Harnessing Stability: Making the Most of your Rifle Sling
Think your rifle sling is only for comfortably carrying your firearm? Think again. When used effectively, it’s an accessory that can significantly improve your shooting performance. [Read more…] about Harnessing Stability: Making the Most of your Rifle Sling
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The Power of Dry Fire Practice 2
Dry fire practice offers a variety of benefits that can significantly enhance your shooting skill. In this edition, we’ll take a look at the specifics that will help to optimize shooting performance. [Read more…] about The Power of Dry Fire Practice 2
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Tips for Being an Effective Firearms Mentor
Being a mentor to someone learning how to shoot is an important responsibility. Your role is to instill a strong sense of safety, proper technique, and confidence in your mentee while fostering a positive learning environment. Whether you’re helping a beginner get started or coaching someone to refine their skills, there will always be a number of essential elements to consider. [Read more…] about Tips for Being an Effective Firearms Mentor
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Fall Hunting Safety
As the weather gets cooler and the leaves change color, you know it’s time some Fall hunting. Whether you’re a seasoned hunter or new to the sport, employing key safety practices can help to ensure a successful and secure experience when out in the field. [Read more…] about Fall Hunting Safety
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Why Hunting Rifles & Sport Shotguns Aren’t Ideal for Home Defense
When it comes to using a firearm for home defense purposes, many people will opt for a handgun or other gun type that is well-suited for the task. If your hunting rifle or sport shotgun are your only options, you may experience some limitations and inherent risks that can cause you some real problems. [Read more…] about Why Hunting Rifles & Sport Shotguns Aren’t Ideal for Home Defense
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Infrequent Shooters Guide to Staying Safe & Effective
For those of you who rarely get to use your firearms, there are some things to keep in-mind in order to perform well and to keep yourself (and those around you) safe whenever you do participate. Be sure to get the most of your shooting experience by applying some simple, common-sense principles before you head out. [Read more…] about Infrequent Shooters Guide to Staying Safe & Effective
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Magazine Maintenance
Ensuring that your gun magazines are kept clean and in optimal condition is not just a matter of performance, but one of safety and reliability as well. Maintaining these often-overlooked components should be an essential practice for every responsible gun owner. [Read more…] about Magazine Maintenance
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Pros & Cons of SOB Carry
Clearly there are a number of different ways to keep your defensive handgun concealed along your waistband, and some methods may be preferable to others. It is a topic for debate, with small-of-the-back carry being one technique that comes into question regarding its effectiveness. [Read more…] about Pros & Cons of SOB Carry
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The Power of Dry Fire Practice 1
This often-overlooked training technique offers a variety of benefits that can significantly enhance your shooting skill. From accuracy to reaction time, there is something for everyone, whether you’re a seasoned shooter or a rank beginner. [Read more…] about The Power of Dry Fire Practice 1
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Making the Case for Gun Safes
It’s no secret that firearms ownership requires a significant level of responsibility, not only for handling and operation, but for safe storage as well. For any household, properly securing your guns and ammo is critical for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is the well-being of yourself and those around you. [Read more…] about Making the Case for Gun Safes
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Keep Your Optics Looking (& working) Like New
Since your rifle optics do so much to enhance accuracy and target acquisition, it’s not the type of equipment that should ever be taken for granted. As with most things, regular cleaning and maintenance are the key to keeping your gear factory fresh. [Read more…] about Keep Your Optics Looking (& working) Like New
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Ricochet Control
One critical aspect of firearm safety that is often overlooked, is understanding and avoiding ricochets. Although they are dangerous, there are essential tips and techniques that can be employed to minimize the risk of these unpredictable deflections, and to help ensure a safer shooting experience. [Read more…] about Ricochet Control
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Handgun Holds Part 1
Maintaining a proper grip is the foundation of controlled shooting when it comes to handguns. Whether you’re a novice or a seasoned shooter, understanding and mastering this skill is essential for safety, accuracy, and overall firearm proficiency. [Read more…] about Handgun Holds Part 1
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Mastering the Art of Leading Targets
The ability to effectively lead a moving target is a valuable skill that can have a huge impact on your shooting success. Whether you’re an avid hunter, a competitive shooter, or just someone looking to improve their overall firearm proficiency, understanding how to lead a target is crucial. [Read more…] about Mastering the Art of Leading Targets
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Crime: The Dark Side of the Holiday Season
The holidays are a time for sharing meaningful moments with those who matter most. However, there’s a dark side to the festive season. A lot of money is spent during the holidays, no doubt the ideal scenario for any enterprising criminal. With a few carefully thought-out contingencies, you can do your part to avoid becoming another statistic. Crime takes no vacation, and neither should you. [Read more…] about Crime: The Dark Side of the Holiday Season
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Rack It!
Racking the slide of a semi-automatic handgun can be a straightforward process for many shooters, but it can present difficulties for a variety of reasons. Most assume that it’s an easy enough thing to do, and can make the mistake of underestimating what it takes to do it effectively. [Read more…] about Rack It!
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Tree Stands 3 – It’s All in the Details
A well-placed tree stand can provide a better view of your surroundings, keep you out of the sightlines of your prey and provide great positioning for the ideal shot. This doesn’t all happen on its own though, and you’ll have to pay attention to where and how you position yourself. [Read more…] about Tree Stands 3 – It’s All in the Details
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Think Twice About Clearing Rooms
Owning a personal defense gun for your home can be a good idea for overall protection and for creating some peace-of-mind for you and your family. But in the event of a home invasion, is it best to retreat to a safe space or to go after whoever may have broken in? [Read more…] about Think Twice About Clearing Rooms
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Shooting on the Move
There are obviously a lot of situations where shooting from a static position is preferred, but this can be limiting if you require something a little more dynamic. Learning to effectively shoot while on the move is essential for some, and a good skill to have in threatening situations. [Read more…] about Shooting on the Move
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Long Distance Shooting – Technique Tips
It’s no surprise that shooting at longer distances is an art that requires both precision and patience. Whether you’re a competitive shooter or an avid hunter, mastering this skill requires a deep understanding of the fundamentals of shooting, including proper technique, equipment, and the environment. [Read more…] about Long Distance Shooting – Technique Tips
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