The Myth of Iron Sights
Ever hear an old-timer talk about how you’re not a ‘real’ shooter unless you can hit a target without your newfangled optics? I have, and while there may be a hint of truth there, the sentiment isn’t entirely accurate. [Read more…] about The Myth of Iron Sights
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Hot Weather Shooting
Temperatures are rising and it’s time to be aware of what that heat can do to your weapons and your ammo. Aside from the basic safety practices that help to keep you and those around you safe – what and how you shoot will dictate how much attention you need to pay to the warmer weather. [Read more…] about Hot Weather Shooting
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Just Breathe
There’s very little that we do in sports or other physical activity where controlled breathing doesn’t help – and shooting is no exception. [Read more…] about Just Breathe
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Kids & Guns – Communication and Common Sense
When is the right time to introduce your kids to the world of firearms?
For the most part, it really depends on the child (we’ll get back to that in a moment) and your willingness to fully communicate the do’s-&-don’ts of gun handling and the potential risks if they are misused. Whether you simply own a handgun for personal protection or are a ‘shooting’ family that hunts or participates in sport shooting, a child’s understanding of guns will be of benefit.
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Whitetail Deer — Opening Day Strategies
All summer long you watch deer; they seem to be everywhere. Then, the season starts and there you are, alone, and not a buck to be found. For years, I wondered whether the deer had received a copy of the hunting regulations and simply knew when to go underground. Later, it made sense. Scouting is heaviest in the days and weeks before the season starts. The deer feel the pressure just before the hunt begins. That is simply the nature of the game, but there are a few strategies to up your odds on opening day. [Read more…] about Whitetail Deer — Opening Day Strategies
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Skill Set: Flying With Firearms
During firearm training classes, the question of flying with firearms comes up a lot. People have a fear of flying with firearms, but it’s just a lack of knowledge about the process. As long as you know how to proceed it’s not a big deal. [Read more…] about Skill Set: Flying With Firearms
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The .243 Winchester Addiction
You would think, being an avid hunter and given the number kids as I’ve introduced to hunting and shooting, I would have discovered the .243 Winchester a lot sooner than I did. My path was rather long and circuitous. I was close a couple of times, but never realized what I was missing until a change in the hunting regulations forced me to shoot the .243. [Read more…] about The .243 Winchester Addiction
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Mentoring: Her First Deer Hunt
We had been talking about going hunting for 6 months. It all started one night when I opened the freezer and asked my girlfriend what she wanted for tomorrow’s dinner. She pointed at a freezer bag of “beef” and asked, pot roast? I replied that the roast in question would probably make a better venison roast. Her eyes got big; she smiled, and then asked if all that meat was venison? The conversation sidetracked into a discussion about deer and hunting, and how she had always kind of wanted to hunt, but no one was ever willing to take her. [Read more…] about Mentoring: Her First Deer Hunt
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Let’s Go Plinking! — A Boy and His .22 Rifle
While not as long in the tooth as some, I have fond memories from childhood, plinking my way through the hills and forests. Pinecones were trophy bucks, man-eating tigers, and unsuspecting enemy soldiers. The end of a branch or piece of hanging fruit were no safer, most were members of a hostile Indian tribe unlucky enough to have crossed paths the Duke and me. [Read more…] about Let’s Go Plinking! — A Boy and His .22 Rifle
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President Trump Issues Proclamation — National Hunting and Fishing Day
President Trump recently issued a Presidential Proclamation on National Hunting and Fishing Day 2018, observed Saturday, saying in part, “On National Hunting and Fishing Day, we recognize the important contributions that America’s hunters and anglers make to our society, our thriving economy, and our continued conservation successes nationwide.” [Read more…] about President Trump Issues Proclamation — National Hunting and Fishing Day
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Yellowstone Grizzly Hunts Cancelled — Again
On Sept. 24, 2018, Federal U.S. District Judge Dana Christensen disregarded the advice of numbers of wildlife biologists and conservation experts when he ruled to overturn the March 2017 decision by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) to delist the grizzly bears in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem from Endangered Species Act (ESA) protections. This ruling was made despite the fact that the region’s grizzly population has recovered and no longer meets the definition of threatened or endangered, according to ESA standards. [Read more…] about Yellowstone Grizzly Hunts Cancelled — Again
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Tree Stand Safety Tips
Tree stands get hunters out of sight and smell of wary deer, but they can also get hunters into trouble. Here are some tips from the Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department to help stay safe and get the most out of your tree stand hunting experience: [Read more…] about Tree Stand Safety Tips
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Bear Country Safety
These are the opinions and observations of a guy who’s spent a lifetime outdoors and a great deal of it in bear country. There is no right or wrong way of dealing with a bear encounter. There are some excellent rules of thumb to know, some common-sense lessons to learn, and a fair collection of experiences to draw on. After all, your survival could result from your knowledge of bear country safety. [Read more…] about Bear Country Safety
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Thermal: FLIR Breach Field Test
As I snapped another picture, my model casually mentioned that our photo backdrop was the scene of a double homicide a couple years ago. Nearby, a few kids from the block—some of whom appeared to be in their mid-40’s and malevolent—were interested in what we were doing. Focused on the camera, I didn’t mind the sweat caused by my bulletproof vest, and was thankful for the two other police officers watching our back. It’s a tough street in a tough city. We were standing in the North Harbor neighborhood of East Chicago, Indiana to test the FLIR Breach. [Read more…] about Thermal: FLIR Breach Field Test

