Kamala Harris, Guns, and the Blue Wall
Presidential candidate Kamala Harris is doing everything she can to distance herself from some of her questionable comments about firearms. [Read more…] about Kamala Harris, Guns, and the Blue Wall
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Biden Out, Harris In
For months, anyone with an inkling as to the state of Biden’s Presidency could see the writing on the wall. Yet, when news broke late last weekend about Biden’s formal declaration that he wouldn’t be seeking a second term, there was still some shock in the air. [Read more…] about Biden Out, Harris In
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RFK Jr. Announces He’s Running, Kremlin Drone Attack, Self-Defense is Offense
In America, a battle wages between two sides of a very different coin. Whether you like it or not, this country’s Constitution is what sets it apart from all other democracies throughout the world. More than two hundred years later, the fundamentals drafted by our forefathers remain pertinent. [Read more…] about RFK Jr. Announces He’s Running, Kremlin Drone Attack, Self-Defense is Offense
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Tucker Carlson Out at Fox News
Early Monday morning, news broke that the polarizing television personality Tucker Carlson was out at Fox. The announcement was abrupt and shocking to many. When the highest-rated television personality is sent packing, the world takes notice.
Tucker Carlson, whether you like him or not, had ratings that any broadcast station would salivate over. Reruns of his show drew higher viewership than any other rival show competing in the same space. To relate his stature to sports, Tucker leaving Fox is a lot like when Michael Jordan left the Chicago Bulls in the mid-1990s. [Read more…] about Tucker Carlson Out at Fox News
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Don’t Be A Goat. Vote.
My family emigrated to the West in hopes of starting a new life. A life where freedom was not only present but written into the Constitution by the country’s forefathers. This isn’t an isolated or unique experience. Millions of immigrants flee their homelands in search of the American Dream. But, it’s in these trying times when we must remember how truly fortunate we are to be sovereign citizens of the United States of America. [Read more…] about Don’t Be A Goat. Vote.
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Obama Worried About ‘Legacy,’ Says Book; Trump Economy Smashing It
The Daily Mail is reporting that a new edition of “Obama: The Call of History” says former president Barack Obama felt a “personal insult” when Donald Trump, rather than Hillary Rodham Clinton, replaced him in the White House, and worried about his “legacy.” [Read more…] about Obama Worried About ‘Legacy,’ Says Book; Trump Economy Smashing It
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NRA Gives Trump a Warm Welcome! Media not so Much
The 147th annual meetings and exhibits of the National Rifle Association opened with a roar featuring appearances of both President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence. However, some in the media seemed willing to reinforce the notion of bias. [Read more…] about NRA Gives Trump a Warm Welcome! Media not so Much

2018 NRA Show — Day 1
An estimated 80,000 proud gun owners are descending on Dallas Texas May 4-6 for the National Rifle Association’s 2018 convention. Of course, K-Var and The Armory are on hand to represent our faith and support for the Second Amendment and to bring you all of the latest news from the show. Here is the Day 1 coverage. [Read more…] about 2018 NRA Show — Day 1

CMP Begins Release of 100,000 M1 Garand Rifles!
Recently, The Armory reported on President Trump’s order to start releasing the government stockpile of 1911s to the Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP). Several of you left your email and asked to be informed as soon as the CMP began taking orders. Now we have news on the M1 Garand to add to the mix. [Read more…] about CMP Begins Release of 100,000 M1 Garand Rifles!

Trump Backs Federal Gun Background Checks
I was writing a post, wondering if Trump would throw gun owners under the bus, then a news bulletin popped up to say he already had. He has instructed Attorney General Jeff Sessions to ban bump stocks and trigger devices. So, the question we need to ask is simple, “Is this a delaying action to keep the gun grabbers at bay, or the start of a total sell out?” I am sure the title of this story alone may be enough to raise gun owners’ hackles. Is President Trump going to make a deal favoring gun control? What about his promises to never go against the Second Amendment during the election and NRA convention? [Read more…] about Trump Backs Federal Gun Background Checks