Wokeism Gone Too Far or the Right to Self-Identify?
In Canada, controversy surrounds a teacher who has transitioned into a woman while working at a high school.
This isn’t your typical gender reconfiguration. [Read more…] about Wokeism Gone Too Far or the Right to Self-Identify?
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Tragedy in Saskatchewan
For anyone living under a rock, Canada experienced tragedy this Labor Day weekend when two men went on a killing spree in Saskatchewan.
When the dust settled, 10 people were murdered, 18 injured, and an entire country shaken. [Read more…] about Tragedy in Saskatchewan
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Why Owning a Gun is Vital
Contrary to how the mainstream media depicts gun owners, individuals of all backgrounds possess firearms in the United States.
One trip through woke social media pages like X or Meta, and it’s clear there is a war on gun owners. [Read more…] about Why Owning a Gun is Vital
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Joe vs The Don, Part II?
Remnants of the coronavirus permeate my city daily.
Walk outdoors, and you’ll still see individuals moving about in face diapers.
The other day I even witnessed a woman in jogging attire race through urban streets with a surgeon’s mask on. Laughable? Perhaps.
But, this is the state of the world in 2022. [Read more…] about Joe vs The Don, Part II?
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The Summer Lull
The dog days of summer are in full swing. Major League Baseball recently wrapped their annual All-Star game, the days are long and sweltering, and patio season is hopping.
For the first time in ages, things look normal.
Unfortunately, this optimism will soon unravel like a ball of yarn. The proverbial calm before the storm. [Read more…] about The Summer Lull
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Witness A Crime and Do Nothing [Without a CCW]
Summer in the Midwest has always meant more. There’s something about impermanent good weather that makes it cherished for those forced to brave the four seasons.
Living in Southern Ontario is comparable to the Midwest. Winters are long, Springs overcast, Summers sweltering and fleeting.
As with most metropolitan cities, hot weather seems to enhance violent and criminal tendencies. [Read more…] about Witness A Crime and Do Nothing [Without a CCW]
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Pro-Life v Pro-Choice
The Supreme Court has repealed Roe v Wade, effectively removing a Woman’s Constitutional Right to an abortion within the U.S.
In essence, the Court has left the issue up to individual states. [Read more…] about Pro-Life v Pro-Choice
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In The Wake of Uvalde, What Should We Do?
The following article will focus on mass shootings in American schools and how best to deter them.
Any human with a heart was undoubtedly shocked by what transpired at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas, on May 24th, 2022.
Nineteen students and two teachers were murdered in cold blood. [Read more…] about In The Wake of Uvalde, What Should We Do?
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Take My Gun, Then Take My Freedom
Some purchase guns for protection and others own them for sport.
Whichever side one ascribes to, one truth is imminent; the round-up and ban of assault rifles by big government. [Read more…] about Take My Gun, Then Take My Freedom
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Is anyone watching the news of late? I am not speaking of the Russian Ukraine conflict that has pounded the airwaves for two months.
Instead of the mainstream media accounts of what is salient, digest alternative media sources and stories of Shanghai will assault your senses. [Read more…] about Shang-Die
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Respect for the Great Outdoors
Preserving our natural outdoor environment is important if we have any intention of maintaining it for generations to come. Whether you’re shooting in the wild or simply spending some quality recreational time in the great outdoors, we all have to do our part. [Read more…] about Respect for the Great Outdoors
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Gun Owner Bias
I wasn’t born a gun enthusiast. My views and attitudes about firearms throughout my twenties were leftist.
I credit this to growing up in Canada. My socialization from elementary school right through university was the epitome of liberal.
My beliefs shifted soon after the bullshit in Iraq unfolded.
Until then, I was naive enough to believe in D.C. and those sworn into public office. [Read more…] about Gun Owner Bias
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Russia v Ukraine; the Market Loses
The drumbeats of war are upon us.
Three weeks ago, Russia invaded neighbouring Ukraine. Within forty-eight hours, the entire world rallied around Ukraine and demanded action from the free world.
Profile photos on varying social media platforms turned yellow and blue in solidarity with the people of Ukraine.
Many of these champions of justice can’t even find Ukraine on a map.
Welcome to 2022. [Read more…] about Russia v Ukraine; the Market Loses
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A Canadian Travels to Vegas and Observes the Following…
For the past several months, the idea of travelling outside of Canada has run through my mind.
Times have been tough on all of us.
With growing frustration surrounding the seemingly never-ending lockdowns in Canada, I booked a direct flight out of Pearson Airport for Las Vegas, Nevada, affectionately eluded to as “Lost Wages” by my wise-cracking flight attendant. [Read more…] about A Canadian Travels to Vegas and Observes the Following…
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The Freedom Convoy
Since the outset of the pandemic, Canadians have proved to be far too compliant. As a result, many freedoms and civil liberties have suffered.
With democracy waning and a Prime Minister pushing non-stop mandates, Canadians are finally deciding to fight back. [Read more…] about The Freedom Convoy
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The Year in Review
With 2021 winding down, let’s take a look back at some of the events that shaped us this past year.
January 6th will live on in the psyches of Americans.
Tens of thousands of patriots marched on The Capitol, supporters of incumbent President Donald J. Trump. [Read more…] about The Year in Review
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Omicron = Moronic
They told us we needed to be responsible, to comply for two weeks to flatten the curve. We didn’t think much at first.
A pandemic was an occurrence most of our parents had zero experience with, let alone us.
Unprecedented times call for extreme measures. Sure, we’ll play ball. [Read more…] about Omicron = Moronic
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The Law is Your Superpower
If you want a portal into the person I am, one immutable finding is my love for family. A tremendous amount of my identity comes from the lifelong interpersonal relationships I possess.
I do not believe this makes me unique or singular; I would like to tell of a recent occurrence that has me fuming. [Read more…] about The Law is Your Superpower
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Vaxxports Are Reality Checks
I pull up in my red sedan. From the outside, things look like they always have.
It’s a beautiful autumn day in Southern Ontario, about the same as most places you’d find in the Midwest.
But, as soon as I limp through the double doors of one of the busier Starbucks in Toronto, Canada, I find I’m in the Mecca of Clownword. [Read more…] about Vaxxports Are Reality Checks
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Australia: The Death of a Nation
Day in and day out, we are inundated with messaging designed to keep us apart. Spotlights shine on our perceived differences: political affiliation, class, race, gender, or religion. [Read more…] about Australia: The Death of a Nation
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