Review: Ruger American .450 Bushmaster — The Deer Slayer’s Rifle
Many of us can trace back at least one of our first shooting experiences to a Ruger firearm. Typically, it’s a Ruger 10/22 (.22 Long Rifle). This was the case for me back in the 1980s. I’ve always respected Ruger as a quality/affordable manufacturer. However, I really hadn’t shot anything new from Ruger until two years ago when I bought my wife a Ruger LCP (.380) as her CCW gun. This all began when I was introduced to the marketing team at Ruger. I was particularly interested in its Ruger American .450 Bushmaster. Not only is this caliber gaining popularity in Michigan and Ohio for deer hunters, but it’s quickly becoming popular with guides and hunters across the U.S. [Read more…] about Review: Ruger American .450 Bushmaster — The Deer Slayer’s Rifle

The Skill of Rifle Marksmanship
The primary goal of marksmanship is being able to hit what we are aiming at. Your purpose may be simple target shooting, hunting, or personal defense. Whatever the goal, a great deal of practice is needed. For most of American history, rifle marksmanship has been an essential skill, and it remains so today. [Read more…] about The Skill of Rifle Marksmanship

Deer Hunters: Don’t Give Away Your Power
Elite deer hunters employ a carefully planned scent-control regimen to maintain an advantage over a whitetail’s incredible nose. When properly executed, the rewards include closer shots and more opportunities. [Read more…] about Deer Hunters: Don’t Give Away Your Power

SCI Counters Antis’ Lies About Federal Commission
Anti-hunters never let facts get in the way of an emotionally-based false argument, as is evidenced in their attacks in the media before the meeting of the International Wildlife Conservation Council in Atlanta, GA. Safari Club International (SCI) isn’t about to sit by idly as anti-hunters attack a federal conservation council and its members. [Read more…] about SCI Counters Antis’ Lies About Federal Commission

The 7mm Remington Magnum Cartridge
The 7mm Remington Magnum or .284 caliber rifle cartridge has proud origins. The 7x57mm Mauser cartridge is a mild mannered loading with modest recoil and excellent accuracy. It is quite a game taker at moderate range. A great advantage was that the 7mm cartridge, even at modest velocity, shot flat and featured excellent penetration. [Read more…] about The 7mm Remington Magnum Cartridge

Gun Test: Zastava .22 Rifle
A good quality, .22 caliber bolt-action rifle, such as the Zastava MP22, is among the best firearms available for all shooters and those who love the outdoors. It is suitable for training, recreational shooting, small game hunting, and general outdoors duty. The .22 caliber rifle is easy to use well, and practice is cheap. There is no harsh recoil to intimidate young shooters. [Read more…] about Gun Test: Zastava .22 Rifle