer! [Read more…] about Concealed Carry Holster Options
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Pocket Carry: The Best Kept Secret in Concealment
I’m a big fan of pocket carry. One of its most endearing benefits is that it allows me to carry in locations that I would not be able to go with a belt or shoulder holster. Because the gun is hidden in a pocket, I don’t need a jacket or vest for concealment, which is great for locations where such clothing would not be appropriate. Wearing a formal suit at work, where others are dressed casually, would certainly look odd. I especially enjoy not wearing a concealment garment in the hot weather, and I like the ability to wear a t-shirt and shorts and still have my gun—all without anyone being the wiser. [Read more…] about Pocket Carry: The Best Kept Secret in Concealment
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Properties of Survival
In order to survive a threat, three primary elements need to work together. First and foremost, you need to become aware of the threat. You then need to assess the threat. And finally, you must decide upon and carry out the appropriate response. [Read more…] about Properties of Survival
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The Proper Use of Cover
The first thing to understand about cover is that the ability to stop bullets is greatly dependent on caliber. A sheet of plywood may act as cover for a .22 LR, but it certainly won’t for a 5.56 round. The concept applies for most objects other than things that are very solid or dense, such as vehicle engines. [Read more…] about The Proper Use of Cover
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Review: Maglula BenchLoader
I will admit up front, I am in love with Maglula loaders. Personally, I use the UPLULA for pistols and AR-15 LULA almost daily. I won’t leave for the range without them. The AR-15 LULA unloads magazines and well as loading them. This saves me from ripping up my fingers and nails trying to empty a magazine. [Read more…] about Review: Maglula BenchLoader
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Clearing Jams and Malfunctions
If it moves, it can jam. Jams and malfunctions are, unfortunately, a fact of life with semi-automatics. In the event of a problem, it is imperative to understand what caused the jam, because that will directly affect what type of correction needs to be made. [Read more…] about Clearing Jams and Malfunctions
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Home Invasion — Distance Is Your Friend
Anyway you look at it, someone entering your house in the middle of the night is a home invasion… Sneaking around the outside of a house at 3 a.m., the criminal sees and hears no signs that his chosen victims are awake. With a padded covering, he uses his elbow to break a basement window. Slipping inside, he makes his way up the stairs, stopping to pick up a small piece of 2×4 along the way. Hearing the glass break and noise downstairs, you gather your family to the master bedroom. Hiding behind concealment, a family member calls 911, while you get your weapon. Now what? [Read more…] about Home Invasion — Distance Is Your Friend
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