An Alleged Coup Within Russia and its After-Effects
Late last winter, I embarked on a trip to meet a woman who turned out to be the love of my life. While there, I noticed Ukraine flags on random porches throughout her neighborhood.
Worth mentioning, Iris lives in a predominantly liberal suburb of a Midwestern metropolis. The kind of place where university degrees are common, Subarus are parked in driveways, and pro-choice lawn signs stand erect for the world to see. Virtue signalling at its finest, if you ask me.
At the time, the drumbeats of war by the legacy media were feverishly beating. The likes of CNN and FoxNews warned of a pending Russian invasion based on US Military intelligence. [Read more…] about An Alleged Coup Within Russia and its After-Effects
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Good Guy With Gun to the Rescue
Allen, Texas – Unless you’re living under a rock or off-grid, a gunman stalked an outlet mall in a Texas suburb earlier this week. When the dust settled, eight innocent lives were cut down for no reason.
The assailant, who died on the scene, will remain unnamed in this article. What is of note is that the location where the tragedy occurred was a “gun-free zone”.
What is a gun-free zone? [Read more…] about Good Guy With Gun to the Rescue
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RFK Jr. Announces He’s Running, Kremlin Drone Attack, Self-Defense is Offense
In America, a battle wages between two sides of a very different coin. Whether you like it or not, this country’s Constitution is what sets it apart from all other democracies throughout the world. More than two hundred years later, the fundamentals drafted by our forefathers remain pertinent. [Read more…] about RFK Jr. Announces He’s Running, Kremlin Drone Attack, Self-Defense is Offense
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Week 14: Trans Legislation, Finland to NATO, Trump Arrested!
Our neighbors to the North continue to do their part to emulate the People’s Republic of China. Recently, Canada’s controversial Internet Censorship Bill C-11 passed thanks in large part to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.
What does the bill mean? It means the Trudeau Government gets the right to manipulate an individual’s social media algorithms. It means they control what one can see on varying social platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok, name it, they call the shots.
Sound Orwellian and from a dystopian film? Unfortunately, it’s not. [Read more…] about Week 14: Trans Legislation, Finland to NATO, Trump Arrested!
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The Not So Great Reset and How We Got Here
BUILD BACK BETTER. Google it. Peruse the internet, accumulate as much information concerning the topic, then make an informed decision as to what it means.
Of late, more websites are sharing videos about the ‘Build Back Better’ initiative that pounded the airwaves in the wake of the novel Coronavirus. When these videos drop, the messaging from countless world leaders like President Joe Biden to Turkey’s Erdogan seem eerily similar. It’s almost like they were reading from the same script [which, I assure you, they were]. [Read more…] about The Not So Great Reset and How We Got Here
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